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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090074-9
SUBJECT Geographic - Weather conditions
HOW Economic ?. Crop conditions
PUBLISHED Daily newspapers
PUBLISHED 1 - 30 itu. 1952
MIS oroUMIMT COITAgr nMGryATOM p1[rn MI nl MAnoM1L o1M[[
or TIC YMIT[o "An. Onq TM[ MINIM Mr nrmuu, OCT ro
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COMT[Mn M o ~[ rro?
01 T YMAOnMAn[MII roll Mm.
DATE DIST. /7 Oct 1952
,umbers in parentheses refer to appended sources; underlined dates refer to
days of publication. All temperat,n?es are in degrees centigrade]
the ~esterdsy's temperatures in Leningrad were 10 degrees above zero during
morning, and 14 degrees during the day.(1)
Temperatures at :500 were 13 degrees above zero in Vitebsk, 16 in Minsk and
Mogilev, 17 in Vileyka and Bobruysk, 2,8 in rrodno and Mozyr', 19 in Barano-
vichi and Pinsk, and 20 in Brest,(2)
2 June
This morning, cool weather prevailed in the northern regions of the Eu-
ropeae: 'SSE, It was very va.-m in the Ukraine and Volga Region, local rains
were recorded in the western U_R l , Belorussia, and central regions of the Eu-
ropean USSR.
Temperatures at 0900 hours this morning were 3 degrees above zero in Mur-
mansk -n3 .:ar'yan-Mar, 4 in S5Lekhard, 13 in Tallin and Gor'kiy, 14 in Ark-
hangelsk, Leningrad, and Kirov, 16 in Minsk and Stalingrad, 17 in Voronezh,
Sochi, and Stavropol;, 18 in Kuybyshev and Lvov, 19 in Yalta and Stalino,
20 in Poltava, Kiev, and Kishir_ev, 21 in Sverdlovsk, and 22 in Gur'yev.
Last right'a lowest temperature in Moscow was 12 degrees above zero; it
was 17 degrees at ngoi. today.(3)
3 June
Yesterday during the day, warm, mostly cloudy weather was observed in
ally Temperatures at
1500 wereal7 degreesiaboveuzerosinrP otsk,.e18rdeDr'isea, 19 in Mogilev, 20
in Bobrruysk, 21 in Minsk, 23 in Slutsk, 24 in Gomel', 25 in Grodno, 26 in
Brest, 27 in Lel'chitsy, and 28 in Bragin.(2)
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090074-9
?=~`:~"cr~rlas 50X1-HUM
Temperatures at 0900 this morning were one degree above zero in Ear'yan-
Kir, 3 in Murmansk, 13 in Arkhangel'ek, Leningrad, and Molotov, 15 in Kirov
? and Kuybyshev, 16 in Riga, Vologda, and Sarato', 17 in Gor'kiy and Voronezh,
18 in Kalinin, Minsk,, and Sochi, 20 in Lvov, Kiev, Odessa, Yalta, Rostov,:and
Chkalov, and 22 in Astrakhan'.
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 8 degrees above zero; it was
20 decrees at noon today.(3)
'!esterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 14 degrees above zero during
the morning, and 16 degrees during the day.(1)
During the past 24 hours, showers with thunderstorms fell in Belorussia.
Yesterday during the day, temperatures were 20 deg: see above zero in Bychikha,
21 in Polotsk and Vitebsk, 22 in Minsk, 24 in Mogilev, 25 in Gomel' and Grodno,
26 'n Brest, 27 in Pinsk, and 28 in Mozyr'.(2)
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 13 degrees above zero; it
was 22 degrees at noon today.(3)
During the past 24 hours, cl-sudy weather with rains and thunderstorms was
observed in Belorussia. The greatest amount of precipitation, ranging between
12 and 36 millimeters fell in Grodno, Brest, and Minsk oblasts. Temperatures
at 1500 hours were 14 degrees above zero in Minsk, Mogilev, and Vitebsk, 15 in
Vlleyka, 16 in Baranovichi,'Bobruyek, and'Pinsk, 17 in Brest, 20 in Mozyr', 21
in Gomel', and 23 in Bragin.(2)
This morning, cloudy, cool weather was observed in the Karelo-Finnish SSR,
Komi ASSR, Murmansk and Arkhangelsk oblasts, and central regions of the Eu-
ropean USSR. It was slightly cloudy and cool in the Baltic countries, Belo-
russia, and western Ukraine. Rains fell in the Moldavian SSR and locally in
the central regions of the European USSR. Very warm, dry weather prevailed in
the rest of the European USSR.
