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Publication Date: 
September 7, 1954
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Approved For Release 2007/07/02 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004400380003-2 } JIJ1VJ11 Ivnl IVIR JlAIRS01 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT SUBJECT Rail Freight Traffic through Bast German Border NO. OF PAGES 3 Stations PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS I NXNn ON AFFECTING THE x OF THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN gECT1ONS )S! All 754. OE THE U. E. CODE. AS A NO[D. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVEL- ATION OE ITS CONTENTS TO OE NE In BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED ET LAN THE REPRO CTION OF THIS roll IS PROHIBITED. 11. _- _. __.. Z FBI NAVY AIR FBI The following shipments May 1954- 954: Date in Number and Type Load May of Cars NO. OF NO.OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25X1 7 10 G, 6 F vh eel sets Wei mar Bre st Litovsk 1 18 B un rietermihed Mag deburg " 14 F ma chine section s 1 marine boiler 24 F ma chine section s Lei pzig 8 12 F Mag deburg 46 B ur anium cre Sue 9 28 F ma chine section s Lei pzig 12 B un determined 10 41 care IN 11 37 care Wah ren " 22 T fu el Ruh land Fra nkfurt/Oder 2 12 12 F ma chine section s Fal kenberg 18 B un determined 5 T un determined 16 F ma chine seotiow e Mag deburg 15 8 0 4 cars fa wh ctory new eal sets Goer litz 8 F bo xes Magd eburg Bres t Litovsk 46 B un determined Buna " 8 B 44 B 17 4 G large covered Erfurt crates 12 B machines 47 B undetermined 47 B " Leipzig 19 38 cars ship sections Dessau 10 F factory-new trucks Erfurt 20 10 C factory-new Russian Weimar coaches 6 cars wheel sets 40 B potash Bad Salzungen Gaben 3 21 F 36 tractors Nordhausen " 3 16 B undetermined 2. the following east-bound empty grain shuttlewtrains25X1 passed through Frankfurt Oder between 17 and 22 May: 17 43 RBA Wustermark 18 56 Magdeburg 43 Berlin:Rummelsburg 19 56 Wustermark 54 Schoenebeck 56 Berlin-Rummelsburg 20 60 Magdeburg 57 RBA Wustermark 56 Magdeburg 55 Berlin-Rummelsburg 56 21 56 45 56 B 22 56 54 undetermined uranium ore Schwarzenberg Brest Litovsk " Schoenebeck/Elbe Magdeburg Berlin-Rummelsburg Sohoenebeck/Elbe No loaded grain shuttlerains entered East Germany via Frankfurt/Oder during the period under review. Date in Number of Number of Load From Maw Axles Tons 10 84 82 90 12 86 1199 gasoline Troeglitz 1110 cement Karsdorf 1240 " Nienburg 1220 gasoline Troeglitz 1400 it Nienburg SECR-LT/ GN'C ~L Stettin " 13 104 1140 cement %arsdorf 14 84 1215 gasoline Troeglita 16 86 1230 11 ow from a train of 1 converted boxcar and 42 flatcars; and car and 46 flatcars. The shipments had arrived or the detrained yehiclas arrived at the station 25X1 25X1 5. On 22 May, 35 old tank trucks were entrained at the Dallgow railroad station. Source learned that the shipment was bound for Brest-Litovsk. 1 Convent. Information exports to the USSR of new railroad care of various type125X1 was rannatted previously. At the border stations, the new care will be set on Soviet-gauge wheel sets. 2 Convent. Boat -German fuel shipments to the USSR. The shipments bound for 25X1 were to be transloaded on ships. Convent. The number of empty railroad cars available for grain iapo as compared with that in the first half of May. Most of the grain imports recently been directed via Gnben. the shi is were consigned to the t iSe* Div. 5 Convent. Theme shipments were previously reports 25X1