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Approved For Release 2007/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00810A004501100003-0 COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. SIXRN ENTRAL UITZLL1GENcE Y INFORMATION REPORT East Germany Railroad Coast Projects REPORT CD NO. DATE DISTR. NO. OF 25X1 26 ocrc.,)b PAGES 3 195 NO,OF ENCLS. .i.custEo Buoy') SLt ENT TO 25X1 REPcO 6-40454 imis coeliac* ION? OF MI 1110710 STATIO.. AID 704. OP THII O. O. COOL At.. MOO OF ns COO 0000110110 IV THISAS UNEVALUATED" INFORMATION - ":T? " ? 25X1 al olgioRasevaigekc' 2... &trasburg owt rairlitead411-ne Was Pnite :1954. Ett s?.513,a,,new IeUt oP E. tho Interior, the &tate Plerming conettuctioe4 r Rhos' teriiittideiree-' :44 49 t. e pit= track which will be 1,200 meters f. fre the railroad line near the liennergoorf 14,ockstation,.b ween.Poberlug/Kirchhain and, Finsterwalde railroad _Itition.-Surveyini,,ifor.the spur track has already beep completed. The ,yore to I3e completed by 10 ,June 1954.3 4 Of.. the fouThocting4F.;:vas )1anned to be 'built: near Wustermark, only the curves Linking the liordring Berlin and the riiilroA 1:ne t tidal on the o ne hand, and the Nordring Berlin and the Wustermark marshaling yard on the.others will be. built for tq time being. The Nordring and railza4 beA:connected by a make-shift tfra*,?4 6. ,14n. ee.rly June, it was learned that the newly constructed Hen ligsdorf-Sued ai.IroacT check point, 'i4kiich' is located' between the freiligensee and lienaigedorf railroad station, would soon be taken'iri,o operation. All trains of the Berlin elevated train system will stop at this check point for about five rkW403. ^ ? 4r 4. 41) Z44 te+ ' rlt 4 tr. Ar 7. Mut plaq for the reconstruCtion e second -traelit'betwesit174feraiigsdorf and Velten as laid down in the railroad construction plan 3955 his been cancelled in favor ce the double-tmcking ,)f the Karow railroad line. At present, trains operating be-,-,ween Krtrew ah1he5.73. use the old 4 seCtion of the i n 1: ,Lt_r Frei, at CLASS! Ni ? SECIIET 25X1 ? Approved For Release 2007/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00810A004501100003-0 Approved For Release 2007/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00810A004501100003-0 Approved For Release 2007/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00810A004501100003-0 Approved For Release 2007/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00810A004501100003-0 OT,CRE77 25X1 course of which is rather unfavorable boeause it has many level croseings. For this reason, it has been planned to connect the earow and Wuhlheide railroad stations by e raw double-track railroad :.'ne which would establish a direct ceanection. Conetruction work en the new line is ccheduled to be started in _arly Jaauary The area between the bridge of the Oder River and the so-oalled Vorflul erieec (oridge OWI7 the flood are of the river) hoe, been declared off-limite to a31 unauthorized persons. Ranier, for the unloadine of military vehicles are to ;:e conetructed iu the area.6 5. Orere have ocen given to eake raileead bridges over the Oder Feivez in theaarea of a3D Berlin suitable for um by vehicular teaffic and teeks.( Plano hive been made to reconstruct the huldenstein and Brandenburg- 'est railroad power stations. They were to be ready for production by 31 December 1954. Construction work was delayed by a shortage of matordels. The generators for the Daleenstein power station will not oe installed before August 1955. The boilers required in Brardenourg have net yet been furnished. Si: ,ee he last of the three boilers is eareedelea to be installed oe 1a ;:s 15 recembrr lee5, the aaanden- burg tealer station will hardly cc able to btert oroouctien ,e are 1 eaeaery 19564 The following projects were included in the 1955 rdaroad construction pre(;eem drawn up by ?the GDR nnintry of Railroads: a, Reconstruction of the 12riesen iJeurvadnits railroad line. Tails for 12.8 kilce4eters of trackage aid ballast for the entire 3:Lae section will be requireel. The line will be designed for a maximua speed of 50 kilometers p.h4 and an axle pressure of 18 toaea The. Neurvadmitz railroad station will be made a border statien. This will require the construction of a ceoesieg point and of a passing sleieg, each ..)50 meters long. Sidings for cuotcms