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[Comment: Numbers in parentheses refer to appended sources.]
will benefit bywiconsiderableth the rest int the Rifth e Five_yeacP Service
Rydrometeorological Service is charged with Five-Year Plan. The
the problems of the national economy stipulated by the e new new Five-Year Plan.
The Eydrometeorological Service was expanded and strengthened during
the previous Five-Year Plan, and gained experience in servicing the na_
tional economy. However, the grandiose tasks set by the Fifth Five-Year
Plan place new difficult problems before the hydrometeorological service.
Electric Pwer
The directives of the 19th Party Congress provide for the future develop-
ment of electrification, making special use of the water power of rivers. In
the new five-year plan great hydroelectric stations are being put into opera-
tion, including Kuybyshevskaya, Kamskaya, Gor'kovskaya, Mingechaurskaya, Ust'-
Kamenogorskaye, and many others. The construction of the Stalingradskaya and
Kakhovskaya hydroelectric stations is progressing, and construction of new
stations on the Volga, the Kama, the Irtysh, the Angara and on other rivers
will soon be started.
ons in the development of c touch all phases
of thepactivity of the Hydrometeorologi aloService, fromrsimple observations
of precipitation and water levels to scientific generalizations and calcula-
tions needed to realize the projected operation and construction~as well as
the exploitation, of the new hydroelectric stations. In connection with this,
considerable significance has been attached to the development and improve-
ment of hydrological observations and operations, especially on the Volga,
the Angara, the Kura, the Amu_Dar'ya, the Kama, and the Irtysh.
Our service must also stuly the hydrological conditions of rivers whose
energy resources will be utilized in future 5-year plans. .
The unprecedented scope of the operations in the utilization of water
power and the realization of the Stalin plan for transforming nature define
and fundamentally change the character of the activity of the Rydrometeoro-
logical Service.
If Previously the main task of the service in the field of hydrology was
conducting observations of the hydrological conditions of rivers and reser-
voirs, systematizing them and putting them in cadastral surveys and yearbooks,
this is no longer enough for the vast regions of the country where hydroelec-
tric stations and canals are being constructed and forests are being planted.
The Rydrometeorological Service cannot limit itself to supplying the prelimi-
nary material for water economy calculations during the planning of hydro-
electric stations, but must Make a study of the changes in the conditions of
rivers, lakes, and swamps as a result of man's influence on nature.
If previously a hydrologist was considered mainly an observer, now he
must be primarily an investigator. A clear illustration of this is the
Participation of the Rydrometeorological Service in the construction of the
Lenin Volga_Don navigable canal.
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Planning, construction and exploitation --theZreq
tne of uirementsm oft the Hydrometeoro-
logical Service increase and become more difficult.
Thus, if in the planning period information was required from the Hydro-
meteorological Service on conditions of the Volga and Don, based on many years'
observations by a series of hydrological stations, in the construction period
information and forecasts on water conditions were required well in advance.
In the exploitation period, difficult problems arise for the hydrologists
of the Hydrometeorological Service, such as forecasting and calculating the
drainage volume in a reservoir during the spring flood and compiling the water
balance of a reservoir.
To solve these problems observations must be made of drainage formation
processes. In recent years, new drainage stations have been established and
old ones improved.
The forecasts. Theytalreadyihave sconsiderable oexperience tinethis field andJtheyl
have won for themselves a firm place in the support system of the national
economy. However, we must admit that the scope of investigations in the field
of hydrological forecasting has been insufficient.
We must strengthen scientific investigations in the field of hydrological
forecasting in the Central Forecasting Institute, in the State Hydrological
Institute, in local observatories, especially in observatories at the large
reservoirs, and also in the administrations of the Hydrometeorological Service
itself, having created the necessary regular means for this in the UCMS [Admin-
istration of the Hydrometeorological Service], and having approximately doubled
the number of administrations. We must significantly subordinate the operation
of hydrological conditions sectors to the problems of the hydro-forecasters,
and must improve snow cover observations, especially in the mountains. We =at'
improve the training of cadres of hydro-forecasters in the higher educational
institutions by having research students and the harmful practice of decentra-
lizing the hydro-forecasting service must be stopped. We must create large
hydro-forecasting centers for basic indications.
