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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180058-7
n.,, ~,_ -ether INFORMATION
-8x'???-~ - rre 1913
Daily newspapers
1-31 Oct 1953
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DATE DIST. (o M A y 1954
(Rumbers in parentheses refer to appended sources. Under-
lined dates refer to days oP publication. All temperatures are
given in degrees centigre~ie.]
1 October
The lowest temperature in Moscow last night was 9 degrees above zero; it
vas 14 degrees at noon today.(1)
Yesterday during the day, variable cloudiness prevailed in the Belorussian
SSR. Light rains were recorded in some lo~slities in the eastern portion of
the republic,. Daytiae temperatures were 13 degrees above zero in Mogilev; 14
in Oraha~,l~inek, and Gomel'; 15 in Borisov and Volkovysk; 16 in Lida and Barano-
vich'z i7',Ln,Brest; and~.18 in Pinsk and Mozyr.(2)
The lowest temperature in Moscow last night was 10 degrees above zero; it
was 13 degrees at noon today.(1)
Yesterday during the day, variable cloudiness prevailed in the Belorussian
SSR. Light rains fell in some localities in the northern portion of the repub-
lic. Temperatures at 100 hours were 12 degrees above zero i.n Polotsk; 14 in
Vitebrsk; 15 in Gomel'; 16 in Bobruyek Mogilev, Minsk, an3 Mozyr; 18 in Grodno
and Pinsk; and 19 i.a Baranovichi and Breat.(2)
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ti .
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180058-7 ~
This morning, cold weather with precipitation in the form of rain and
snow prevailed in Komi ASSR, Arkhangel'skaya Oblast, and the Kola Peninsula.
Cool weather xith rains and very strong winds prevailed in the eastern regions
of the European USSR, the eastern portion of the central region sad the Volga
The lowest temperature in pioccow last night was & degrees above zero; it
was 11 degrees at noon today.(1
4 October
Yesterday, slightly cloudy weather prevailed in the Belorussian SSR.
Dayrtime temperatures were 14 degrees above zero in Orsha and Borisov; 15 in
Minsk, Mogilev, and Vitebsk; 15 in Grodno, Volkovysk, Gomel', Bobruysk, and
Mozyr; and 19 in Brest.(2)
5 October
This morning, variable cloudiness without precipitation prevailed in
most of the Ukrainian SSR, the Belorussiar. SSR, the Crimea, a?d the Caucasus.
Cloudy xeather with rain prevailed iu the northern portion of the central
regions of the European USSR and the Karelo-Finnish SSR. 3hoxers were re-
corded in some localities in the Baltic republics and the western portion
of the Ukrainian SSR. Cold weather with snow in some localities was recorded
in the eastern half of the European USSR and Arkhangel's::sya Oblast.
Lsat night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 10 degrees above zero; it
was 13 degrees at noon today.(1)
6 October
`this morning, cloudy weather prevailed in mr? t of the European USSR.
It was cold in the northern and northeastern regions and comparatively warm
in the remaining arena. Rains fell in some localities in the central regions
of the European USSR.
Temperatures at 0700 hours this morning were 4 degrees blow zero in
Sykt~akar; 3 below in Arkhangelsk; 2 below in Ust'-TaiLaa; zero in Murmansk
and Kirov; 3 degrees above zero in Minsk; 5 in Vologda, Leningrad, Kiev, and
Saratov; 7 in Riga; 9 in Voronezh, Rostov, and Kuybyshev; 10 is Gor'kiy,
Kazan', Stalingrad, and Odessa; 12 in Astrakhan'; and 14 in '!alts.
The lowest temperature in Moscow last night and the temperature at noon
today were both 6 degrees above zero.(1)
Yesterday during the day, variable cloudiness prevailed in the Belorus-
sian SSR. Showers fell in some localities. Temperatures at 1500 hours xere
10 degrees above zero in Lyntupy; i'_ in Grodno; 12 in Vitebsk and Mogilev;
13 in Minsk, Brest, and Pinsk; and 15 in Gomel'.(2)
7 October
The lowest terperature is Moscow last night was 4 degrees above zero;
it xas 7 degrees at un~n today.(1)
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180058-7 ~
Yesterday during the day, cloudy weather with rain in some localities
prevailed in the Belorussian 33R. Temperatures at 1500 hrnira were 6 degrees
above zero is Minsk and Polotsk; 7 in Mogilev and Bobruysk; 8 in Baranovichi
and Brest; and 9 in Pinsk sad Grodno.{2)
Th's morning, mostly cloudy weather prevailed in moat of the European
ITSSR. Snow fell in Moekovekaya and other oblasts.
