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Document Creation Date: 
December 20, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 11, 2007
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Publication Date: 
July 30, 1954
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00810A004400390003-1.pdf116.94 KB
Approved For Release 2007/07/11: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004400390003-1 CLASSIFICATION' iC11s OI1i~C CENTRA} INSlttza,?R?~ tR'; ' k .)'JNTR'I Frnn_:fUrt/Oiler ACE i+OQUIRED 4:,ATE OF INFO. '.,. oocna.O~tl111A,WOflMIOU A~iaCor PNi A{A~AMAL 0SVUSt -, Alt GAIRO if1{f. ww WIS 0 C20124 DATE DISTR., . 30 JtL-ty 1954 c, n.l win r sw.r IN -6 %oe SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1 4 w? Ty16 f6 UN'VA1_tATED INFORFI/1170M, *-r 'Wig r Y.H 25X1 The tdlk cw si 4 ottt acre `0 ;'- Itt the 'r'rasilcfurt/IOuer. border station between L~g 81L ~ waau : ?~? ...f....~. brij0ayA . .; .. ?.. . ? ..x1t.;,c e%*hinies'y parts ,,tj~4esa Brent L4tpvak n .. r 4"_t,.4 It fie.- t ' Chemnitz Leipsig Frankfurt/JdeW 1 28 8 Proviantamt 2 12 B Rieaa Frankfurt/Oder 1 12 46 B rye Proviantamt B 46 % a halls Brost Litovsk 51 achinery parts m Magdeburg ld 11 18 F structnraLlrOn heavy irrn sections rankf urt/Oder Wiederit_,,ch e Finsterwa Brest Litovsk 8 F meohires Staesfurt 8 B oxaluric acid Bitterfeld 12 B carbide Piesteritz 10 B and F 12 B wine bct:rrel.., one I1,a, v?seeLs buns. Thale v ?, 'kTersi~;'e B paraffins Troeglitz t Od 4 98 B 20 F rye 40 x 5,'c AT guns Frankfurt/Oder Neustrelitz / er Frankfur Proviant.ain Brost Litovsk 11 18 F machines Magdeburg-Buckau 213 films Wolten 8 it machiueei Star sfur i, Troegli,;.. STATE X ARYV ~~ 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/07/11: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004400390003-1 sl aw' .roc s_;; 15 16 ~f r~,y ~y ,,.;. q SECRL?1/CON. ROL - V ~T. S.3 'w' IALS ONLY 36 B rye '? ankfurt/ Odor 36 1 grain 813 10 F pig iron 6G n 12 F wine barrels, enamelled Shale vessels 28.B grain ~.~: ankfurt 10 B 4 13 22 B 4F 200=mm steel tubes 10 E A. F 1 ~7 Qoerlitz Soviet gauge Weal sets 1 'ss Eau 25 F m a chinery$ machinery s agd blarg parts 10 B carbide Pies teritz 16 F machines, machinery Dessau parts 3F steam boilers Lire sdennN vot dt Frankfurt/Oder Frovy antamt Leipzig {`4 ,.z. n 3 n .'hale Ipsnn:t gsdorf Brat ;, LitovsJ We i as iii eee, Osthv fen bor ewaide, P root Litovsk br n.t0 Grain shuttle trains. The hig',a _ ~ tmber Of ipt re.iz ehuttle dispatched to the Last indicates incru _ d:_ grain w9 . ,,.t is ?a.fg = r mid-MAY. f ce for pro isionsm 3 . IvO $to These (6K'1 n AT gvi is were p v s it .~ /t..:.?.i to loan r1?' p aced 't r 85....,m AT n7py@rain the fall and of Comment, New railroad nn ,4 onyx. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. (_771C1ALS ONLY Approved For Release 2007/07/11: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004400390003-1 !', after having