These tasks must be fulfilled in the shortest possible time in order not
to lag behind the development of water power, river transport, and timber
floating, which present ever growing requirements to the organs of the Hydro-
meteorological Service.
In the remaining years of the Five-Year Plan, the problem before the
Hydrometeorological Service is not so much that of organizing a new network
as widening the range of observations and improving the quality of observa-
tions and information in the present network, and strengthening the material
and technical bases of the network. In 1953, we must finish all operations
connected with examining and putt:ug fu order the make-up of the network, and
go over to the new classification of stations and posts. We must strive to
provide by the end of the Five-Year Plan drainage calculations for all active
waterways, so that observations on settling can be conducted at all water-
observation posts. We must widen the range and improve the methodology of
observing ice conditions, sludge ice, and suspended and moving drifts.
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For proper exploitation of hydroelectric stations, and for determining
available water sources for the irrigation of collective farm and state farm
fields one must have an accurate knowledge of reservoir conditions. It is
pecessary to compile their water balances every year. Experience at the
Rybinskly reservoir has shown that this problem is not easy but that it can
be solved successfully if a material-technical base is created early in the
period of construction of hydroelectric stations and canals, as has been
done, for example, at the Tsimlyanskiy Reservoir.
Taking into account the grandiose nature of the construction projects
of Communism, one cannot solve the problems of its hydrometeorological support
in an amateurish way. Each of the new structures must have at its disposal a
scientifically based system of hydroelectric stations and buildings on the
"akvatoriya" of a reservoir, permitting observations of all the elements of
itsehydrometeorobogical c conditions. t,i,1Every large reservoir must have a hydro-
of the hydrological and
conditions of the reservoir support tctric
stations with forecasts and calculations of the elements ofhtheyhydrological
conditions of the reservoir. Experience gained from operation of the Shcher..
bakovskaya and Tsimlyanskaya observatories proves the value of such an organi-
The large reservoirs must organize special hydrometeorological bureaus
to support, by means of weather forecasts, hydroelectric stations and other
branches of the national economy connected with the exploitation of reservoirs,
especially river transport, timber floating, and fishing.
In te
d of
ure the an incr_ace finlthe yieldcoftall agriculturaltcrops,, and posed as
stock together with a significant growth in productivity.
An increase in the yield of socialist agriculture requires a thorough
study and calculation of the hydrometeorological factors influencing agri-
cultural production.
Good weather forecasts are invaluable in establishing the best agrotech-
nical periods for working the soil, for sowing crops, and in planning harvest-
ing operations properly. Weather bureaus of the local administrations of the
Hydrometeorological Service must give such forecasts. All weather bureaus
must be capable not only of applying the achievements of synoptic science,
but also of conducting serious investigations in the field of regional synop-
ticsand thereby raising the quality of their forecasts.
Losses in agriculture caused by drought, freezing, and unfavorable
winter conditions can be held to a minimum if production is oriented properly.
The onset of drought, the consequences of freezing of winter crops, and a
whole series of other agrometeorological conditions can be determined not
only on the basis of weather forecasts but also by means of an accurate apprai-
sal of the water table, the condition of winter crops, etc.
The $Ydrometeorological Service must take active part in the solution of
questions connected with the wide development of cotton raising, and with the
intelligent placing of new gardens, vineyards, tea plantations, and citrus
orchards projected in the Fifth Five-Year Plan, and must raise the quality of
its warnings of weather phenomena dangerous for subtropical and industrial
crops. Moving many crops to new regions, expecially to the north and east,
and utilizing millions of hectares of irrigated lands will require scientific
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In recent years, especially in the pasture regions of Kazakhstan' Central
Asia and the Caspian lowlands, hydrometeorological servicing of animal husbandry
has increased considerably..