Temperatures at 0900 this morning were one degree below zero in Mar yen-
Mar, 1 degree above zero in Msrnansk, 7 in Arkhangelsk, 10 in Minsk, 11 in
Petrozavodsk and Leningrad, 12 in Smolensk, 13 in Orel, 14 in Kiev, 15 in Kirov,
16 in Kazan' and Ufa, 18 in Kishinev and Odessa, 20 in Krasnodar, 21 in Voro-
nezh, Rostov, and Stalingrad, 22 in Saratov, 24 in Yalta and Chkalov, and 25
in Astrakhan'.
Last night's lowest temperatures in Moscow was 13 degrees above zero; it
was 17 legrees at neon today.,(3)
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 11 degrees above zero during
the morning, and 13 degrees during the day.(!)
Yesterday during the day, comparatively cool weather without precipita-
tion was observed in Belorussia. Temperatures at 1500 were 14 in Mogilev,
15 in Minsk, 16 in Polotek, Vileyka, and Brest, 17 in Gomel' and Mozyr', and
18 in Lel'chitsy.(2)
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090074-9
This morning, cold, cloudy weather was observed in Arkhangelsk Oblast,
o~ Kola Peninsula, in Komi ASSR, and the Karelo-Finnish SSR. It was slightly
clcudy and cool in the Baltic countries, Belorussia, Ukraine, and western cen-
tral regions of the USSR. Warm weather was reco-ded only in the lower Volga
Region and western Urals. It was cloudy and re i fell in Kirov Oblast and
the Middl Volga Region. Shovers fell locally _a the Crimea, southern Ukraine,
Northern Caucasus, and western Urals.
Temperatures at 0900 hours this morning were 1 degree below zero in Nar'-
yen-Mar, 4 degrees above zero in Salekhad, 5 in Murmansk, 10 in Leningrad,
Tallin, anC, Vil'nyus, 31 in Kirov, 12 in Minsk, Lvov, and Stalin, 13 in
Sverdlovsk, 14 in Kiev, Gor'kiy, and Kishinev, 15 in Voronezh and Poltava,
16 in Stavropol', 17 in Yalta, 18 in Stalingrad, and 20 in Kuybyahev.(3)
7 June
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 10 degrees during the morning,
and 12 degrees during the day (1)
Yesterday during the day, slightly cloudy weather without precipitation
prevailed for the moat part in Belorussia. Temperatures at 1500 were 15 de-
grees above zero in Brchikha, 16 in Benno, 17 in Minsk and Mogilev, 18 in
Grodno and Gomel', 19 in Zhitkovichi and Lel'chitsy, and 20 in Brest and Pinsk.(2)
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 8 degrees above zero; it
was 14 degrees at moon today.(3)
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 12 degrees above zero during
the morning, and 18 degrees d'ring the day.(1)
In the past 24 hours slightly cloudy weather was recorded in Belorussia.
Temperatures at 1500 hours were 20 degrees stove zero in Mogilev, 21 in Polotak,
Vitebsk, Minsk, Grodno and Brest, 22 in Gomel', and 23 in Pinsk.(2)
Warm weak,ier has stimulated rapid growth of crops in Estopia. Winter rye
has begun to head generally. Flax has raached the stem development stage.
The condition of crops is good.(4)
9 June
This morning, cool weather with rains was observed in the central regions
of the Ukraine, eastern Belorussia, and Smolensk and Velikiye Luki oblasts.
It was rather cold in eastern Arkhangel'ek Oblast, Molotov Oblast, and Komi
ASSR. Warm, slightl-? cloudy weather prevailed in the rest of the European USSR. ;
Showers 'were rece:1"4 in Moscow Oblast.
Temperatures at 0900 hours this morning were zero in Ust'-Tail'ma, 10,de-
grees above zero in Riga and Ufa, 11 in Leningrad and Kirov, 12 in Kaliningrad
and Lvov, 15 in Arkhangelsk, 16 in Chkalov, 17 in Murmansk, Stalingrad, and
Sochi, 18 in Vologda, Orel,.Odessa, &'d Rostov, 19 in vor'kiy, Voronezh, Astra-
khan', and Kiev, and 23 in Yalta.(3)
10 June
Yesterday during the day, light rains were recorded in Vitebsk, Mogilev,
Gom~,'.', and Poles'ye oblaete. Slightly cloudy weather was observed in the rest
of Belorussia.
