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33 COUNTRY Eas t Germany SUBJECT Railroad Tank Cars Operating through East German Border Stations PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. Approved For Release 2006/10/18: CIA-RDP80-0081OA000500560005-9 CLASSIFICATION SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. O 'FICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE SECURITY C~FO~PdATIREPORT NO. f F M TIo REPORT CD NO. January 1953: Date Number Load in of January Cars 7 1 cotton seed oil crude oil 16 25X1 DATE DISTR. 17 1 h 1953 NO. OF PAGES 4 NO, OF ENCLS. . (LISTED BELOM SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 From To Via Number Of Cars Loadrv__-j From Brest Witten- Frank- 39 special Boehlen Zhabinka Litovsk berge fort/ s li e ga o n Oder 13. n " n 13 empty Frank- Brest fart/ Litovsk Forst 45 Oder gaso- Gross- Tuplice 44 line korbeth tar oil Troeg a Slawiecice 1 litz gaso- Gross- . Bialystok Austria Krumpa Bad 1 line korbeth empty Krupa a Austria Gross- Schandau Bad 81. Gross-- ri korbetha Brambach korbeth a 3rest Merse- Frank- 24 paral- Nerse- Brest Litovsk, burg fort/ dehyde burg Litovsk Oder 24 empty Frank- furt/ Oder s ire -,. AkMY F CLASSIFICATION 5ECREP/GCOTROL Ti. ------NAVY 4 WSRB DISTRISUTtON FR! 1 1 z 0"ICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/10/18: CIA-RDP80-0081OA000500560005-9 Approved For Release 2006/10/18: CIA-RDP80-00810A000500560005-9 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. 07FICIAIS ONLY - 2 - Date Number in of January Cars 8 3 46 78 16 58 46 30 37 6 59 1 37 2Q1A 1 -1 Westbound Eastbound Load From To of Cars empty Poland Gross- korbetha Forst 26 tar oil Troeg- Slawiecice crude Austria Bad 43 empty Gross- Austria oil Krumpa Brambach Bad korbetha Schandau empty Brest Boehien Frank- 34 gasoline Boehien Zhabinka Litovsk furt/ . 7 N Oder 45 empty Frank- Brest toluol oil empty Poland Schoen- Gasch- it Forst furt/ Oder Litovsk ~- crude Austria oil w z Gross- korbetha Krumpa Bad Schandau Gross- Bad 41 empty Gross- Austria korbetha Brambach korbetha Frank- 45 " Berlin Brest empty Poland furt/ Oder Gross- Forst korbetha Troeglitz 18 gasoline Boehien Litovsk Zhabinka . Boehlen Horka Gross- korbetha 49 crude Austria oil 46 n n 11 No shipments reported .12 1 toluol Brest oil Litovsk 5 empty 5 whale oil ra Gross- Bad korbe Brambach +~ v Krumpa Bad Schandaa Schoene- Frank- 16 paral- Merse- Brest beck furt/ dehyde burg Litovsk Boehlen Oder Rosslau . Horka . 45 Diesel Troeg- Poland SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. (F FIC IALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/10/18: CIA-RDP80-00810A000500560005-9 54 tar oil Troeg- ~ Stettin litz 49 empty Krumpa Austria Approved For Release 2006/10/18: CIA-RDP80-0081OA000500560005-9 SECRF,T/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS 0 3 Westbound Date Number Load From To in of JanuarQ Cars 67 12 25 empty Poland Gross- Forst korbetha 9 crude Austria 13 1 empty 59 " Poland 8 54 83 crude Austria oil 37 empty Brest -Litovsk 4 " Poland 10 crude Austria oil. 15 1 empty Brest Litovsk 10 Boehlen Troeg- Forst Litz Gross- korbetha Troeg- Scheune litz Gross- Bad korbetha Brambach Krumpa Bad Schandau Boehlen Frank- fort/ Oder Troeg- Scheune litz Krumpa Bad Schandau Morse- Frank- burg fort/ Boehlen Oder Eastbound From To 1 gasoline Gross- Poland korbetha 85 eripty Austria 44 " Krumpa of 56. -gasoline Gross- Poland korbetha 56 Diesel Troeg- oil litz 47 empty Gross- Austria korbetha 24 gasoline Boehlen Brest Litovsk 65 Diesel Troeg-' Poland oil litz 17 paral- Merse- Brest dehyde burg Litovsk 7 empty Frankfurt/ Oder 1 Diesel Troeglitz Poland oil SECRET/C"NTROL - U. S. OF"'I CIALS ONLY Via oil Schandau M,a -de- burg '3ad Brambach 1 aniline oil ',rest Dresden Frank- Litovsk _urt/ Oder it if Wolfen i:Ia_Luoi Schoene- oil beck Number Load of Cars Approved For Release 2006/10/18: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000500560005-9 Approved For Release 2006/10/18: CIA-RDP80-0081OA000500560005-9 25X1 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS -Wlr 7 -4- Westbound Eastbound, Date Number Load From To Via, Number Load From To in of of Jam Cars Cars 15 11 30 1 empty Stettin Troeg- Scheune Litz crude Austria Gross- Bad oil korbetha Schandau Krumpa Bad Brambach osrmt ent. Rumors concerning the establishment of a large state fuel reserve in East Gerinarx are unfounded. The establishment of such a reserve would only be possible if export deliveries were considerably reduced. There have been no indications, however, of such a restriction of fuel exports. Many of the fuel shipments dispatched in both directions via Frankfurt/Oder were included in previous reports on rail freight traffic through that railroad station. SECRET/CONTROL .. U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/10/18: CIA-RDP80-0081OA000500560005-9