A large place in the activity of the Rydrometeorological Service is
occupied by hydrometeorological support of operations expanded in the new five-
year plan. These operations include introduction of grassland crop rotation,
forest raising to protect fields, construction of ponds and reservoirs, and
irrigation of forest, steppe, and desert lands of the,USSR.
Modification of Climate
One of the most important results of the Stalin plan for transforming
nature will be modification of climatic conditions in regions of land improve-
ment. The turbulent changes in the lowest air layer and in the free atmos-
phere will be modified, the distribution of the snow cover on fields will be
mo*- uniform than now, precipitation conditions will be different, and essent-
ial changes will take place in temperature and in humidity of the air and soil.
Unproductive evaporation will be considerably decreased, and the expenditure
of water for the creation of tall and firm crops will be increased. The types
and degree of these changes must be calculated in advance.
The solution of the indicated problems requires that specialized obser-
vations be made in the existing and planned network of stations of all types
and that their operations be expanded. This refers first of all to agrometeo-
rological stations, forest hydrometeorological stations, and drainage stations.
Besides this, we must increase the number of complex-expedition investiga-
tions with the participation of highly qualified specialists and climatologists,
agrometeorologists, and specialists in the physics of the lower air layer.
Climatologists of the Hydrometeorological Service must do considerable work in
compiling special climatic descriptions of several regions of the country, to
be applied t6 problems of transforming nature and to problems connected with
the great structures of Communism.
Fishing Industry
An important part of the work of the organs of the Hydrometeorological
Service on the seas and large lakes of the USSR is servicing of the fishing
industry, whose intensive development is stipulated by the directives of the
Fifth Five-Year Plan. The fishing industry requires a well-organized system
of support for fishing organizations and ships, with. hydrometeorological re-
casts and timely warnings of storms. In connection with the proposed in-
crease in fishing in Lithuanian, Latvian, and Estonian SSR, workers of the
Baltic administrations of the Hydrometeorological Service must avail them-
selves of the experience gained in specialized hydrometeorological servic-
ing of the fishing industry of the Caspian and of the Far East.
To raise the quality of hydrometeorological support of the fishing in-
dustry it will be necessary to expand the study of hydrometeorological condi-
tions on seas in the fishing region.
Special attention of oceanologists of the hydrometeorological Service
will be drawn to problems of the water and salt balance of the Caspian, Aral,
and Azov seas in connection with the withdrawal of water from the rivers of
their basins for irrigation purposes. Rydrometeorological support of the
fishing industry must occupy an important place in the activity of the naval
administrations of the hydrometeorological Service.
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will be considerably expanded. Keeping in mind the special difficulty and
great dependence of these operations on hydrometeorological conditions,
timely support of the oil men with high-quality hydrometeorological fore-
casts and materials necessary for continuous exploitation of sea sources
Transp ort~
Along with the growth of industrial and agricultural output, the direc-
tives of the 19th Party Congress stipulate a high tempo of development of
railroad, sea, river, auto, and air transport and communication.
The development of transportation and its equipment with aCvanced tech-
nology raises new and greater requirements for the organs of the Hydrometeoro-
logical Service. In the first place, this refers to the servicing of the
Civil Air Fleet, whose freight turnover will be at least doubled by the Five-
Year Plan.
The workers of aerometeorological stations must direct all their strength
toward an unfailing round-the-clock support of air transport. Of special im-
portance are the problems of increasing the technical knowledge of cadres for
aerometeorological stations, improving methods of forecasting meteorological and withPhenothemenanewedangestrinous
willeguaranteeahigheaccuracy iand automati-
zation of meteorological observations. Communications workers must improve
radio communication and radio-meteorological centers.
