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Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP80-008 25X1 t CLASS! FICYFIC,14 COUNTRY TOPIC Fail Freight Tra f jc across Last German iordpr Stations; EVALUAT!0N 25X1r_ ., LACE BTAINED. . DATE OF CONTENT. 25X1 C REFEREN ES,. 125X1 .-DATE PRLP1.RFD_- 2..No-ven er 1953 PAG ES.a _.. __-ENCLOSURES) No. & TYPE)---,. .cerzt c f tYfl re-oort was cn usly.. r isa-_saLoat d 0 25X1 25X1 1w The follow4yAg x5' 1 sh pti# nts were ob:Mrve rass5_ng through th*: f e' 1ros? ra_.2rcad station on the days men# ,- _orned: r Date in Number Cctober of Cars _33 F 1.3 F 1.9 F 5 bittiaen cars 2 F wheel set's ?lottbu, Brest i,itovr;k F'rar #~t9~t 'c et 1. Wr;Z:,ar Bret L;? t f k 20 F reparations goods ticvtbus _Fwikf=,u.rt/C;der 35 F 40 trucks 2. The fol.iowin ; rail shipnent: were observed pasuin,r through Frankf`urt/!Ccde : Date in Umber Load 25X1 Cctober o Ctrs 25X1 25X1 5 T1 ..'t ` ,'^ 'lI' f CxL l ss `4 4C F new trucks 26 11:; F L' t:f ueks 27 6 B goc--_s 2 Yi 1 Brest- Litovsk undetermined . 25X1 Frankfurt; Oder Frankf i, rt/Cder Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA003100250010-9 Approved For Release 2005/0213)(1 CIA-RDP80-0081OA003100250010-9 25X1 Da we !'su* her? of Gat s Brost Litovsk 25X1 I ) { rec&en Tdeustadt ) Altluedcrsdorf ) ) } Kwersdorf ) Fi now ) St rausberg ) trarioi s railroad stations Fr "s1:.f''urt/&der 25X1 3. The following rail shipum,-.ts ,sere cb iervec passing t ,rot th Fimnkfw t,ftker on the days r' : Ucned 8 ne% r ra?l9 urani u:i ore rank u tf odor empty ? trucks Brost LL tovsk erankfuct/%.der t an?c ~Y1 in e Eh.:r w 1de 7 tucks 5 U ucks f; t-e-voks Ik,ii:itar?j gocds -0 XS tanks with- out tra'-ret: Da are 1,; 2r ber Load of Cars r = 8 6 neu rails 1.2 ? i A_ To FrankI u't/Gder Mer Qeburg 7 G -ben ) 8 9's ) 52 8 and B(Jr a robber l erf-, of ure '0 1E>.rs and 1ch-4E3I`shk`useii 555 B and F ariJ.itax7 goods ,trvuupberg ?.6 rk f ruck Dal l ;vw i ti t17 a' ,d3b[;r5 .F .E~?-mil c' 73v'a`atcr3 i i alu ra' i '-wit/Oder i e e L'C3t1.63si Fra i' urt/Geter Dresden 12 Donets coal rank'urt/Deer t4ergebq rg Approved For Reige02 05/07/13: CIA-RDP80-00810A0031 0 23"-9 25X1 0 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA003100250010-9 25X1 M ction iron F ra f' z t/Odee Laipzig 24 F ho acr ball Date Number Load `4 ,i's 50 3 (ne, F ; sacI iisry Leipzig Brest Litovsk ,eb?nworda cnponen a,s o. Dessau e: c&.vatora 25X1 25X1 II 55 G e; pty Fre. fuvt/` 'er Brest Litovsk -A, In early ev ber, - .he Fran w,,It./0der railroad station was 1a taed with freight hip eiats boiaa.d for Bre.,t ;.,'.totwsk. The railroad station refused to ace p - further mer is for r}rest Litovsk. a Pall nbi uent able; ?;ed at y`raa u t/Oder E,n route :frm Brc eet Litovsk i abu 30 flatcars :l.o tided w6. h heavy i,,'f guns anti ocxcarYi loaded with a uz itiox . 