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Approved For Release 2003/03/05 : CIA-RDP80-00810A000300510001-1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION COUNTRY Chile SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. This Document contains Information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean. Ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and IN, of the U.S. Code, M amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person Is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form Is prohibited. REPORT NO. Activity of the Chilean Co i mmuj t, ply DATE DISTR. R n espect to march _19.53 Chilean Congressional Elections NO. OF PAGES 0 25X1A 2'8 February 1953 REQUIREMENT NO. RD PLACE ACQUIRED 25X1 25X1 THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE' APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 1. In reference to pre-electoral activity of. the Communist Party of Chile (PCCh)!: and, expectations for the March 1953-Chilean Congressional and Municipal. elections ~ a , defeat for the Communists.._and..the Frente del Pueblo is predioted611. The estimated Frente del Pueblo voting. strength, based on studies effeotsd: recently by the PCCh electoral affairs.committee, is 100,000, Howover, ~ this is a. maximum figure .and probably is very unreliable, inasmuch as it is`not even broken down into area distribution,:nor was it calculated on that,badise This in itself makes the estimate rather meaningless in view of the regional bases -on which the elections are to be h :4 e 2. PCCh leaders would reportedly consider the: Party-as having won a moral vi0tory should the nationwide Front., rqAl __ WJL%owwu. VW ibanista total,fall"below 300,000 votes. Fri- electoral's tivitys and/or F,theronts, del Pueblo meanwhile has been at a virtual. standstill, and what litt esthere has been hasp been considered: ineffective. ., . This state of affairs is ittributsd,the reluctance of regional ,and local Communist leaders to collaborate with:. their Socialist allies and the failure. of the Frente del'ueblo to formalise regional,--.pacts with other politioal.groups.., Only in the Antofagasta - Tarapaca prov.noes where the Frente del Puebla and; Radicals are banding together in support.'. of Senatorial candidates Salvador ALLENDE Grossems (Sopol,list).and Barcial MOW Miranda (Radical), is there any semblance of effective campaigning by the Frente del Pueblo. It is... reF;ported that the pre-electoral activity of the other non-Ibaniata forces has been equally as slow and ineffective as that of the Communists and Frente del Pueblo to date. The PCCh meanwhile has authorized Frente'del Pueblo negotiators to make regional and local electoral pacts with any"-political groups or parties whatsoever, including the Rightist Parties and v e en the Popular Socialists, so long as these pacts strengthen the chances of Frente del Pueblo candidates in the area involved. The PCCh is however reserving the right to reject Fronts del Pueblo Support of certain Radical candidates whom it considers-"morally tinaooepts,blee CONFIDENTIAL NAVY AIR FBI ,r AEC (NNse W