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Document Release Date: 
July 19, 2007
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Publication Date: 
June 14, 1954
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Approved For Release 2007/07/19 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004401010007-7 J' ~?r CLASSIFICATION u;xsT/, COUNTkY Fj;st German REPORs DgTE OF CbNTENT~ DATE A6TAINED__ REFEREfvCLS . _` ,~ bA7E PftEPAREDr_ 25X1 FAGES 2 ENCLOSURES QNO. & nrPe) REMARKS .. . 1. In earlq Meroh 195 truck occupied by 12 ~+uard' persomiel,~ and tank true th a er p c~ed up fuel at the air force fuel 25X1 depot Fiaow-Eiaenapalterei near Finow, l 2. In raid-N,arch, a Soviet array clothing -depot and raticn su 1 de t were still ? housed in the Rerruiann )iuehle (mill) iq Finoi+f'urt. Truck~~~Uelgngod 25X1 ' to tre' depot . ?'The array P~e~.d' bgke~r' iiaffi ~'tirj,~ ~oce~ed'sou of ? utdba~i??~. ''. ' ~ - ~ 4 " 3. In i`arch and April, tfre tank repair shop on Geschwiater 5ch~11 Strasae ~ 25X_1 ::rd Eberswalde seemed"to be occupied. Ttie rioige~ Sf reork' was $e ~ ~ P ^ ' rksh - 85 and JS tanks ..'~?'~'~25X1 were seen-at- to ' Veb n e terrain. ve ~al~ ~ o ': inea .and Y~oto~ vehicle'`tiies~ ~ ' 3~ 4 . Rumors in Ebarawalde Finow that the Soviet seviunitidn. de t ~' ldes 'c nor' pO l8 ~~~ vas ~'o ,+ n be vacated"for the xPP had snot ' mater3al;i~ed 'up to '1.U.'rhy 1q5~. `f di$pQ,$~'- o~'large "shiiments of emmuniTf:ioa whtoh was observed ?,tg to rii~-F ,~~ 25X1_ `,?, dieoontinued. Rail traffio aB well se truck ehi~ietentg frdti;and tt3 i~ ust` depot considerably decreased in P',arch 1954, cdmpa~ed faith "Crafffd?~1, irt~' ~hg a.~-' preoeding months, while the vdlume" d~' shipmedCA in "April `arid"earl'?~y 195k - ` was' about 'that 'bf' the preceding months. In early Play, the depo'E+~.4~s~at311'bcouaied by about 120 801dier8 Who were aLbrtarad nn Anac+?mi,m?,n er tir....eo~ ,. s en o x a e the'denot, for to ear y April 1954'; x 37-~'AA guna:were in firiNg~poaition fast so~hsreat of the ammunition depot. The guns were no longez? seen after that time and had not returned by l0 P"sy 1954.4 25X1 Comment. Report again confirms the fuel depot of the Twenty Fourth Air :4t' in Eberawalde-F.iaenspalterei.,The two trucks belong to the OATB in . CLASSIFICATION SRCREi, - 25X1 _.. _. _. _.. -25X1'! Soviet 5 1 Instal3ationa in the EberaWalde~~~ uPP Y Finow Area Approved For Release 2007/07/19 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004401010007-7 ~- . +~ - ~? ~Co*mant. Report ecnfirme the ration supply aad clothing depot of the ~'ouY'~Gds ifech Arr.~r in FinowFurt. ---,., , a?ya4 ai cne Lar.KS belong to the 6th Gds 4fech Dive chile cone of the motor vehicles also belong to army troops of the Fourth Gds i'ech Army. 4?IICon~ent. The current supply traffic did not 'e that the airriunition depot ~;sldeslust of the Fourth Gds 1:ech 25X1 The motor vehicles belong to the 7t~t GdaNe h v~ predominantly to armyotroaps of the Fourth Gds Mech Army. Approved For Release 2007/07/19 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004401010007-7