inspections and loading operations in a total length of about 1,000 meters will also be built, The Alt-Reetz railroad station will be improved; a siding making possible the assembly of a tie.in, a loading siding, and a reale, will have to be built, The station building of Alt-Reotz is still unrepaired and must be rocenstructea. the reconetruction of the Wriezen eabeandenburg railroad lino involves the bli3ding of three minor railroad bridges.8 'v. The military bridging evipeent in ell in the II b span of the C2rer River aridge at iialseteen is to be replaced by a permanent c-eantruction. The total ee-st of this brif::go is estimated at eastmar:ee, of which 712,Cr0,,- eaatmarks will be spent in 19541 the remainder in 1955.9 c. The Mahlow Construction :reject (construction of the southwestern connecting curve) which was originally to be executed in 1954 Is scheduled to be carried out in 1955. The total costs for this project wore estimated at 22000,000 eaLewerke. The construction this new connecting curve, which will link the Berlin-Dreadon railroad lino and the Berlin Outer Freight Ring, has been ulannod in order to facilitate freight traffic from the south to the 6ed1ie wars haling station. For the time being, enly one track will be Al: V;, but the embankment of tee connectieg ea-we will be built wide enough Approved For Release 2007/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00810A004501100003-0 :??? Approved For Release 2007/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00810A004501100003-0 SET;C:7_ - 3 - 25X1 to allow double-track operations lat3r. Tile tracks scheduled to ie ilt in 1955 will be capable of an axle pressure of 20 tons; wooien ties resting on grade I ballast will be utilizeu. do At the Eonnigsder2 railroad st_tion, the newly constractd connecting curve extending to the 3erlin ;ter Freiht hind will be linked tc the two through-tvck5. between Hapnigedorf and Vel-4en, the Jaegerborg clock station will be reconstructed with a view to Llproving the line capacity. In view of the heavy ;,..z.ffic on the Eoisnisdorf V,Aten line section, it is planned to increase tile line ca.xcit?, to 10 pairs of trains within e 24-hour perioe This project is reported for the first tisfe. ? ? 2. gement. This project was not included in previous railroad coast votion programs. The sina-le-track line which has connection to Oross-Strolitz was dienantled by the Soviets at the eni of the war. The reconstruction of the in would establish an aciitinal lnk beLween taa Ancernuende Pasewalk - Stettin and the Berlin - 1nbarg - 71eustralit2., - Stettin railroad lines. The Stlsasb'17g - Thui*ot,. line has a length of 40 1:ilaleters. In view of the acil;,a storto-, of rails and ties In the G32. it is very doubtful whether 1Lhe p.roject will be executed according to schedule. Phe spurtf.'ac..lz mentioned will be built to the ud Crnnnce Depot which has peen established in a former inc.M..,5i et south of itheHennersdor..P, railroad stop. This connecting curve will be built within the framwork of the lor:Avestrinz, Berlin project (Birenwerdor - flriascaang ustemark lino section). Qnnco The dou-le-tracking of the denragsclorf - -felted line section hes seccr'm necessary because of heavy traffic of (;ain.e.ulAy cz,pioye,1 persons in this arca o The postponement of this project has -t-7;en 1-e?crted for the first time The construction of a secow tracs on the rarow - Wunlhpid?) line section and the straightening efthis line ha ';een alarmed for a 1374: tine. Cpcilto This infornation has been received for the first timeo 1:e-'s.reY:i to :lake railoal bridges usable for vehicles and tai7.: are crel.naff7 only taken in c!,:unection with Ulitary mobilizLtor., This invD1voa the piling un of hoards and nlanks and the construction of ta@coray bridge approaches. %)111,Amt. The reconstruct on of this railroad power station was st,l.rted in 1953. Proroos of work has been delayed by a shortage of materials and equipnent. The reconstruction of the single-track Wreac.;1 aeu r=3-lit', railroad line is connected with the reconstruction of the railroad bridge over the Oder River at Zaeckorick NeLruedmitz. Co52.7tent, A total of 80 :running :inters of typo R militapy idia? erwinnent had beer installed on the Oder River bAdge at tEettET Approved For Release 2007/06/20: CIA-RDP80-00810A004501100003-0