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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160296-5
PUBLISHED naily newspapers
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.. ..~ ~.. ?o~. ~... ,o~P. ~,. ,....~?~o,~o. . .
DATE DIST. el$ Feb ].954
Numbers in parenthe.^.es refer to appended sources; under-
lined dates refer to dates of publication; all temperatures are
in degrees centigrade .7
1 August
Lart night's lowest temperature in Dloscow was 18 degrees above zero; it
was 27 degrees at noon today.(1)
Yesterday during the day, showers, accompanied by thunderstorms, fell in
the we.^--tern portion of the Belorussian SSR. Temperatures at 1500 hours were
19 degrees above zero i^ Hrest, 20 in Grodno, 22 in tQogilev, 23 in Polotsk,
a.4 in Vitebel: and Minsk, 26 in Gomel' and Pinsk, and 30 in Lel'chitsy.(2)
Yesterday during the day, variable cloudines^, prevailed in the Belorussian
SSR. Light rains were recorded in some localities. Temperatures at 1500 were
7.8 degreer, above zero in Pinsk, 20 in Vitebsk, 21 in Mogilev, and 22 in Gomel',
Brest., snd Grodno.(2)
Last night's lowest temperature in Mosco~..~ was 17 degrees above zero; it
wa:; ).9 degrees at noon today.(1)
Ia~t night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 12 degrees above zero: it
wa_ 19 degreer at noon today.(;.)
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160296-5
Yesterday during the day, comparatively warm weather with variable cloud-
iness prevailed in the Belorussian SSR. Showers, accompanied by thunderstorms,
fell in the northern portion of the republic. Temperatures at 1500 hours were
14 degrees above zero in B,ychikha, 17 in Orsha, 19 in Grodno, 21 in Minsk, Brest,
and Baranovichi, and 23 in Lel'chitsy.(2)
Yesterday's temperatures 'n Leningrad were 17 degrees above zero during
the morning, 18 du~c~., during, the day.(3)
5 August
Last night's lowest temperature 1n Moscow and the temperature at noon
today were both 15 degrees above zero.(1)
Yesterday during the day, rain^, fell in the southeastern portion of the
Belorussian SSR. Temperatures at 1500 hours were 14 degrees above zero in
Pinsk, 18 in Minsk, Polotsk, Vitebsk, and Mogilev, and 20 in Grodno, Brest,
and Gomel'.(2)
6 August
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 11 degrees above zero: it
was 19 degrees at noon today.(1)
Yesterday during the day, comparatively cool weather prevailed in the
Belorussian SSR. Rains were recorded in the extreme western portion of the
republic. Temperatures at 1500 hours were 14 degrees above zero in Grodno,
18 in Vitebsk, 19 in D11nsk and Baranovichi; 20 in Mogilev and Bobruysk, and
21 in Bragin.(2)
On 5 August, increasing cloudiness was recorded in the Estonian SSR.
Rains began in the western portion of the republic. Moderate southeast winds
prevailed in most of the republic and strong winds on the seacoast. Daytime
temperatures ranged between 16 and 19 degrees above zero.(4)
7 nuguat
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow wne 15 degrees above zero;
it was 16 degrees at noon today.(1)
Yesterday during the day, cloudy with clearing weather prevailed in the
Belorussian SSR. Rains were recorded in some localities. Temperatures at
1500 hours were 14 degrees above zero in Gomel', 15 in Pinsk, 16 in Mozyr,
17 in Minsk and Mogilev, and 18 in Polotsk and Brest.(2)
8 August
Last night's lowest temperature in tQoscoir was 10 degrees above zero; it
was 18 degrees at noon today.(1)
Yesterday during the day, cool weather prevailed in the Belorussian SSR.
Showers were recorded everywhere. Temperatures at 1500 hours were 15 degrees
above zero in Baranovichi, 16 in Polotsk, tdinsk, and Grodno, and 17 in Gomel',
Pinsk, and Orsha.(2)
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 13 degrees above zero during
the morning, 17 degrees during the day.(3)
On 7 August, variable cloudiness with showers in some localities pre-
vailed in the Estonian SSR. Light winds prevailed and daytime temperatures
ranged between 17 and 21 degrees above zero.(4)
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160296-5
9 August
Yesterday during the day, cool weather with ..^,howers prevailed in the
Belorussian SSR. Temperatures at 1500 hours were 12 degrees above zero in
Orzha, 14 in PolotsY., Mozyr, and Brest, 16 in Baranovichi and Gomel', 17 in
Minsk, Vitebsk, and Grodno, 18 in Mogilev, and 20 in Pruzhany and Vysokiy.(2)
10 August
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 11 degrees above zero; it
wa:; 17 degrees at noon today.(1)
11 August
Lsst night's lowest temperature in 6losccw was 12 degrees above zero; it
was 19 degrees at noon today.(1)
Yesterday during the day, comparatively warm weather without precipitation
prevailed in the Belorussian SSR. Temperatures at 1500 hours were 18 degrees
above zero in Vitebsk, 20 in Mogilev, 21 in t??insk, Gomel', and Novogrudok, 22
in Crodno, Baranovichi, and Hobruysk, and 23 in Hrest.(2)
12 August
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscew ?.,?as 14 degrees above zero; it
was 20 degrees at noon today.(1)
Yesterday during the day, warm, dry ~.renther with wriable cloudiness
prevailed in the Belorussian SSR. Temperatures at 1500 hours were 23 degrees
above zero in Gomel', Polotslc, and Mogilev, 24 in 24ins1:, 25 in Baranovichi,
and 26 in Brest.(2)
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 16 degrees above zero during
the morning, 21 degrees during the day.(31
13 August
This morning, cloudy weather with rains in some localities was recorded
in the western portion of Arkhangel'akaya, Vologodskaya, and i?folotovskaya
oblasts and the eastern portions of the Bashkirsl?.ava ASSR and the Ukrainian
Temperatures nt 0700 this morning mere 9 degrees above zero in I?SurmansY.,
11 in Pin^>k, 13 in Leningrad, Diinsk., and Lvov, 14 in Vologda, Gor'kiy, Kiev,
and Kirov, 15 in Arkhangelsk and Kazan', 16 in Kuybyshev and Ust'-Tsi1'ma,
?.7 in Molotov and Rostov, 18 in Odessa, 20 in Astrakhan', 21 in Stalingrad,
and 22 in Sochi and Batum.