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090074-9
in Minsk Temperaatures at 1500 were 12 degrees above zero in Mogilev and Gomel', 15
Yr, 16 in Polotak and Vileyka, 17 in Grodno, and 18 in Brest.(2)
11 June
Yesterday during the day, cool, rainy weather was observed in Belorussia.
Temperatures at 1300 hours were 10 degrees above zero to Baranovichi, 11 in
Minsk, 12 in Pinsk, 13 in Vitebsk and Grodno, 14 in Oraha. 15 in Mogilev, and
18 in Gomel$.(2)
This morning, cold weetuer prevailed in northern Arkhangelsk Oblast and
Komi ASSR. The weather was cool in the Baltic countries, Belorussia, most of
the Ukraine, and the western portion of the central regions of the European
USSR. Warm weather with variable cloudiness was observed in the rest of the
European USSR.
Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 2 degrees above zero in Ear 'yen-
Mar, 4 in Murmansk, 6 in Riga, 7 in Kalinin, 10 in Arkhangelsk and Minsk, 11
in Leningrad and Lvov, 12 in Voronezh, 13 in Kiev, 14 in Syktyvkar and Kirov,
15 in Odessa, 18 in Gor'kiy, 19 in Saratov, 20 in Sochi and Yalta, 22 in Ros-
tov and Chkalov, and 23 in Astrakhan'.
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 9 degrees above zero; it
was 14 degrees at noon today.(3)
12 June
During the past 24 hours, it was cool in Belorussia. Rain fell almost
generally. Temperatures at 1500 were 10 degrees above zero in Mogilev, 11
in Grodno, 12 in Brest, polotek, and Minsk, 13 in Vitebsk and Pinsk, 14 in
Gomel', and 1.5 in Zhlobin.(2)
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscou was 7 degrees above zero; it
was 13 degrees at noon today.(3)
13 June
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 15 degrees above zero during
the morning, and 17 degrees during the day.(!)
During the past 24 hours cool weather prevailed in Belorussia. Rains
fell in the southern half. Temperatures at 1500 were 11 degrees above zero
in Pinsk and Mozyr' 12 in B&.anovichi, Novogrudok, and Gomel', 14 in Brest,
Grodno, and Bobruysk, 15 in Minsk and Bychikha, and 16 in Borisov.(2)
14 ?Au*_e
Yesterday during the day, =hovers with thunderstorms fell in the northern
half of Belorussia. ^imperatares at 1500 hours were 13 in Minsk and Polotsk,
15 in Grodno, 16 in Brest, 19 in Gomel' and Mogilev, and 20 in Mozyr' and
On 13 June, mostly dry weather with slight cloudiness and light winds was
recorded in the Est_aian 88F. Light rains fell only in the southern portion.(4)
15 June
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 13 degrees during the morning,
and 18 degrees during the day.(1)
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090074-9
Yesterday, slightly cloudy, warm weather prevailed in Beloru ssia. -
peratures at 1500 were 17 degrees above zero in Grodno, 19 in Baranovichi,
20 in Minsk, Polotsk, Mogilev, and Pinsk, 21 in Gomel', and 22 in Vasilevichi.(2)
16 June
LWo weather reports were published on this date.]
17 June
This morning,, cool weather prevailed in the western Ukraine, Belorussia,
and the Ealtic countries. Rain fell in Estonia, Velikiye Luki, Polotsk, Mogilev,
Gomel', and Bobruyak oblasts, and the central Ukraine. Warm, dry weather was
recorded in the rest of the European USSR.
Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 10 degrees above zero in Tallin,
12 in.Petrozavodsk, Kaliningrad, Minsk, and Lvov, 13 in Yalta, 17 in Rar'yan-
Mar and Kiev, 18 in Leningrad and Stalingrad, 19 in Krasnodar, 20 in Murmansk,
Ufa, Rostov, and Sochi, 21 in Arkhangel'sk, Orel, and Kuybyshev, 22 in Kirov,
Vologda, Voronezh, Odessa, and Chkalov, and 24 in Gor'kiy.(3)
18 June
Yesterday during the day, light rains fell in eastern Belorussia. Cloudy
weather prevailed in the rest of the republic. Temperatures at 1500 were 15
degrees above zero in Gomel!, 16 in Mogilev, Minsk, and Grodno, 17 in Polotsk,
and 18 in Brest.(2)
This morning, warm, dry weather prevailed in the northeastern, eastern,
and southeastern regions of the European USSR. Light rains fell locally in
Moscow, Yaroslavl', Vologda, and Voronezh oblasts. It was slightly cloudy
and cool in the European USSR.
