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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
June 16, 1954
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Approved For Release 2007/06/11: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004500660007-6 CLASSIFICATIO4 REPORT NO. 1` School for Security Troops at:ICun CE.stle DATE O! TANED- REFERENCES... - . Troops and Military Installations in and near. Ostrava. ,.R?.;- r~x~rnnrr?;~. 16 June 1954 2 PAGES - _ -- ~..,.~.., ENCLOStJRES1 (No. & -rYPE) 640281 1. Prior to :e:arly Marc 1954, the former castle on the northwestern per3.n.etor of ;Kind. l (P 50/6 '08-).,quartered a school for security troops. In the fall of 1952, a . board iiascribed , "Vnitrni Straz" (Interior Guard) was observed at the, entrance to the castle park. In the spring of 1954 source saw soldiers on duty who i4ore standard Czech Army uniforms with red sareibe color, while dark-blue dress uniforms with dark,-blue visor-type service cars were worn on leave u The nunher of soldiers quartered in the installation prior to Parch 1.954, wan estir aced at no less than iCO mega. The age of the trainees differed, 'however, most of them were young men, Source frequently observed the trainees doing gymnastics in the castle area. It was only occasiona`'_ly that they received infantry combat training with rifles in the area around the installation. Source believed that theoretical instruction was mostly given. At intervals, the trainees were apraren=ply -replaced by other soldiers. In the spring of 1953, when the currency reform was effected, the troops once ' left the installation on three or four truc' 9 rhic z aryl ed one field kitchen and proceeded towavd Ostrava (P 50/0 59). They returned to their billets after some days. 1 2. About June 1953, source observed the billets of an officer school, and, not far south of them, a contonment, on the west side of the Zabroh 'mad', Odrou (P 50/0 58) -- Stara Bela (P 50/0 58) road, in the wooded aroa sou h of Ont ava. The officer school consisted of one low quartering building, about 300 meters south of the southernmost houses of the town of Zabreh. Source constantly observed your soldiers wearing very clean Czech Army uniforms with varvi no numbers of Stripes on their sleeves. these men were officer candidates of ze army whose azfch of service was unidentified. About 30 old and fairly small wooden huts with only 1 ar.:ii.ted military activity around them were observed in the area of the cantonment, about 20.0 meters square, which bordered on the school to the south. Some trucks were usually observed at the installation. The sentries at the gates wore standard uniforms, Source believed that a military rat-'on supply de'Dct was located in this area,, 2 t't (: ^tFt 'ATtt?M CO';FIDE TIAL.L/ PLACE 0 TAI M EDDI 25X1 -~ - " Approved For Release 2007/06/11: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004500660007-6 Approved For Release 2007/06/11: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004500660007-6 the ,a^1ut3_ LI':n; '11P the wast 1 S~ ei~ lG "3.ti%. 6trzva wur".,?,rlei ..'ec2 ,.zoo", :or "-'o i" tivity at t'! i ~??fi ~''_'__.... ,:3.,.'?:"S `{~ "S', cz.i~~'it" r p~.:t~ C?': _ ?.'o ?)?' ;vot i'i ? `,r z;,/ 7?,.G .es ~:;:rc l.: J 'd J11./'S '~..~ .d souU. ce ." ?~. C .,. .. ...,.w ~J U~ ..G.ll he ,iSly seen t2 pC In 4. ... t. J?... 2 tho ~.-....`i ~!?", ?'$' .x, f?,,~ a * r > .: _~C? .. 1.?' :9 Dc .os',-`,ml! Convent u1y 1953 ::e ~. 'u'e'caiic.: 53 ".i. e the 810,pe on t' e co. c> ''Y 1 a~~ ni of the ~1 ~u,s t.~. _ .:! 11151 L?~'~t'63.::. ?C. ~ e / C: R.. . . y_ . ..._ ~ ?i J.: 4 1 a.~i'iJ.l S I.:~cA':5Ju. x in the GS~ i of J,. JA5/~~}J9 the two s.I >JL~C:i..".?CO ... LA u, ?, 93 w. Cti?:` i ? ~e l? 2e..kis rack ne k ." LY? r. ' e Ptk.' a. The not , ? P p l z s 3 t s c c, .~ emery i. oca ted 300 to 400 -le tc vs sic,"' t l e , 7_ n1'f3a uec ,ion of Pc;S. _,:E.S.,s.;=a and !'i! 1 .yT sv e' streets, aboi 10 :! e'r_, `7 xc r S;T. 25X1 L. PP "~ r r o' J -k le Ced _~. i. r tl. . !_cal tc the a "a/.~a ",. ~. .. t.I GI,:: r. .: e,. . i.lv.~.' i.%!r ~. ~.,Z~ -.T~d: ~.C _ . F~; ~.: ~~i.S F_%~?~J'1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/06/11: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004500660007-6