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Document Creation Date: 
December 22, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 19, 2009
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Publication Date: 
March 15, 1954
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00810A003700540008-4.pdf108.78 KB
Approved For Release 2009/05/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA003700540008-4 NO. OF ENG WSWO A;t F- gY"; a 3: efF1ve" deei.Fns t" n t : tk SK scheduled be ha,Ld In 3 i.d d ' ..ir-n'ti fz f "). a: ).. ove r t_ 1 and dur1 the 1 n co ej , r r{ V01.11 d #r~rt, take r. it- 9rnatjo .1 n egotiatioa .wWr4: to be coo uc -Es .. P?.v 1954 a conf rance s_ r h 1 for a r tioi j e l3#? ?S i9 !` '' ?1 e)b."o& ue a S'!e.3 d {F-' Fm,-- F- -r i.-Bp nn,! .{f`+ I~ j oT,J V.Y. w e Wi.:ifd 01 ?{1.L. E2'v3.~?c3Pi NO O e PAGES DATE ~A the 4 s - r Best C e 7 .mee;2 boai.se the, ixs*.>-4.'L.t. `.3 43 wee t "(?r?"itia:ti 3i'Y t;al ' e tine p) is stsc~ t e!T41,? ne s , r had to go ou'c oi' its - to -:eke these r: t ~ w ,.on r^~r the *Inciu'llatipns- of' Werti-ee' SUPLE~` '3 ' ?O PO# T ; %' '3. the i 1 C~antre.? -or itte+e- est. . blished - ttA1i ?'- 60`r*5::rx fe?a tAnent" ih1 s Pte;:; szi:rnsc the mission to L-; dinate all r i . a _ n n e d in o r u i o t c r:.*.3 -1 g,1 t} Berlin conference. . This ,d tr ent is headed by Pi n ov r e ioi slv headed the West Ger- Division of ,;be State Radio Conc. t~ s4 , a ; '.-I eve t."Lat no definite decisions eve bes i - t kn 'Sal- Ffc envier' . such :r1aw A4y bi-c Lnd r nories erS %'.llon; }? StEIa 'nay e niI47etinu rra for " he -5~^a ~:S-ve. the effect Of i'g the party 'i!o o in. the eyes nx- th}i West d the 'FAst (;rrnar fix- :at en. That :$ . High (::ors-nisa' In ex Ie fe: w A r If =$ a;tns ; ,i1+a.:, .rts de"sn it'trnt nns ...'e:. - Ler lin dtirinr th.o r a -,')f the Pi., n ;~ suf'ficie''itl: press reports. FK-1,7414 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/05/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA003700540008-4 e GE TRAt ?+' p ~.. 1.,t a 3 ' . f :t RF POR