Jest night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 12 degrees above zero; it
was 18 degrees at noon today.(3)
1 June
Yesterdays temperatures in Leningrad were 13 degrees above zero during
the morning, and 16 degrees during the day.(1)
Yesterday during the day, warm, dry weather with moderate cloudiness was
observed in Belorussia. Temperatures at 1500 were 17 degrees above zero in
Bychikha, 18 in Mogilev, 19 in Minsk and Bobruysk, 20 in Pinsk, and 21 in Brest
and Mozyr'.(2)
Th morn'-,g, moderately varm, slightly cloudy weather prevailed in the
European USSR. Rains fell loc&L'y in the Karelo-Finnish SSR, eastern Leningrad
Oblast, and Vologda Oblast.
Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 12 degrees above zero in Murmansk,
13 in Volcgda, 17 in Gor'kiy, 18 in Voronezh, Riga, and Chkalov, 19 in Arkhan-
gel'ak, Leningrad, Minsk, Kiev, and Molotov, 20 in Lvov, Yalta, and Kuybyshev,
21 in Kirov, Saratov, and Sochi, 22 in Odessa, 23 in Rostov, and 24 in Stalin-
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 8 degrees above zero; it
was 20 degrees at noon today.(3)
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090074-9
the morning, and Yesterday's
20 degrees temperatures in Leningrad were 15 degrees above zero during
a during the day.(1)
Yesterday during the day, 'arm weather was observed in Belorussia. Show-
ers fell in.the western part of the republic. Temperatures at 1500 hours were
degrees above zero in 0rodno, 21 in Baranovichi, 22 in Polotsk, Vitebsk, and
M18 ogilev, 23 in Minsk and Bobruysk, 24 in Gomel', and 26 in Mozyr'.(2)
Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 11 degrees above zero, in Murmansk,
14 in Kaliningrad, Tallin, and Minsk, 15 in Leningrad, 16 in Lvov, 17 in Smo-
lensk an, Vologda, 19 in Yalta, 20 in Kursk, Ufa, and Sochi, 21 in Voronezh
and Rostov, 22 in Kiev, Arkhangelsk, Kharkov, Saratov, and Molotov, 23 in
Kuvbyshev, and 24 in Stalingrad and Chkalov.
Lest night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 10 degrees above zero; it
was 10 degrees at noon today.(3)
the morning, temperatures in Leningrad were 16 degrees above zero during
ing, and 17 degrees during the day.(1)
Yesterday during the day, light rains fell in extreme northwestern Belo-
russia. Temperatures at 1500 were 19 degrees above zero in Novogrudok, 20 in
Minsk, Polotsk, and Vileyka, 21 in Vitebsk and Volkovyak, 22 in Brest Slutsk,
and Oreha, 23 in Pinsk and Gomel', 24 in Zhlobin, and 25 in Mozyr'.(2
22 June
Yesterday during the day, overcast weather with rain prevailed in Belo-
russia. Temperatures at 1500 were 14 degrees above zero in Brest and 0rodno,
15 in Minsk and Mogilev, 16 in Oreha, 18 in Polotsk, and 21 in Gomel'
2 June (-)
SSR, morning, cloudy weather with rain was observed in the Karelo-Finnish
, western Arkhangelsk Oblast, and the Baltic countries.StalingradShovers Obwelraeote:re.-
corded locally in the Caucasus, and Voronezh, Ryazan' and
Slightly cloudy weather without precipitation prevailed in the rest of the Euro-
pean USSR.
Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 4 degrees above zero in Nar'yan-
Mar, 10 in Riga, 12 in Minsk, 13 in Petrozavoddk and Leningrad, 14 in Murmansk
and Ee.liningrad, 15 in Arkhangelsk and Rostov, 16 is Voronezh, 17 in Lvov
and Kiev, .18 in Kharkov and Odessa, 21 in Molotov, 22 in Syktyvkar and Yere-
van, 23 in Yalta, and 26 in Saratov.