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was zero; it uas 2 degrees
et noon today.(1)
On 7 October, cold, cloudy weather with strong north vind:? prevailed
in the Estonian SSA. Snow was recorded in some localities. Da;rtime tempera-
tures ranged between 2 and 4 degrees above zero.(3)
9 October
The lowest temperature in Moscow last night was zero; it was one degree
above zero at noon today.(1)
Yesterday during the day, overcast weather prevailed in the Belorussian
SSR. Light rains fell in acme localities. Temperatures at 1500 hours were
2. degrees above zero in Polotsk and Vitebsk; 3 in Minsk; 4 in Baranovichi;
6 in Gomel', Grodno, and Pinsk; 7 in Mozyr; and 8 in Brest.(2)
10 October
The lowest temperature in Moscow last n_ght was 2 degrees above zero; it
wan 7 degrees at noon today.(1)
During the last 24 hours, slightl; cloudy weather prevailed in the Belo-
russian SSR. Temperatures at 1500 hours were 4 degrees above zero in Orsha,
Goraal', Mozyr, sad Bobruysk; 5 in Vitebsk; 6 in Minsk, Borisov, and Polot:ak;
'f in Slutsk and Baranovichi; 8 in Lida and Pinsk; and 10 in Grodno and Brest.(2)
11 October
Yesterday during the day, cloudy with clearing weather prevailed is the
Belorussian SSR. Light rains were recorded in some localities in the northern
portion of the republic. Daytime temperatures were 8 degrees above zero in
Minsk, 10 in Vitebsk, Polotsk, Mogilev, and Gomel', and 11 in Grodno and
12 October
.The lowest temperature in Moscox last night was 10 degrees above zero; it
was L2 degrees at noon taday.(1)
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180058-7
Th1e morning, cloudy weather with light rains and drizzles prevailed in
the northern portior. oP the central region oP the Elxropean [rSSR. Mostly cloudy
weather with snow in acme localities prevailed in the eastern and northeastern
The lowest temperature In Moscow last night was 9 degrees above zero; it
was 10 degrees at noon today.(1)
Yesterday during the day, slightly cloudy weather prevailed in the Belo-
russian SSR. Drytime temperatures were 13 degrees above zero in Bychikha, 14
in Vitebsk, 15 in Minsk, Polotsk, Bobruysk, and Gomel', 16 in Grodno, Barano-
vichi, and Pinsk, and 18 in Brest.(2)
14 October
The lowest temperature in Moacou last night ws 9 degrees above zero; it
was 10 degrees at noon today.(1)
Yesterday during the day, slightly cloudy, warm weather prevailed in the
Belorussian SSR. Temperatures at 1500 hours were 14 degrees above zero in
Vitebsk; 15 in Minsk, Novogrudok, Borisov, Mogilev, Mozyr, and Gomel'; 16 in
Pinsk; 17 in Grodno; and 18 in Brest.(2)
15 October
This morning, slightly cloudy, cool weather without precip?tation pre-
vailed Sn the Middle and Lower Volga Region and the southeastern and southern
portions of the central region. Warm weather without precipitation and clear-
ing conditions in some localities prevailed in the northern regions of the
Europee.n'USSR, the Baltic republics, the Belorussian SSR, the western portion
of the central region, and most of the Ukrainian SSR.
' The lowest temperature in Moscow last night was 10 degrees above zero;
it vas 12 degrees at noon today.(1)
Yesterday during the day, slightly cloudy weather prevailed in the Belo-
russian SSR. Temperatures at 1560 hours were 13 degrees above zero in Vitebsk;
14 in Mogilev; 15 in Gomel', Polotsk, and Grodno; 15 in Brest, Pinsk, and Minsk;
and 18 in Vyeokiy.(?)
