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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200086-3 COUNTRY SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE CLASSIFICATION C-o-N-F-I-D-E-N-Z'-I-A-_ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO ROADCASTS USSR, Korea, China Scientific - Education, institutions Biographic - Korean and Russian scientists monthly Periodical REPORT CD NO. DATE OF INFORMATION 1953 DATE DIST. /0 Sep 1954 NO. OF PAGES 3 PUBLISHED Apr 1954 LANGUAGE Russian ... ...... ....... ...." ". ?,.... ....... ........... ,., ,.. ... ............ SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION V_stnik Vvsshey Shkc,l No 4, 1954, pp 56-58 INFORI-TATION ON THE KIM CH'AEK POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE IN PYONGYANG Kim Ch'e-yon (Kim Cher Yen) (Information contain d e in this report is taken from a Soviet translation of an article which originally appeared in the Korean periodical Inmi=Son (People's Korea), No 12,1953, Korean names are given according to the McCune-Reischauer system, folic'-ad by the transliteration from Russian it parentheses.] The Kim Ch'aek Polytechnic Institute returned to Pyongyang after the armistice, having been evacuated to the mountains during the war. The insti- tute is temporarily located in a half-destroyed building on a small hill near the south bank of the Taedong River. Sore 2,200 students are studying there in the new scholastic year, of whom 926 are new, a figure 40 percent larger thin last year. Many of the students are returned veterans of the Korean People's Army. The entire faculty and student body is enthusiastic about the rebuilding of the institute, and plans for the new building have been drawn up under the guidance of the Soviet architect, Professor Abramov (fnu]. The Kim Cheek Polytechnic institute has only been in existence for about 5 years, but in this period it has prepared 1,067 young engineers for plants, factories, mines, and other industrial concerns of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. There are six faculties in the institute -- electrical engineering, mechan- ics, metallurgy, mining and geology, transport, and textiles -- and 18 chairs. Tnere are, in addition, an Industrial Academy for the preparation of technical cadres, a night school for the improvement of specialists on a part-time basis, and a workers faculty (rabfak) for workers and peasants who do not have the necess.:ry qualifications for entering the institute. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200086-3 CLASSIFICATION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200086-3 I C-o-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L The development of the institute is closely linked with the friendly assist- ance of the Soviet people. At the time of the opening of the institute, there were in Korea few professors and specialists with the necessary knowledge of ad- vanced theory and techniques. Soviet scientists gave assistance, however, and Professors Vitoshkin and Puchkov, Docents Rogov, Alekseyev, Kadenskiy, Savel'yev, Sobolev, Saprykin [all fnu] and others worked in various faculties of the insti- tute, and under their guidance) the young engineering cadres of the republic grew up. During the war years, the institute was twice forced to move from place to place. On dark nights, along dirt roads, under machine-gun fire from aircraft, students and instructors carried laboratory equipment, books and teaching aids on their shoulders. With them lived and labored Soviet Scientists Abramov, Botolov, Fedotov, Golovin, Razevich and others. During the war years, the institute carried out work assisting Korean indus- try in addition to teaching st'd'nts Thus Pak Ch' . , a-chop (Pak T ya Den), in- structor in the Faculty of M ning and Geola,;y, improved the regulation of air cir- culation in the Chedon (Teyudon) mine, where it had been impossible to carry on work because of the high temperatures in the drifts. Thanks to his improv-ments, work recommenced. Yu Chon-chin (Yu Dec Gyn) and Ch'oe Chi-hwa (Tscy Chi-hwa), both instructors, mechanized shaft sinking in the Kyesan (Kesyan) miner,. Docent Pae Chun-ho (Pya Dyun Rho), Head of the Chair of High Current of the Electrical Engineering Faculty, and Professor Ch'oe Chan-ha (Troy Chan Kha), who were both giving lectures on the resistance of materials, worked with the Main Administration of Electric Power of the Cabinet of the Korean People's Republic, and completed work on the standardization of the frequency of Korean electric power stations with the frequencies of other Asiatic and European coun- tries. Instructor Che Yun-ho (Te Yun Kho), Head of the Chair of Hot Working of Metals of the Faculty of Metallurgy, together with an engineer of an automobile construction plant, successfully completed scientific research on the substitu- tion of steel by cast iron without loss of 1 irdress. The invention by Kim Tok-mo (Kim Del; Mo). director of Aspirants of the in- stitute, of a machine for planting rice seedlings, the successful solution by Kwak Che-kon (Kvak De Khon) of problems on introducing peat coke into industry have made enormous contributions to the further industrial development of our country. At present, the institute is carrying out active study of the country's natural resources, a study which has enormous significance in the reconstruction of the postwar economy and further industrialization. Work is being carried. out in different parts of the country by geological survey groups consisting of students and instructors of the Faculty of Mining and. Geology. The largest of these is the electrogeological survey being carried out in the Kapsan region of Hamgyong-pukto. A research group under the leadership of Professor Yi Son chun (Li Sen Dyun) has for several months been carrying out research work on industrial production. The results of this research will have an important role in the development of industry. : The labor Party and the government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea give continuous assistance to the .institute. Thanks to this and the assistance given by the Soviet Union and People's Democratic Republics, the in- stitute will be able to attain successes in its work. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200086-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200086-3 C-O-N-F-I-D-E.N T-I-A-L During the war, the institute received nearly 1,000 scientific books from the Library of the Leningrad Affiliate of the Academy of Sciences USSR, and in October 1952 it received another valuable gift of laboratory equipment and rea- gents which were badly needed. The first shipment contained mineralogical and microscopes, the equipment for an X-ray cabinet, electrical measuring ap- paratus, etc., a total of 133 different pieces of laboratory equipment and 79 different reagents. The Chinese people invited graduate students to obtain industrial experience in Chinese Plants. At the invitation of the Chinese government, in 1952, more than 50, and in 1953 more than 200 graduates had practice and wrote their graduate theses at the Harbin Railway Depot, the An-shan Metallurgical Combine, the Tient- sin Machine Building Plant, the Peiping Telegraph Directorate, the Shanghai Tex- tile Factory, and in other industrial enterprises. Thanks to active work of chairs and students scientific circles, the best scientifi^ reports have been heard at scientific conferences. Aspirant Yi icye- ebin (Li Khe Din), thanks to the experience and knowledge gained in Chind, de- fended his dissertation "The Extraction of High-Siliceous Acid-Resistant Cast .ron ina Cupola Furnace of Anticorrosion Cast Iron." Kang Chin-ye (Kan Din Tkhya), theme (Kim Chan of Ferrous MeallurgyFinuKorea",o and KimCh'an-suno Sun) published his work on the copper-bearing deposits of Kapsan. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200086-3 M"