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 10 degrees above zero; it
was 21 degrees at noon today.(3) ,
24 June
Yesterday's temperatures .in Leningrad were 13 degrees during the morning,
and 15 degrees during the day.(1)
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090074-9
Yesterday, showers with thunderstorms occurred in the northwestern half
of Belorussia. Temperatures at 1500 were 17 degrees above zero in Polotsk,
18 in Vitebsk and Vileyka, 19 in Mogilev, 20 in" Minsk, 21 in Brest, 22 in
Bobruysk, Beranoviehi, and Gomel', 23 in Mozyr, and 24 in Pinsk.(2)
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow war 12 degrees above zero; it
was 23 derrees at noon today.(3)
During the past 24 hours, almost general rains accompanied by thunder-
sto.-ms fell in Belorussia. Tmpr:atures at 1500 were 13 degrees above zero
in Mozyr' and Mogilev, 14 in Vitebsk, 15 in Grodno, 16 in Minsk, Polotsk, and
Brest, 17 in Baranovichi, 18 in Gomel', 3:d 19 in Pinsk. (2)
26 June
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 15 degrees above zero during
the morning, and 20 degrees during the day.(1)
Yesterday during the day, rain fell in southeastern Belorussia. Dry
weather prevailed in the rest of the republic
degrees above zero in . Temperatures at 1500 were 12
Minsk, and 18 in Poiotsk.(2) 14 in vhlobin, 16 in Mogilev and Brest, 17 in
This morning, warm, dry weather prevailed in the Volga Region and the
eastern European USSR. Rain fell' in Smolensk, Moscow, Kalinin, and Vologda
aoblasts. Showers were recorded locally in the eastern Ukraine, Komi ASSR,
and the Transcausus. It was slightly cloudy and cool in the western and
northwestern regions.
Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 12 degrees above zero in Lvov,
13 in Minsk and Kishinev, 15-in Kiev and Tallin,_6 in Leningrad, '
and Murmansk, 19 in Stalino and Stavropol', 20 in Yalta, 21 in Sochi, Poltava
Sverdlovsk, and Arkhangelsk, 22 in Voronezh and Nar'yan-Mar., 23 in Kirov,
25 in Stalingrad; 26 in Gor'kiy and-Gur'yev, and 28 in Ku^hyshev.
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 16 degrees above zero; it
was 26 degrees at noon today.(3)
27 June;
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Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 16 degrees above zero during
the morning, and 19 degrees durinE the clay.(-I)
raineYest erday during )the day, cloudy weather prevailed in Beloru~gsia. Light
This morning, very warm weather with temperatures between 20 and 26 de-
grees prevailed in the Northern Caucasus, Volga Region, eastern Komi ASSR, and
the western central regions of the European USSR.
last night's'lowest temperature in Moscow was 19 degrees above zero; it
was 27 degrees at noon today-(3)
28 June
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 15 degrees above zero during
the morning, and 18 degrees during the day.(1)
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090074-9
On 27 June, warm weather with slight cloudiness and light winds was ob-
served in the Estonian SSR.(4)
29 June
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 16 degrees above zero during
tha morning, and 17 degrees during the day.(1)
In past 24 hours, rain fell in Belorussia. The heaviest rain occurred
in Polotak and Vitebsk oblasts. Temperatures at 1500 were 15 degrees above
zero in Mink, Borisov, and Polotak, 17 in Bobruysk, 16 in Baranovichi, 20 in
Pinsk, and 24 degrees in Brest and Mogilev.(2)
30 June
This morning, warm weather prevailed in most of the Buropean USSR. Show-
ers and local thunderstorms were recorded in the Ukraine and Belorussia. It
was very warm in the Lower Volga Region and the southeastern European USSR.
Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 15 in Vil'nyus, 16 in Eer'yan-Mar
and Poltava, 17 in Riga, Lvov, Kishinev, and Stavropol', 18 in Murmansk, Kiev,
Yalta, Stalino, and Voronezh, 19 in Fchi, 20 in Leningrad, 22 in Arkhangelsk,
23 in Gor'kiy, Kirov and Chelyabinsk, 24 in Stalingrad, 26 in Kuybyshev, 27 in
Astrakhan', and 29 in Gur'yev.
last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 19 degrees above zero; it
was 25 degrees at noon today.(3)
1. Leningrad, Leningradskaya Pravda
2. Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussia
3. Moscow, Vechernyaya Moskva
4. Tallin, Sovetskaya Estonlya
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