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Document Release Date: 
June 20, 2007
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Publication Date: 
June 11, 1954
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Approved For Release 2007/06/20: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004501100002-1 CL11 F CATfON SLGRET- /1I "PI RC 4 Est German--' TIC, 1litarr Information from the Zossen Wuensdarf-Kummerscor Area EVALUAT{ON DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTA1NED REFERENCES 2 ( rPLACE OBTAINED) AGES ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) `P REMARKS 25X1 _1 25X1 1. Between 12 and 30 1L-.ay 1954, the Eisen'aai_ripionier Kaserne (3381) was occupied by about 2,?CO troops wearing red-bordered black and black epaulets. On 13 May, 30 guns of various calibers, including 10 x 76.2-mm AA E ls; and 2 tie-removing machines were seen in the installation. Source noted that vehicular traffic was unusually light after 18 May. All motor vehicles were being maintenanced. Thirty-five to 40 trucks were on blocks for greasing. 2. On 11 iiay, source observed that .a brick building of 3 x 4 :::e+cre, 2.5 pet _:rs high, was under construction in AAA emplacement No 1. Its roof counted a U-antenna. Between 5 and 23 May, intensive activity was observed in AKA emplacemen+s Nos 1 and 2 on several days of observation. About 120 to 15C troops with guns and equipment were seen in each emplacement. The T-1 devices wereiin operation. 11111111111116* 35 to 40 seconds after the turning of the parabolic reflector, the guns traversed in the same direction. The exercise was several times repeated. On 23 May, 40 troops left AAA emplacement No 2 for Stammlager Zossen. 3. On 11 May, about 120 troops were seen at AAA emplacement No 6. Twelve trucks were seen in a wooden shed. The installation had been surrounded by a board 1 fence during the preceding days. 4. On 11 May, AAA emplacement No 5 appeared to be vacant. 2 5. Source prepared a sketch on the telephone connections in the ?TuensdorPL-2ossen area. Most of the lines are temporary lines and consist of field cables on wooden poles. 2 6. On 22 or 23 May, the occupation of the barracks installation S.chi. nke Lake (3441) increased by 200 to 300 troops to a total of about 2,300 troops, most of whom wore red-bordered black epaulets and, some, black epaulets. A ,unit of 200 troops, equipped with about 20 three-axle amphibious vehicles, presumably of model DU W-353; 4 jeeps and 6 to 8 truck was quartered in tents between the Sperenberg forestry and Hege Lake. A unit of 1CO to 120 troops was quartered in 10 tents at the northern point of Schumke Lake. The box goraster announced that, effective 5 June 1954, the area around Here Lake was put off limits probably for 2 tears. The farm near TI p TAkP hxarl n,-,in +n h-SS9Aated. Approved For Release 2007/06/20: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004501100002-1 640453 ,925X1 Approved For Release 2007/06/20: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004501100002-1 5E./CONTROL - 7. At 3 plm.. on 23. May, a ehi:p ,:ent . of 40 to 45 trucks, 5 jeeps and 8 to 10 sidecar motoreycles passed through the Zossen railroad station, coming from the direction of Jueterbog and proceeding to Freienwalde. A freight train which, a short time later went in the same direction, carried 5 T-34/85 tanks and 15 sidecar motorcycles. of Aitr d sdrf since May 1953. The headquarters and a regiment of the 2d Gds .&AA Div are carr IMpn,. in te Bisenbah ionier Ka serne$ and each one regiment are stationed in Sta lager Zoasen (3641) and the Cambrai Kaserne (3001) in Wuensdorf. The ` ourtk regiment has been carried in the new, barracks installation south 25X1 25X1 25X1 I 25X1 AAA emplacements Nos 1, 2 and 6 are occupied by a 8.5-mm battery each. Emplacement No 5 has been vacant sines June 1953, while emplacements Nos 3 and 4, which :are located in the 25X1 immediate vicinity of the Hg; GOFG, are occupied by light AAA batteries. The set-up of telephone lines indicates a central command post located in Stammlager Zessen.. The direct eonneotiozs to emplacements Nos 1 and 2 confirm information by same source according to which these emplacements were 25X1 oeoupied by the AAA regiment stationed in Stammlager cep s not occupied by ineer troops on 13 May. 25X1 SMIW/CONTROL Approved For Release 2007/06/20: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004501100002-1 nt The barracks installation Schumke bake can be carried occupied as Viqus y by the 35th ' B#t (US) of the Third Gds Meeh Army. The restriction of the area mentioned indicates that either special exercises of 25X1. eng?neer units of the QOF r were to take place in this area or the engineer regiment will not transfer to the Ilbe River this summer. The Aipllendorf summer