The lum of expands iings,fhaviaced ftoeliminating
forest lags
of the north, the Urals, western Siberia, and the Karelo-Finnish SSR. It
must also lessen the seasonal nature of timber cutting. Timely warning of
foresters and timber-cutting organizations about unfavorable weather phenom-
logienaycalandforecastmost d will timber
help the floating
by industry dependable
in solving its hydro-
n, problems, ry considerably
Scientific Research and Personnel mportant
new researchiope rationsplconneace
thefiveStyali- ear
and for the great construction projects of Communism. A large number of
operations are dedicated to working out and improving methods of observing
and Processing hydrometeorological data, with wide application of mechaniza-
tion and automatization of calculations'
Successful fulfillment of these tasks by scientists of the Hydrometeoro-
logical Service will improve the quality of hydrometeorological forecasts and
will support the national economy with necessary information on hydrometeoro-
logical conditions.
To supply the network with instruments and equipment, including new de-
vices, a number of tasks must be accomplished from 1951 to 1955 in the expan-
sion and strengthening of the productive technical basis of factories of the
Hydrometeorological Service, which will make it possible to increase the out-
put of instruments.
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`Plans for Strengthening Forecasting Service
hydrometeorological cadres, and-inCconnectionawithgthismwe suet increase the
output of specialists from the hydrometeorological schools. Measures must
be adopted for preparing scientific cadres through graduate courses. The
muustabe atstudents in
doublednbyftherendaofhthee Five-Year lan in-
Year Plan.
Special attention must be given to correspondence training of hydro-
meteorologists. At least 35,000 people must be given correspondence courses
during the Five-Year Plan. About the same number must receive training or
improve their qualifications through various courses. Improving the pro-
fessional qualifications and political training of cadres is an object of
daily care by the chiefs of all establishments of the Hydrometeorological
Keeping in mind that the service is being filled by young specialists
and that the working cadres must have good conditions, considerable atten-
tion is being paid by the Main Administration of the Hydrometeorological
Service to the construction of dwellings. The relative weight of home con-
struction in the plan of capital operations is growing considerably.(1)
To support the operational hydrometeorological servicing of the na-
tional economy a large operation was carried out from 1946 to 1952 in the
local directorates of the Hydrometeorological Service in the creation of
a network of GMB (hydrometeorological bureaus) in the oblasts, krays and
autonomous republics, and also specialized GMB. As a result, the network
of GMB more than tripled in this period.
The creation of a wide network of hydrometeorological bureaus made it
possible to widen and to improve somewhat the quality of the national economy.
Because of the lack of specialists, the absence of the necessary stocks of
scientific-operational materials, and the limited financial resources, many
of the existing GM were not powerful enough and their work consisted only of
daily weather forecasting, which at present cannot satisfy the growing require-
ments of the national economy, especially agriculture.
Intensive development of network units did not strengthen the basic opera-
tional-methodical organs of the hydrometeorological service. These are the
hydrometeorological forecasting bureau and the hydro-forecasting sector of the
local UGMS, to which the most responsible operations are assigned. They in-
clude the drawing up of long-term weather forecasts and hydrological conditions.
The creation of a large number of small forecasting organs led to a dis-
persion of the material means and specialist force of the Hydrometeorological
Service and did not provide the conditions necessary for raising the quality
of the forecasting components and for significantly bettering the servicing
of the national economy.
In connection with the operations for realizing the Stalin plan for making
over the nature of our country, and in connection with extensive hydroelectric
construction and intensive development of our air and naval forces, as-well as
the fishing industry and other branches of the national economy, there arose
before the organs of the Hydrometeorological Service new problems, whose solu-
tion can be effected only through large forecasting centers having at their
disposal the necessary materials for observation, as well as qualified spe-
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logical forecasting, and foryanyimprovementtinathekquality ofather and hydro.
al servicing by the Main Administration of the Rydrometeorological Services,
a series of measures were adopted, beginning in 1953, to strengthen the opera-
ting organs.
