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Document Creation Date: 
December 22, 2016
Document Release Date: 
October 6, 2009
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Publication Date: 
February 26, 1953
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00810A000700220001-9.pdf346.6 KB
COUNTRY roptc;n~,~ Approved For Release 2009/10/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000700220001-9 -_....T 1 t t*PY`vnt~~Ty -:VALUATION DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED REFERS PAGES ____,._ ___ _ REMARKS PLACE OBTAINED, 26 February 1953 BATE PREPARED ~._~ ~.._. ENCLOSURES (NO. & 7YPE)_. 1. On 22 November 1952, the Friedrich-Franz Kaserne, west of Fehrbeliner Strasse and north of Thomas Mann Strasse, Neuruppin, was about 80 percent occupied. Sentries observed wore red-bordered black epaulets. About 70 percent of the barracks buildings were lighted at dusk. On 22 November, 24 soldiers practiced with three 127-zmm field howitzers, chile 20 other soldiers fell in near five trucks, in the barracks yard. At about 4 about s r school 2. On 22 November, the main barracks building of the See Kaserne South of Karl Liebknecht Strasse and eaot of Feldmann Strasee was occupied to capacity? Sentries observed wore red-bordered black epaulets. All windows were li hte at ni htfall. 0n 22 November four trucks each towinr a ? ^'.~ mortar, entered the barracks installation 3. On 22 November, no soldiers were seen in the cantonment on Scholten Platt. The sheds were closed and the AAA emplacement along Scholten Strasse was no longer occupied. 4. On 22 November, troops practiced driving on the grounds of the former girls' school on Puecl:kin Strasse. nightfall. 5. On 22 November, the Fridericus Kaserne west of Altruppiner Allee, 2 km north of the town, was occupied to capacity. Sentries observed wore red-bordered black epaulets with tank insignia. All quarters were fully lighted at dusk oc 'ilitarv' Information from Neurua)tin C6_A5S F CAT40N SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2009/10/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000700220001-9 Approved For Release 2009/10/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000700220001-9 SECRET/CC OT-FICIAL,':' 'ONLY interest in thra tc-nlr ~ -- ?~ ~~ _ a,~ ??...~??. tra_ ning, especially in tank dri?-ruing practice., From 6 December 1952 until 8 January 1953. headquarters,, Lieutenant Colonel Hn.lashov (fnu), the supply officer of the division, who as to return to the U.S S 3H-. on 8 January, was still at the post, His successor had already started Working On 8 January, Captain Chea3nokor (fnu) was the head of t e .ez His former assistant, Senor Lieutenant Astafyev (fnu) wa3 transferred to Neustrelitz for reassigruneut and succeeded by Seri;or Lieutenant Khomenko (fnu) The Koch still supplied 24 unit. including: Unit r'ajor Trush.kov (fnu) whi.:h was stationed in tl garrison hospital and had its bathing Installation on Alt Ruppinei Allee, and Unit Senior Lieutenant Stebknrski (fnu), garrison bakery in Neumuaehle. The following nuwber of nits which. were supplie-?. by the Kech were quartered in the individual barracks 1nstallatiore as follows: this rai.ning.. The officers included also those of the division a: Frider4.cus Ka.sorne:, 8 supply units b: See Ytserne: 2 supply units c: Fri"Ydrich Franz Kaserne: 3 supply units d: GF,rrison hospital and other division headquarters units: supply units e: Telegraph construction office: 1 supply unit f ~. District konendatura: 1 supply unit ?r; Wulkow: I supply unit h: Former girls' school: 1 supply unit i: Gentzrode: 1 supply unit s On 8 January, the Eridericua Kaserne quartered about troops" 0 s.a 5 December 1952, six T-::_1/85 tanks were in the installation. From 6 cember 1-952 -until 8 January 1953, six tanks daily moved out of the installation to the tank driving area southeast of the Kuhburg Weg, opposite the Storbeck target range. A low wooden building, 12 x 35 meters" for a permanent guard detail was erected in this area. Tank driving Twactice which ~,ras witnessed most of the time b}- the division comnnrader was conducted