16 October
The lowest temperature in Moscow last night was 4 degrees belnv zero; it
c+as 6 deg'eea above zero at noon today.(1)
.Yesterday during the day, warm weather with variable cloudiness prevailed
in the Belorussian SSR. Light rains were recorded in some localities in the
eastern portion oP the republic. Temperatures at 1500 hours were 10 degrees
above zero in Oraha and Mogilev; 12 in Polotsk; 13 in Gomel'; 14 in Minsk; 15
in Brest and Giodno, 16 in Baranovichi; 17 in Lel'chitsy, and 18 in Pinsk.(2)
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180058-7
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180058-7
17 October
The lowest temperature in Moecox last night was 7 degrees above zero; it
was 8 degrees at noon today.(1)
Yesterday during the day, warm, dry weather prevailed in the Belorussian
SSR. Temperatures at '500 hours were 12 degrees above zero in Polotsk and
Vitebsk; 13 in Mugil~~ 14 in Minsk and Vileyka; 15 in Gomel', and Baranovichi;
18 in Grodno and Pinsic; and 20 in Brest.(2)
On 16 October, variable cloudiness with light rinds accompanied by light
rains in some localities prevailed in the Estonian SSR. Day-time temperatures
ranged betxeen 14 and 16 degrees above zero.(3)
18 October
Yesterday during the day, cloudy weather prevailed in the Belorussian
SSR. Rains xere recorded in some localities in the eastern portion of the
republic. Temperatures at 1500 hours xere 12 degrees above zero in Polotsk,
Vitebsk, and Oraha; 13 ir. Vileyka; 14 in Mogilev; 15 in Minsk and Grodno;
18 in Slutsk; 19 in Brest; and 21 in Pinsk.(2)
19 October
The lowest temperature in Moscow last night was 5 degrees above zero; it
was 6 degrees at noon today.(1)
20 October
This morning, overcast weather with light rains prevailed in the central
region. of the itiropean USSR. Light precipitation in the firm of snow and rain
was recorded in Aomi ASSR.
The lowest temperature in Moscow last night was 4 degrees above zero; it
was 8 degrees at noon today.(1)
Yesterday during the day, cloudy weather without precipitation prevailed
in the Belorussian SSR. Temperatures were 7 degrees above zero in Gomel? and
?Slavgorod; 8 in Polotsk; 9 in Lel'chitsy; 10 in Minsk, Brest, Grodno, and
Baranovichi; and 11 in Slutsk.(2}
21 October
This morriag, cloudy weather with light precipitation prevailed in moat
of the European USS.3.
Temperatures at 0700 hours this morning were 3 degrees below zero in
Molotov;. one below in Astrakhan'; zero in 3yktyvkar, Ufa, and Kazan''; one
degree abo-re zero in Gor'kiy; 2 in Vologda and K?:ybyshev; 4 in Smolensk,
Voronezh, Stalingrad, and Saratov; 5 in Arkhangel'ak. Ust'-Tsilma, and
Kies; 6 in Murmansk, Minsk, Odessa, and Kharkov; 7 i:i Kaliningrad; 8 in
Leningrad and Rostov; 9 in Riga; 10 in Yalta; and 11 in Sochi.
The lowest temperature in Moscow last night and the temperature at noon
today xere both 4 degrees above zen?o.(1)
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180058-7
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-
Yesterday during the day, overcast weather without precipitation prevailed
in the Belorussiar SSR. Temperatures at 1500 hours were 6 degrees above zero
in Pinsk; 7 in Grodno; and 8 in Minsk, Polotsk, Vitebsk, and Gcmcl', $ it-, Vile-
yk?; an3 1C in Brest.(2}
On 20 October, cloudy weather without precipitation accompanied by light
xinds prevailed in the Estonian SSR. Temperatures ranged between 9 and 11 de-
grees above zero.(3}
2? October
The lowest tempers?ure in Mcscow .last night was 4 degrees above zero; it
was 7 degrees at noon today.(],)
Yesterday during the day, cloudy weather without precipitation prevailed
in the Belorussian SSR. Temperatures ~t 1500 hours were 5 degrees ebove zero
in Kostyukovichi; 6 in Grodno and Gomel', 7 in Mogilev; 8 in Minsk, Orsha, Vile-
yka, Bnranovichi, Bobruysk, Mozyr, Pinsk, and Brest; and 9 in Bmg1n.(2)
23 October
The lowest temperatui~ 'n Moscow last night was 4 degrees above zero; it
was 6 degrees st noon today.(1)
Yesterday during the day, cloudy weather prevailed in most of the Belcrus-
sian SSR. Light rains were recorded in some localities. Temperatures at 1500
hours were 6 degrees above zero in Minsk; 7 in Polotsk, Mogilev, Vitebsk, Lida,
ar.3 Mozyr; 8 in Gomel', Slutsk, and Baranovichi; 9 in Pinsk; 10 in Grodno; and
11 in Brest.(2)