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Document Release Date: 
May 20, 2009
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Publication Date: 
April 1, 1954
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4. Approved For Release 2009/05/20: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004000640008-9 25X1 CLASSIFICATION I COtJNTI E.Nt Geri-any Yilita y Information from . s u-Rosalau EVALUATION DATE OF CONTENT DATE OITAINED REFFRENCES_ 2 PAGES. REMARKS_ :37-mm AA guns 0 25X1. 19. 1. At 11:30 a.m. on 27 February 1954, 8 trucks occupied by troops t :. _. ,.__ -..REPORT At 5 p.m. on 28 Feb t?uary, 14 trucks., occupied by troops a~.d towing 1 : x 37 mi A.A. guns; 2 field kitchens 1 repair shop track and I water tank truck left Rosslau toward DessauT~ -1 the installation continued, with firing actices, i:icludin advanced combat practice firing; and training on obstacles, being observed 25X1 movers, 16 to 18 trucks ?and 9 b xcar. 25X1 occupied by troops was seen an route toward ssau. 4. On 5 and 6 March, the barracks installations (31+01) in Rossisu were occupied by an estimated 3,500 troops, mainly tank units and including AT and AAA units. The intensive training previously observed outside the installation, expecially with the tank units, had considerably decreased. Only individual T-34/85 tanks, left the installation toward Gross--Kuehnau. Training within uns left Rosslau toward I eesau. 2 A a nut ?4 p m on the same a a s +en of 12 x .-rrri ouz3s i 2 -rim The -arO.t returned 3. At 12:30 p.m. on 4 March 14 trucks, occupied b troops, towing 1 , x 37--mm AA at 7:15 p.m. on 3 March. CLASSIFICATION 811;t~t,.a T Approved For Release 2009/05/20: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004000640008-9 Approved For Release 2009/05/20: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004000640008-9 I . 5. Z During the last days of observation, individual groups of engineers engaged In reconditioning of quarters at the water training sites Louth. of the Ilra Brach flax play-it. The say il.l at the water training site southeast of Rosslau v -as again in operation. Engineer trucks carrying iaeem 7 and logs went y'rorr there toward the water tr ._e.ning site south of Braxibach. 4 Camp Grass (uehnau was occupied by only a guar eTa' l wearing red-bordered slack epaulets. \ 7. In the afternoon on 6 Yarch, Camp Gross Ituehnau was apparentl. r being vacated, with billeting equi. ent b , jE; shipped aray by several trucks.- ,-v k m ment . force from the Zerbst airfield. o Ctubk of which i.s stationed in Kochstedt. :n AAA unit of the air units of the 62d LM.A Div C`iC !#n,. The 25X1 3n orma ?jon on .eereaa e -raining activities or tank units is correct. According to other reports, nwevous tank r i_ts of the division ewe re at Lotzling Tisath for firing practices fror< raid Fohr a3y to early March. Approved For Release 2009/05/20: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004000640008-9