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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
September 7, 1954
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Approved For Release 2007/08/13 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004400860001-1 i """ " CLASSIFlCATiON sz7cs~,_ CENTRAL INT~LUf~EiiC REPORT INFQRMATION ERT cD No. COUNTRY R68t 0 e~a~' DATE DISTR. 7 September 195+1 SUBJECT Desetiv atiaa of Locaoetive Coluads ~ r! NO.OF PAGES '+~+~ 25X1 PLACE ,.-.~,.. 1, , ACQUIRED NO.OF ENCLS. "'?? 25X1 DATE OF cusreo eewMrt -, '!"~' INFO. < . ~ SUPPLEMENT 'DEPORT N0. The present r oat confYrms reviou ormatica oa the deaotivatloa a erman la?.omotive columns o r eYpc.u c; 'ww 1. ;.ne mreeure will became effective iefinitely on ,C Jena 1954. The `Yranater of Gcrmea lo:onwtivea to Poland mq burs been ordered by the Soviets. ~r - r~-~~ lYU Yocum mYrwn nrwunon +vnmu m Y.l1aYU emu 01 illy YYIiYY Y1R10. ~nYIY nl, YYMIYY 01 lily IY? p~}pu )? YYY nN. 0? n1Y Y. Y. YYYY. N YYYYP. /iY nYW 1YYgY YY YYYK~ YlIYY OI IK tOYIYYIY YY M Y[g111 YI M YYAYIYWYDIO IYtlOY r rYOxiYmo n w nY unoumoY o1 ms ?cu w uoYlYliYD. 1o At a aoafexwnce held at RBD Berlin it vsa stated that all lacm;otlve bri~;adea would bs deactivated~fiaite>,}r on 30 June 1954.0 ESfeM.ivr:+ 1. Npril; al.l. eeat~mad trains x111 bs handed over to Polish railroad personnel at Iaat German b.~rder atatio990 20 On 30 April 1954, loocmotive columns Nos 9 and ZO stationed in the area of RHD Cottbus ware equipped with 58 locamotivea, of which 18 xere operationala 16 park:+d at Klsttwitss and 24 xere under repair or is a stand by status. 3. Source learned that locomotlve columns xere to be deactivated by 30 June 1954. Transit shipments thi>ugh Poland henceforth x171 be bandied by Polish rei.lrcwd pl3rsonnelY According to aouroe~ an undetermined number of locomotives will be mda avaiL,ble by the &aat German railrnade to the Polish railroads admisiatration. ?.ooomotivss and train personnel of daautivated locomotive columns will be returned to their home etatims. 4. Sourco learned tha+: the deactisetion of locoaiativa brigades ha:@ boon a%a:?ted o0 10 1144 1954. Seat-bovrrl trains henceforth will bs turned over to pei?sonna~l at bceder etatlooa, It was mentioned that the Saet German railroads would naka available to Poland about 70 locamotivea. Of the locaootive brigades ntatioaed in Stsaesburg and loelmits~ a total of 18 locamotivoa xexd dispatched to Berlin-Pankow un :~0 and 21 lIgYY ThsN locomotives were, allegedlyy to be forwarded to Poland, Oa 15 Mtiy 1954, the railroad repair shop at Greitswald laid off 30 mechanics who had done rejiair work on bri.Qads Incomotivea. The material stored at RAH Graifewald for repair work oa brigade looomotiv,ehas been dlstributad among the other railroad rspnir inetallaLioasY 5. Srnaoa learned that effective 1 July 1954, Soviet railroad traffic between i?}cankiyrt,/ Oder and Brest Litovsk wan to be handled ~ the Po1ie6 State Ra:ilroadeY ?.n this ooaneo- tion, Rant Germsip is sahe~ed available to Yoland about 60 type-50 looosotives. The locomotive oo~.~lraakllu~t/Oder x11.1 be deactivated effective 30 Juoa 1951.0 25X1 x NnVY NSRB ;- AIR I FBI Approved For Release 2007/08/13 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004400860001-1 Approved For Release 2007/08/13 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004400860001-1