These measures stipulate:
1. Creation in all UGMS of network forecasting organs -- weather bureaus -
on the basis of hydrometeorological forecasting bureaus, hydrological forecasting
sectors, and administration communication centers.
2. Rational distribution of the network of hydrometeorological bureaus
over the territory of..the USSR. This network, under the direction of the
Weather Bureau, must assist the servicing of interested organizations, oblasts,
krays, and republics with hydrometeorological forecasts and information.
3. Some reduction in the number of hydrometeorological bureaus having
synoptic sections and hydrological groups, with the utilization of the specia-
lists who will be freed thereby for strengthening the weather bureaus being
created. In this way the staffs of synoptic groups, hydrological forecasting
sectors, and weather bureau communications centers will be strengthened.
The creation of large forecasting centers in every administration will
aid in compiling weather forecasts for the natural synoptic period and hydro-
logical forecasts for a larger number of purposes and with more timeliness.
It will be possible to apply more widely in practice the latest achievements
of hydrometeorological science and at the same time to raise the quality of
hydrological and meteorological forecasts. The large forecasting centers will
be able to study the development of atmospheric proses and hydrological phe-
nomena in their regions, for the purpose of improving methods of compiling
forecasts of the weather and hydrological conditions of rivers, reservoirs
and seas. Besides this, such an organization will make it possible to im-
prove the methodological direction of operational organs, i.e., "AMSG" and
GMB, and give them the necessary practical help in their work, and at the
same time improve the quality of the hydrometeorological servicing of all
branches of the national economy, especially the great construction projects
of Communism and agriculture in our homeland.
Including communications centers in the weather bureaus and concentra-
ting operational direction of RMrs (rydrometeorological centers) in one organ
will further the collection and distribution of hydrometeorological data.
The introduction of a new five-unit index system of synoptic stations
of the USSR, and the creation within the Mrs of special groups to gather
forecasts for radio broadcasts, giving all RMTs the duties of a dispatcher,
create real conditions for improving the support of forecasting organs of
the GUGMS [Main Administration of the Rydrometeorological Service], and
other departments with necessary hydroreteorological data.
For strengthening of the operational organs it is necessary that chiefs
of administrations of the hydrometeorological Service, their deputies, and
chiefs of the forecasting sections and communications centers of the UGMS
manage this operation directly. We cannot permit losses of synoptic specia-
lists and hydrologists by moving them to a new location. We must have effi-
cient control of the work of the Weather Bureau and operational organs. We
must remember that bettering the meteorological and hydrological servicing
of the national economy is the fundamental task of the measures adopted to
strengthen the operational organs.
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Special attention must be paid to managing the work of the GMB IV detach..
ment. We must work out a clear system for furnishing all kinds of hydrologi-
cal and meteorological forecasts, and also warnings of dangerous weather phe-
nomena and hydrological conditions to these GMB, drawing the AMSG into this
operation if necessary.
We must improve the cooperation of the weather bureau specialists with
the leaders of soviet and party organs and with organizations being serviced.
At certain times, it will be necessary to send weather bureau specialists to
help the GMB specialists and to consult with the managers of the national
economy organizations being serviced.
There can be no doubt that strengthening the operational organs, along
with other measures being carried out by the Main Administration of the Hy-
drometeorological Service, will help raise the quality of forecasts and warn-
ings and will improve the hydrometeorological servicing of the national econ-
Local administrations of the Hydrometeorological Service must strive to
achieve, as a result of their labors, the maximum effect, and at the same
time they must strive to create the necessary conditions for rapid solution
of the problems set before the organs of the Hydrometeorological Service by
the historical decisions of the 19th Party Congress.(2)
1. A. A. Zolotukhin, The USSR Hydrometeorological Service," Meteorologiya
i Gidrologiya, No 1, Leningrad, 1953, PP 3-9
2. K. T. Logvinov, "Plans to Strengthen the Forecasting Service," Meteoro-
logiya I Gidrologiya, No 3, Leningrad, 1953, PP 7-10. .
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