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Document Creation Date: 
December 15, 2016
Document Release Date: 
March 12, 2003
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Publication Date: 
February 20, 1953
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5i~ ,t r-y lid i,?r: -tr w tdis. L t._._ ...- `~~g-~, tq~ed~Qx.,~el~aS2.2Q0.3/,08106._:. Cl~,. ~tD?~ ~` gti k+a1'4F ,EFE =LACES _.~. rt d.: MAR KS....,,....-..-......r.,....,. 2i ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE)...r._. ,._... 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 An exercise which involved, tanks and lasted several days i4as completed on 23. January, the t. '~: were cseaeerve r :e;si gg z,)roug. i o__r,nz en route toward ane .a.. Two armored reconnaissance cars, 4 wortars, 6 AA g m.s,, 6 AT guns, 2 field kitchen,-, 2 Jeeps, and 1 sedan., and abort 25 trucks were use observed passing through Polenz, F777 25X1 25X1 0 25X1 ? 22 Janruary, there was no air activity at the field Twenty-four ground attack planes were parked in front of the two eastern hangars in the northern section of the field. The area adjacent to the weY, which was also suitable for the a,rrangene-t of aircraft oculd not be ob- servedbecause of a ground wave. The Winding field was covered with snow chile the nv!,,,ray was clear and shiny. According o a wood workex, a new group ; rrivsd at the field a short time before. CL SS)It?ICA.710cp ir,,pF The fol.lowIng observations were Wade at Brandin airfield between 21. and 2t January 1953: 23. Ja a a?.?% an IL.-1O plane circled once over he field. The vi- sibi.l..itl, was limited to about 2 kn. 22 a;,9urr , the sky was o srast, and there was a. visibility ;7 7 Ar our 1:i -l.Q circled over the field ? Janua r? There waa no air activity. a4 3anuax a, flying was. practiced by two IL-10s. There was a 1r a &.1 mid - s 9 ility of 2 lm;. 25 Ja,n , .x? 'v rcin:1 attack planes l?nes practiced flying. ,There was the same weather as on 24 January. .6 Jail ary. _There was a 6/1C? overcast and vi.Uibilitlr of 2 to 4 1w;. Six gym.. U-2 -s with red and gray rarkings circled over the field One lL,--10 plane was observed aloft 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA000600520010-7 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA000600520010-7 25X1 er? n Theee c bmerva .ons confirm that Brsa.~Y~`_t: s w.irfield. -;_a r c p ed by gr our d attack and transport planeso O. ae g saund attack g rnent and one air transport regiment are believed to be statioxa I I rep, he aircraft of the three squadrons or. the tx?Tvu,po-Rt reg me at are v, ke b?r red, ra and yellow strfpe : on t 4e.11, ruddtsr asset : c:. ? ane s+ previou.sly reepcrted that arr mi..ts started ears. exercise with combined a a.pons in the Brend s are:.,3 on 13 :aU Rr 1? `' erc s is a,:~n{.;iy ? p1eted on ::1 J na?a, L e tan-a ca erved in Pole= L on 21 Jan?.aaryfl probably 25X1 e~ AL- n e o . klo :Jt'i tads Tank Div while the motor velAicies observed belong to Dl-iv, Therefore,) it is passible that. unj~43-oi ;,ete -coQQ. . d . t on ?. oar"tic ,i a -tted in the exercise. ?p j F t The sta4eraent made i correcto The 25X1 d :r`o d a0'-,tad o re-Invent from Dessau was transferred to Brandin on 26 December 19524 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA000600520010-7