Last night's lowest temperature in btoscow wa^, 10 degrees above zero; it
was 17 deg:ecs at noon today.(1)
Yesterday during the day, variable cloudiness prevailed in the Aelorussian
SSR. Storms were recorded in come localities ;n the southeasterr. portion ~f
the republic. Temperatures at 1500 hours were 19 degrees above ;:ero in tlinsk
and,PolotsY., 20 in Lida, 21 in btogilev and Daranovichi, 23 in P_n~i;, Lel'chitsy,
and Gomel', and 21 in Brest.(2)
14 August
Last night': lowest temperature in iSoscoa w,.;: 14 degrees above; it
was 1'7 degrees above at noon today.(1)
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160296-5
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160296-5
Yesterday during the day, ;hovers fell in some locn].ities in the eastern
portion of the Belorussian SSR, Temperatures at ].500 hours were 17 degrees
above zero in Zhlobin, 18 in btogilev and Polotsk, ]9 in Gomel', Vitebsk, nrd
idinsk, 20 in Pinslc, and 22 in Grodno.(2)
This morning, rains fell in MoskovsYa}a, Kalininskayn, Vladimirslxiya,
Kostrcroskaya, Ivanovovskaya, Ryazans}~ya, Srolenskaya, and Vologodskaya oblasts,
Temperatures at 0900 hours this morning were 13 degrees above zero in
Lvov, 14 in Kiev, 15 in i,rl;hangel'sY., Smolensk, and Voronezh, 16 in 6ltrrmansk
and Leningrad, 17 in Khar'l:ov, 18 in Riga, Vologda, and Odessa, 19 in Rostov
and Gor'kiy, 20 in Snrato?r, ?_2 in Kuybuyshev nrd Ufa, 23 in Kazan' , Sverdlovsk,
and Molotov, and 24 in iatra}:han' . '
Last night's ]o:re.^.t terpcratu:e in hioscosr was 14 degs?ees ebovc zero; it
.,~~ ].6 degreea nt noon tod_y.(1)
Yesterday during the day, varinble cloudiness prevailed in the Belorussinn
SSR. Pa ins and thunderstorms were recorded in sc;ne localities. Temperatures
at ]500 hours vere 17 degs?ces above zero in Oonel', 20 in Polotsk, 21 in tdinsY.,
22 in Earanovichi, and 23 in Crodno and Brest.(2)
'-E Augu: t rFor ].5 august see end of report]
Yesterdny during the day, ?,:arr., veathcr prevailed :iu the Belorussian SSR,
Showers :with thunderstorms fell in some loc.aitie,? Temperatures et 1500
:rere ].9 degrees above zero in Or: ha and tdorilev, 2:. in Gomel' and buns?;, 21
in Robruyr,h, 22 ir. Baranovichi, and 24 in Crodno an3 Rrest.(2)
l7 ,'
bast night's lowest temperature in Moscox was 13 degrees above zero; it
::us 20 degrees at noon today.(1)
1& August
Cloudy weather with shower: and thunderstorms prevailed this morning
in the central and north central regions of the Europe:: r, U' R, the northern
portion of the Ul:re;nian SSR, ::nd ti:c eastern portion of tho Belorussian SSR.
Rama, accompanied by thunderstorm=; fe'.l in some localities in the Caucasus,
Ro:.L'ovsl;ayu Oblast, and the Vora Region. The aver;,ge ..mount of precipitation
during the 24-hour period in the above-mentioned arc::- ranged from 2 to 10
millimeters, with 11 to 1(3 m:il.lineter:: 1'al]ing in ::oc:n localities and 3J-)3
millimeters recorded in the Trunscaucusus. alarm weather ?,rithout precipitation
prevailed in the rest of the European UGSR. During the morninc, fog ?aas
recorded in some localities in the central. region of tiie huropean USSR.
Last night's lowest temp^rature in idoscow was '_3 degz?ces above zero; it
was 21 degrees at noon today.(1)
Yesterday during the day thunderstorm-liL?c sho::ars fell. in come local
ities `.n the Hel.orussiun SSR. Temperatures at 150'. hours ~.:c-_c l8 deg:?ees
above -:e:?o in Polotsk; 20 in Gomel', :?1 in Mogilev and ?lip^i:, ~h in Grodno
and Yins};, and ?_6 in Erest.(2)
Yecterdey's temperatures in;c.d were 17 dep}?^,._ :l;ovc zero during
the mo.?nir.G, P; dew ees duriu;-; the day.(3)
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160296-5
1) r.ugtzc t.
Th_:: r:orning, :;li5ht?.; clouc'? prevailed in cost o. the European
USSR , Rnin^ ;'ell '.n ::rhir r?~c'.':: ~:;: Oh'_.ast :.rd the i;omi ..~', ~~. Thunderstorms
:ere recorder. in the e:t^cr..e ::crlcrn portion of the iP.::?:.1ne.
Terlrer .furor , 7J !-:ol,... tt:i . morning were 1