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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090084-8 CLASSIFICATION ;;crux .~i,: ;qgt,~~;, CENTRAL It:7~LLI~ENCl:OAC;~J`t4Y REPORT !NFt'JRMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BRO/ OCASTS CD f:0. COUNTRY SUBJECT US:,'fl Economic - Agriculture,,crops DATE OF INFORMATION 1952 HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers DATE DIST. ~~ Oct 1952 WHERE PUBLISHED USSR N0. OF PAGES 7 DATE PUBLISHED 16 - 31 Jul 195" LANGUAGE Russian SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. rxn ooeuuwr eowrun uroumow unrnwo m wwnown ovum or txw uuno vwm ani^ uc num or unauu ~a wo w. w. c.. sr ~ws u.u wwnero. m ruwnunow ow uc rvrunow ar m cownwn a ur uwwu ro ww uuurxou:ww renew a rwo~ wrnne v u~. unuucnow or rwu rou a noxurtm. LAG IN USSR HAY AND GRAIN HARVEST `J:Jnbers in ~alEntheaeP. refer to appended eourr-ea_] USSR Heavy rainfall during the spring of 1952 proaoted the flowering o? roses on the volatile oil plantations of the co+:rJtryra kolkhozee and sovkhozes. As oP 10 July, mote then 500,000 kilograms of roaF petals had been collected. More than 50 percent of this yuantJ.,y vas provided by the eovkhozee oP Glavparfyumer (Main Administration of PerfuJC~;~, M?nietry of Food Industry USSR. The rose oil extracted from the ~gj2 harvee; yetais ie already reaching the perfc:me facto- ries, where it is being convey?ed irtc high-qufillty perfume and Eau de Co- logne.(1) Karelo-Finnish 93R As of 15 July, the 1052 plan Por hay ma?+ing in kolkhozes of the republic had been met only ll.l percent, that for ensilage storage only 18.5 percent. In meny kolkhozes, a great time lag occurs between mowing and stacking; more than 30 percent of the graese~ moved have not been atacked.(2) Estonian SSR Instead of the former 3,000 small kolkhozee, there are now 1,037 larger kolkhozes in the republic. There are 65 MTS in the republic; M13 tractor power hoe increased 11 times during the postwar years; in 1952, MT3 are to receive 500 additionei tractors.(3} Latvian SSR In 1951, the areas sown to various crops in kolkhozee ~f the republic in- creased over 1950 as follows: flex, 23 percent; vegetables, 39 percent; and ensilage crops, 66 percent, In 1991, kolkhozes iulfiiled ahead of schedule the plan for delivery to the stale of ell types of prodJJCts, both plant and ani- mal.(,4) STATE NAVY ARMY AIR Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090084-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090084-8 The following table shows percentage fulfillment of the 1~j2 plans for hay moving and ensilage storage in oblasts of the republic, as of 25 July (5); Oblast Natural Grasses Mowed Soon Grasses Moved E nsilage Stored --_ Daugavpila 49.G 75 0 46 Liyepaya Riga 70.0 6 87 0 .0 0.0 72.0 24.0 4t present, the 1,513 consolidated kolkhozes in the republic include 98.4 percent of all peasant households in the republic. The kolkhozes have been al- loted in Perpetuitq more than 3,592,000 hectares of land. At present there are 105 MTS in the republic. During the period 1949 through 1951, MTS tractor power increased more than 1.7 times and volume of tractor work performed 2.6 times. In 1951, the republic received about 1,000 tractors, 250 combines, 400 threshers, and more than 3,500 other agricultural machinea.(6) Belorussian SSR Ttie following table shove percentage fulfillment of the 1952 plena for harvesting oP winter grain crops, hay mowi:g, and ensilage storage in kolkhozes of the republic, as of 25 July (7); Oblast Winter Grain Cr R Winter Grain Crops Reaped Natural Grasses Ensilage ops eaped by Combine Mowed Stored Baranovichi -- - Bobruysk - 83.4 41.4 Brest 15 5 -- 56.0 31,9 Gomel' . 4 p 0'1 82.9 38.8 Grodno , 4 6 0.2 60.1 43.3 Minsk . -- -- 68.7 24.8 Mogilev Molod h -- -- 66.6 41.1 ec no ?- 64.0 23 2 3j'8 0 2 1 1 . Poles e 25 3 . 7 . l0 9.2 Polotsk . 0_7 60 6 80 4 Vitebsk -- -- . 49.9 . 74.0 Ukrainian SSR As of 20 July, the Ministry of Agriculture Ukrainian SSR issued the fol? loving progress report on the grain harvest in oblasta of the republic: In Kherson, Nikolayev, Zaporozh'ye, and Odessa oblasts, where harvesting has been in progress for more than 15 days, only 22-32 percent of the spiked grain crop has been reaped; in Izmail' Oblast, where harvesting began even earlier, only 40 percent of the grain crop has been reaped. The harvest is progressing slowly in many kolkhozes of Kirovograd, Poltava, and Kiev oblasts, despite the fact that grain in these oblaste is fully ripe. In Kirovograd Oblast, 18.5 percent of the grain hea been reaped, including only 6.6 percent by combine; daily output per operating combine in this oblsst is