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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/08: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003300470008-6 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT SECR 'I'/CQNI?OL ii*,3 ,S,..;OFFICIALS ONL! COUNTRY fungary/USSR/Poland. 1. Soviet troops in Sz4kesfehhrv> r (Q48/Z00) (10-15 September 1953) a, ;8:eadquarters of the 2 Soviet Mechanized Division is located in the'so-called "ffew Army Carps Building", on Karl Marx Square, near the police headquarters, THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. REPORT DATE DISTR. 22 January 1954 NO. OF PAGES 4 REQUIREMENT NO. RD REFERENCES 'b. Location of some of the subordinate units: Beadquar.t;ers of a Soviet armored regiment is located in the artillery, barracks on the V8rds hadsereg utja, Also quaretered here are: the headquarters and the various units of two sub- )ordinate armored battalions with a strength of about 1,200 men. Before the maneuvers began, the following vehicles were observed in the courtyard of the barracks: 1, Soviet Troops in Hungary 2. Maneuvers and. Trogp Movements .of the Soviet Army 1) about 35 tanks of the T-31+/85 tjrpe 2) about 30 tanks of the JS-l22 type 3) ~+bout 30 true c. In the former Infantry Barracks, near the V6r8s hs,d.sereg utja Cavalry Barracks, are located the headquarter's and the various units ,of two battal oria of a Soviet motorized infantry regiment. Their strength is about 1,1.00 men. The following vehicles were seen in, the courtyard. of the barracks: about 70 trucks d Stationed in the former antiaircraft barracks, located at the rail and highway crossings of the routes leading to Seregelyes and Bicske ate the headquarters and the units of two Sov1 t motorized howitzer artillery groups with a total strength of about 1,,200 'men. Each group is equipped.:with 12 howitzers of 122 mm, caliber. Before the maneuvers began, about 50 vehicles, some of which were tractors, were lined up in the courtyard. S*1BET/CONTkL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY ARMY X NAVY x AIR X FBI AEC II 25 YEAR RE-REV Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/08: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003300470008-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/08: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003300470008-6 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 2. Maneuvers of Soviet Troops (9-18 August 1953). a. Armored units of the 2 Soviet Mechanized Division, were on maneuvers in the area of Seregelyes, Polg&xdi, Nagyl&ng, Dorog, Lepseny, and SimonbOrnya. 1) Artillery units were located in the Lake Velence area. 2) Motorized infantry units were maneuvering in the zone of AbasArkeresztur SalrbogErd, and Vajta. b. Maneuvers at company and battalion levels only were observed during this period. It was expected that the maneuvers were to continue in the direction of Szeksz&,rd and Bonyhad. c. Units of the 95 Soviet Division were also participating in these maneuvers. 1) ~'mored units and artillery units were located in the zone of Cegl6d, ~Orkeny, and La josmizse N 2) Motorized infantry units were located in the zones of Izsak, Kisk8iras,, Harta (pioneers), and Soltvadkert. d. -Until 15 August 1953 only maneuvers on battalion level took place, however, after this date, there were maneuvers on regimental level. The division scale maneuvers were to begin at the end of September 1953. 3. Soviet Troop Movements. I Ithe Soviets, on account of the danger caused by the partisans in Central Poland have re-routed troop replacements for East Germany from the usual Brest-Litovsk-Warsaw line to a route through Chop and Biel (Bely--R49/E80) in Czechoslovakia, thereby having a chance to test the capacity of the Biel shunting station .1 Between 15 July and 15 August 1953, 30 troop convoys en route to Bohemia via Zvolen arrived at the Biel shunnitig station. From Bohemia they went into East Germany. 4. Soviet Troops in Kecskemet (Y6/N95) (11 - 15 September 1953). 'Hea'dquarters of the 95 Soviet Mechanized Division is located in the Bugac tourist hotel. b. The following subordinate units are located in the Rudolf Barracks in Kecskemt: 1) Headquareters and the various units of an armored Soviet regiment, 2) Units of a Soviet assault guns group. Total strength of these two units is 1,600 men. c. During the month of July 1953 the armored Soviet regiment received new replacements from the USSR for about half of the older soldiers. ~ The replacements were about 19 - 20 years old. The regiment is equipped with: 1) 30 tanks of the T-3+/85 type 2) 20 tanks of the JS-122 type 3) 12 self-propelled SU-122 L1) 13 self-propelled SU-85 5) L trucks d. Located in the Infantry Barracks (Kisfaludy utca) is a Soviet motorized infantry regiment with 2 battalions. There are about 1,000 men. Here too, about half of the-alder soldiers have been replaced by younger men. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 25X1. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/08: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003300470008-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/08: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003300470008-6 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY e.. Located in the Cavalry Barracks (Vasut utca) there is a Soviet tank reconnaissance group numbering 500 men and equipped. with: 1) 12 tanks of the T-34/85 type 2) 12 tanks of the JS-122 type 3) 8 tanks of the SU-122 type 4) 8 antitank guns with a caliber of 76.2 mm. f. In addition there is a small Soviet unit guarding the barracks mentioned above. 5. Soviet Troops in Debrecen (R48/K40) There were no Soviet troops in September 1953 in Debrecen except for the ones listed below: a. In the former garrison Headquarters at VSrds hadsereg utj.a there was a Soviet transport command composed of about 60 men. These men guarded Soviet freight.trains at the ZAhony border station and accompany the trains as far as Szolnok. b. The situation at the Debrecen airfield was as follows: The three Soviet bomber companies equipped with IL-16 and IL-18 planes formerly stationed at this. field were transferred unexpectedly to an unknown destination during July 1953. A few days later a wing of Soviet fighter planes took their place. In September 1953 there were about 350 men and the following planes located at the field: 1) 30 MIG 15 2) 11 YAK-?9 3;)' 9 LI-2 4) 8 or 10 PO-2 The number of transport and reconnaisance planes changed daily, while the number of fighter planes had remained stationary for weeks. 6. Soviet Troops in Szolnok (Q48/037) (10-14 September 1953) Located at the "Tiszai" Barracks were the headquarters and units of a Soviet armored regiment with a strength of about 1,400 men. T'1is regiment was subordinate(to the 95 Mechanized Division at Kecskemdta Regimental equipment consisted of; 1) 30 T-34/85-type tanks 2) 30 JS-:L22-tyl9e tanks b. The units of this armored regiment were engaged in maneuvers in the Ceglod area. 7. Soviet Troops in the Miskolc Area (12 -14 September 1953) a. There were no Soviet troops in the city of Miskolc. However there were about 400 Soviet civilian employees in the factories at &:d and Diasg;Ar. b. At the-'barracks located on the outskirts of Miskolc on the Uj Diosgyor road,,` a Soviet armored battalion was stationed with about 600 men and equippment as follows: 1) about 20 tanks of the T-34/85 type 2) 24 tanks of the JS-122 type. c. During the past months no passes were issued to the members of these units:' The battalion has been stationed here stf.ce, the mid ale of May 1953. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/08: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003300470008-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/08: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003300470008-6 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY -4- 8. Soviet Garrison at Gy8r (P48/Y44). (4-7 September 1953) a. Stationed in the former "VadAsz" barracks are the headquarters and personnel of a Soviet motorized infantry battalion with a strength of about 600 men. The following materiel ;bras noted in the barrackb courtyard before the departure. for maneuvers: 1) 4 antitank guns, caliber 76.2 mm. 2) 8 antitank guns, caliber 37 mm. 3) 6 mortars, caliber 82 mm. 4) 64 trucks b. In the artillery barracks at Gy8rszabadhegy are the headquarters and units of a Soviet teconnaisance tank battalion. Strength of the battalion is about 500 men. The battalion is equipped with the following: 1) 36 tanks of type T-34/85 2) 8 antitank guns of 76.2 mm, caliber 3) 20 trucks The battalion has been stationed in Gytr for more than a year. Formerly it was subordinate fo.a division in Austria, but for about the last six months it has been a component of the 2 Mechanized Divison at SzdkesfehervAr. c. As of beginning September 1953, the Soviet units in Gy8r were at Lovlszpatona and at Homokb8d8genear Papa. transloading yar ds at Cierna (Cerna), near Biel and across the Soviet- Czechosloarak frontier from Chop. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/08: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003300470008-6