3 Fail al- dents included: II 25X1 Date Number : s of Car 25X1 25X1 23 4.0B Groa korbetha Fz a nkfu rt /Oder 24tp ? 50 X35=1 ti uckn Le?ipaig 21). ;, m-ae . ne Pertn l`"deblu~g Leit ig B F re ra st L nkfu it r ovsk: t/Oder 16 F 2 3 Soviet Erfurt 0 5 each '^L ` boTei'!3 I., fir 1' AA. g 'TJs 60 F Mi! `:ac'.a ine par to a"'SC':)t'sl R'+ e :t Br e. Li 4.A v s 2 ESEau YE.gceburg 2.#i new trucks Lc-! pzig Frankfurt/Oder 1 ,'o-'es and roach-me an-:ts 27 4% B 5 3 F Ira chine parts 28 59 ? of mss1orbetha Brest Litovsk Lei,ppzi-g Magdo'k.urg :a':Z f'jr1. F'r 'urt/Oil er rauh;%.x;e : is Magdebur ; Brost Lit:arsk 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA003100250010-9 Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : 99fDP80-0081 OA003100250010-9 25X1 Number i. Cal , Date I:unber -vad Oab Cr S 30 34 s sk ;yehhino its ? i``3 Y1 )od8 trucks iisiscellemeous 1 ' F acline pars 9 4B and F and :tuxes 2 32 ' Plac.."O.ne parts 4 81 F 3 55 ? pnnentr Rail `a''f h , DoeII -.-m 'Na sd e 61wg 1 0 67 Leipzig Faikenb=rg } Brest Litovsk j i9 ,ieim r Brest Litovsk Leipzig, I,',a d e b u r g 1e p' : r g i,nc1 ud ed 25X1 25X1 25X1 Br2,st Litovsk rasdan ec!er.,idorf tie 45 ' 3.9 1.0 B 3uteter o , Aitc's Lugc. ra `?urt/ er 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA003100250010-9 Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA003100250010-9 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 :or rie `o far i?; b tad c; y baen ' r of that torch trucks were S 1 ; ~ to 2i7i'iiania J-. Bad ;3ch&~ rdau, It a.Y ha tt tr t j.~:?Zy r.~ trllL.'i'~i ia-)rcl'.~ c...i now r..1 c~.~.~k.'V t3.~?~:u L.,_e'2`i `~o ;1If' ?'O w P . P'ew x? :'3_ car' e'a; de iiv nro ! to the USSR. The wheel- _Pats so t ~. V or cra' I_ by v cd cr V _e :- nxTlet railroad r e t e . The of trucks. t.:an1:s and other heavy . u5 - >>era . .+f k z trr ,k shi' ; mts observes", on c~E:lici _?y ra} r< z and t Hove, fiber (1 F?.r.graph 1) are poS:33Y31o4' .dentiC .> ` ":e sra . q..c c,~ ,: ; el. erc? re:,,or :ed ciispatchel to Franks urt/Ldor were jrobabl.y nrardec to other rni * c?:,e . Coes?-ient . Fr obi the that '1 .here s ij,-rnCantc. co sis cl,ed depot at rej-.-Orte6 it is inferred of ration ?rpti.es ccrsi.Jncd to the ration supply W r ~ ,. tra ,n c re deliveries to the USSR. It appears that I;dex Figtr Fir a u^cd for these s xa.; ~at?, in November.: two a i. ents obser red an I 3o e~: bs ? and ino-Iu .ed in ,,~~ ; ra pht 2 and 7 ars very probably identical. C o7 ert~ These he,-.Tv :s tT flatcars will bably be used for t'.;aa aaipir N?ui o . h e a > ?~ ~: G , r ec u ? : a . . e n u or a rt.d w k .Fie U S S R to "'v.ot+ GGrT 2 r 25X1 I 12 25X1 k .-x r~:. a 1::h~i.a. rie iron. tl.e ":1 SR continuod;at a .ov e ol. I I _ k? tag "~r .., :$w -X aid n? t fa,,--t :3e '.'r p c sJ reror4-s. a total of 5C4C O tong o