only 4.2 hectares. In Poltava Oblast, 23.2 percent of the grain has been reaped, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090084-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090084-8 r In Kherson Oblast, xhere 31.8 percent of the grain crop has been hax^~ested by combine, straw has been collected and atack~d Prom only 2.4 percent of the combined area. Comparable percentage figures for other oblasta are as follows: Nikolayev 6, Kharkov 9, Odessa 10, and Zaporozh'ye 15. Collection of straw and chaff Prom combined fields is equally poor in Kirovogred, Dnepropetrovsk, and ether oblasta. In Kiev, Poltava, and Kamenets-Podol'sk oblasta, only 1.8-5.0 percent of the grain reaped with simple machines and by hand has been stacked. In Nikolayev, Odeaea, and Stalino oblasta, less than 5 percent of the rrea intended Por sowing to winter crops has been plowed; in Kherson Oblast, hardly any land was plowed during the last 10 days.(8) As of 20 July, percentage fulfillment oP 1952 plans fur various operations was as follows Sn Kameneta-Podol'sk and Zhitomir oblasts(9): Spiked grain crops reaped Grain 7.9 7.8 crops threshed Land f 13.3 1.3 or winter crops plowed Ensila 9.6 4 8 ge stored Coars f dd 9.8 52.5 e o er procured 7.7 5.5 Fodder procurement is proceeding at a faster rate in kolkhozea of the re- public. During the first half of July, 420,000 more hectares were mowed than during the corresponding period of 1951. About one-third of the entire area of natural and sown gras.:es wsa mowed by tractor-drawn and self-propelled mowers. Mowing of hay has been completed on the natural grasslands of kolkhozea in Vin- nitsa and Odessa oblasts.(10) Moldavian SSR The following table shows percentage fulfillment of the 1952 grain-har- veating plan in kolkhozea of the republic, as of 25 July (11): Ckru~ Spiked Grain Crops Reaped Spiked Grain Crops Reaped by Combine Crops From Reaped A Straw rea Threshed Stacked Bel'tay 69.4 41.7 11 0 Kagul' 69.6 54.5 . 1 34.9 Kishinev 4 7.2 43.1 Tiraspol' 72.8 3.3 21.8 44.9 57.1 17.8 45.1 Considerable grain losses are being pej fitted on fields nO the republic, especially in kolkhozea of Kagul' Okrug.(12 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090084-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090084-8 Georgian SSR The Ministry of Agriculture Georgian SSR reported that, ae of 15 July, 61,861 hectares of spiked grain crops had been reaped Sn kolkhozea of the re- public, including 45,243 hectares by combine. Corresponding figures Por the two oblasts were as follows: in Tbilisi Oblast, 59,192 hec*.area had been reaped, including 44,272 hectares by combine; in Kutaisi Oblast, 2,635 hectares had been reaped. Moving of natural grasses was continuing. As of 15 July, the 1952 plan. Por hay mowing in kolkhozes of the republic as a whole had been met 30.6 per- cent. Kolkhazea of the republic's various subdivisions had met the hay-moving plan as follows: Tbilisi Oblast, 41.5 percent; Kutaisi Oblast, 1.5 percent; Abkhaz ASSR, 10.1 percent; Adzhar ASSR, 3.8 percent; and South Osetian Autono- mous Oblast, 3.7 percent.(13) The Ministry of Agriculture Georgian SSR reported that, as of 25 July, 141,245 hectares of grain crops had been reaped in the republic, including 97,392 hectares by combine. Kolkbozes of Tbilisi Oblast had reaped 133,784 hecturea, including ^5,226 hectares by combine. In kolkhozes of Tbilisi Oblast, 91,146 hectares of natural grasses had been moved; these represented 67.2 percent of the mowing plan. In kolkhozes of South Osetian Autonomous Ob1aEt, 13,433 hectares had been mowed; these repre- sented 74.6 percent of the moving plan. As of 25 July, tobacco-groving kolkhozes of the republic had cut and strung 9,9,915 string-meters (shnurometry) of tobacco, including 5,413,100 string-meters in Abkhaz ASSR and 3,607,062 string-meters in Tbilisi Oblast.(14) Azerbaydzhan SSR Harvesting of grain crops, grain procurement, and care cf cotton fields are completely unsatisfactory in the republic. Combines and other harvesting machines are used inefficiently; specifically, machines are permitted to stand idle for excessively long periods of time. These conditions lead to delays in harvesting ripe grain and to considerable grain losses. Despite a considerably larger number of combines on hand, MTS and sovkhozes had fulfilled the plan for harvesting of grain crops by combine manly 45.3 Fercent as of 10 July. For the purpose of stopping present and preventing future diversion of grain intended for deliver;; to the state, tiie l,uncil of Ministers Azerbaydzhan SSR has decried that k?lkhoses, kolkhoz workers, and peasants with personal plots are prohibited from selling or bartering grain, rice, flour, groats, and bread at all city and village markets, wharves, and railroad stations in Azer- baydzhan SSR until the 1952 plan fir delivery of grain +.o the state has been fulfilled.