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Document Creation Date: 
December 22, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 20, 2009
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Publication Date: 
April 1, 1954
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Approved For Release 2009/05/20: CIA-RDP80-00810A004000640010-6 ? %~ w sad Ca~~ nor ~,C) U NARY .--,~.~.....~.~,_:~~, - ~~ B19lfiS.~v rr,f ,~+?ar rn OF CONTENT-- O O ATE ( ' FAT" O!"MIM .DJ .....,wee,. 7-T NIC! a.. ; -EPO R f 1 k ee4A February and early Kroh -1951", L rv, military Ai tY l LIiam of then ' 25X1 s a s.salde post were o cuplad as previously with the haadjuax. t_ .. p',:.aaio"nad ,i1,1 :.' And the erracks WOMAN and cam c- ; ng occupied to y? .cr. t s en 2 and 5 obruary? a major exercis^.- appsaT `.to he Frei been conduct adr $out o `!'rwnpo, Heavy, a ;il _ery fire was continually heard Zoom thY area during the p, 1 on ,7' >"Tk r o Loss co:tuldl,3 3 were observed J and 15 February ? a r tha'sr f y columns of ? p;uiy and up to battalion s trr>n..C+h W'ae...f e rtz-pe Sledly ss,,en o;'' field ex r- U:ra;; s and driving ~s ter.F' ~ d~n:~.v~.~~zEM. practice. Between 12 and 28 Febx^ac ryo about .~.,s '; C :~ .S ?? ~ .~. - 2 trucks,, on ~:..f:,_.~.n%fw'..1. .3,~,u4.K'csse ouch occupied by about 20 tr?oo;?sR .'i 1, -ft the 6. A~ on -, s A x in too early morning and .'eturnec3 Supply t_..._:1 ie to military installations y.. f1a~Y.'...3~z:~ the ...i,~' 1 l ze of 1: s; ~X:~;l:.aii S Increased at.~A r~.......e. ~_a3.'"t'ipt~"S'a it .3,..^!.."; ammunition ,.i :.:pouts to the Artillerlo Kaserne,, Sei tzen z`aus rne and Br Lt sic training ... Ults aut arms appeared to in scaly Mwwvh, Troop, o bs r e:? wac>eived in di training } ck Cewith areas tr='nin in '.Wring and basic ~: k d left bra _. s From im:.,~ .R. ti f Gab k t o a t nfiy3s l 3 p b~A.5.a'1 L.`..'a ~v ~ a ''i aJ ~z.~_4~~.7 !r ~=i ~--~.i'~ .. t .A`e u 011l2.ot"wn 25X1 it...3 4 Or the T.e. t: 3. L'3 _.4':,y a i'wa4 . ' erne (ANA n Artillerie Ya se azee h. in late February am early ..arch, the 'Cchuat ;e>a Kaserne was occup ed 4,03 U eny 25X1 the east section of 8ch.e tzen Kaserne env, after hour; toward t ,.: its.:25X1 On 4 Marche, a column of seders occupied by 3 of ? cs ra ? peeps ea.c:! cu; ied by 3 officers wearing blue-bordered black spa- let; fie 1d kitchen s a;ruc : _u and nee L ~: ters ve ? c: s, left the west sac is of h as -x a ' n 9 ar 25X1 on ., are x, ?~ :ere s. l es~? b ..a coni? u-c ._in`~ ?x d ~.i~a. to sr Ira . in the Schuetzen Maserne, A. ter- the. cerarncny r, a t 0 offi 'er and l j900 EM lsft o h s"' n ase . ne for the .rti11er le .aNerne 25X1 a. rAwar and-e^arly MTV, .'V, he- Ar silleS:ie c5,.iiOOMO Sal occupied by about g.,00.0 e J M F. eh two colmrm_n en :,: vad the east s otion K the installation, the t iro i m It, % .. ~w S. 1aC;.i varz nn included 14 trucks Approved For Release 2009/05/20: CIA-RDP80-00810A004000640010-6 Approved For Release 2009/05/20: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004000640010-6 SE, C, Te, T In late February and early March, the cantonment on Breitscheid Otrasse was occupied by about 500 troops wearing blue-bordered black epaulets. 5o In early.March, the engines r unit, .`: " in Camp Duestorwinkelbr?uocke nu.:ribrs an estimated 800 troops. Track loaded with pontoons was seem en route to 25X1 the camp, i 6. On 5 February, 8 J --3 tanks and 2 SU 249 'ls wer'e25X1 entrained at the Fberswalde freight station? Judt*int from: imprints of tan; tracks, the tanks. came from the Artillerie Kaserne0 between'Ohri si 1953 Soviet r,?a ilios arrived In E zersw :lde