(15) Kolkhozes and sovkhozes of Krasnodar Kray are harvesting barley and winter wheat. First threshing results indicate that a good harvest will be obtained in the Kuban'.(16) Reaping, threshing, cleaning, and loading of grain onto trucks are almost fully mechanized in Krasnodar Kray. During the first days of mass harvesting, organizational deficiencies be- came evident. In some areas of the kray, grain losses are permitted. Machines are not everywhere used so as to obtain utmost productivity. Combines are per- mitted to stand idle.(12) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090084-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090084-8 Th. hot weather of the last few days has promoted rapid ripening of grain crops in Altay Kray. Selective reaping of winter grains has begun in some areas of the kray.(17) The following table shave percentage fulfillment of the 1952 plans for hay moving and)ensilage storage in kolkhozes and sovkhozes of the republic, as of 25 July (18 ; The following table shows percentage fulfillment of the 1952 plan for grain delivery to the state by oblasts of the republic, ae of 25 July (19): Oblast Fulfillment Oblast Fulfillment Andizhan Bukha ~'S Khorezm ~- 22 1 ra Fer a 26.9 Namangan . 28 g na Kara K l k 28.9 Samarkand .7 54 - a pa ASSR Ka hk D -- Surkhan-Darya .9 62 s a- arya 41.8 Tashkent .0 32.0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090084-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090084-8 r Tadzhik SSR In 1951, the republic did not fulfill its obligations for cotton produc- tion. There were also serious deficiencier? in the matter of grain deliveries and deliveries of oleaginous crops. The plans for delivery of almost ell types of animal products were nos fulfilled. In 1952, good grain and oleaginous crops are being grown, Much work is being done on the cotton fields to counteract the effects of an unfavorable spring and early summer. The grain harvest is in progress in the main grain- growing regions, but both reaping and threshing are procee?ing in an unsatis- factory manner. Harvesting is being performed badly in Leninabad and Kulyab oblasts. In the largest grain-grouting rayons of the republic - Dangarinakiy, Kzyl-Maza^skiy, Yavanskiy, Dagana-Kiikskiy, Fayzabadskiy, and Ura-Tyubinskiy - the harvest is being gathered at a sloe rate. Moat MPS of the republic are performing their work badly. Combine productivity is extremely low. Grain losses are permitted during harvesting. Storage of grain 1s unsatisfactory. Although conditions for harvesting fodder are ideal in the republic, all means are far from being utilized. The progress being made in the republic in building new and repairing old livestock shelters is very unsatisfactory. Procurement of meat, milk, and wool is somewhat better in 1952 than in 1951. Procurement of fruits is unsatiafactory.(20) Maas harvesting of grain crops began 2 weeks ago in kolkhozes of Leninabad Oblast. During this period, it should have been possible to harvest at least 40,000 hectares with full utilization of all available machinery; actually, only 21,000 hectares were hervested.(21) Kirgiz SSR watts Gy. Lry winds alternate with thuzderetorm-like downpours. Barley and winter xheat have In 1951, Tyan'-Shan Oblast procured little fodder; hay and other fodder barely lasted until midxinter. The same thing can be expected 1n 1952, since the plan for sowing of fodder crops remained unfulfilled.(23) SOURCES 1. Yerevan, Kommunist, 16 Jul 52 2. Petrozavodsk, Leninskoye 2namye, 20 Jul 52 3? Tallin, Sovetskaya Eatoniya, 20 Jul 52 '~. Riga, Sovetskaya Latviys, 16 Jul 52 5? ibid., 27 Jul 52 6. Ibid., 19 Jul 52 7. Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, 29 Jul 52 8. Kiev, Pravda Ukrainy, 23 Jul 52 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090084-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090084-8 r 9. Kiev, Pravda Ula~ainy, 24 Jul 52 10. IDid., 22 Tul 52 11. Kishinev, Sovetskaya Moldaviya, 27 Jul 52 12. ldoscox, Pravda, 21 Jul 52 13? Tbilisi, 2nrya Voetoka, 19 Jul 52 14. Ibid., 30 Jul 52 15? Baku, Bakinskiy RaDochiy, 18 Jul 52 16. pravda, 17 Jul 52 17? Alma-Ata, Kazakhstanskays Pravda, 31 Jul 52 18. Ibid., 30 Jul 52 19. Tashkent, Pravda Vostoka, 29 Jul 52 20. Stalinabad, Kommunist Tadzhikistana, 18 Jul 52 21. Ibid., 19 Jul 52 22. I'runze, Sovetskaya Kirgiziya, 22 Jul 5?. 23? Ibid., 18 Jul 52 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090084-8