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Approved For Release 2007/08/13: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004501130006-4
$Ai1 ~' -bAT
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Approved For Release 2007/08/13: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004501130006-4
ft tit G--mar.
Of t , ` Zoo ies
nth ~itz'1 th the s
Photooleec,tric cells :nd ca-411
Scientitt at. vhc, 7 ~'V
became known amok
won over by the Soviets ttid
in Jena.o It was tohou.ght that
Zeiss Works to the Soviets..
i`pou to t,hae U 13R a)J. Fs.' C3 x t)T? 8 c
1 rked n.M&ecc,W
ee 164 e r".inn tha ti ~~ x ae ran
`geed to?'oa" y r8tt: ujjSS.1:-,.:a3 ` :` La. :Q"'. f.'Gw
Gc~er~5. ow:y3 h_r; 1eadir.~g Do Ytd -; ft tit
Ili 1. r;ptk:.S~s? A {,h j.N tuL:4 an c ;per in tt'iv fed rro c As .j ?
ICo,: ,.i r )?:t r. d to .. cat from : he H t
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Krasmno orsk, he probe51y withheld .zch?f s kno, edge i . the
!1LF;J. i-1(:A11ON
Approved For Release 2007/08/13: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004501130006-4
Approved For Release 2007/08/13: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004501130006-4
Approved For Release 2007/08/13: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004501130006-4
Since 1952, oscillating quartz crystals for all frequ.tncies have been
produced at Building No 3? of Suedwerk (South Plant) of the Zeiss Works at
Jena. The chief of this department
was replaced by one S xubert fnu , an SEES) mans who was no expert in the
field of crystals,
ll, The devcIs~jp ant of the Zeiss electronic microscope, which worked on the
basis of they elect rosta tic irinciple, had progressed so far after four
years cit d6vclopc ent work that the production of a series of ten such
iaicrosco ss was started in early march 19530
12~ The :nantr:bacture of a:utoma,ic aerial cameras and aircraft cameras had been
planned since early 1952- The work was supervised by engineer He M, r,
Guldbranson who r :turned from the USSR in 1952. In 1953, the cameras
were still on the drawing board? They were designed for fast aircraft
and are to be fitted with overlap regulators.
13o A total of 200 -1 ircra,'t training sets were delivered in 1950, 80 in
l952r and 135 in 1953, >sork on the production, of this equipment was to be
discant mews Information on the development of a link trainer, of a bomb
training si_;ht, or a training sight for , a ugh rs was not available,
14,, In 1x 49/1950, throe large 3chlieren sets were developed, built, and delivered
to the 13oviets. They were designed for use in large wind tunnels for measurements
of aircraft components. The cdcu i.tions for these sets were made by Taro Kohler
who weft to Oberkochen in Nest Germany.
15. in early 1952 or raid-1952, work on the development of an ultra-centrifuge fitted
not with a compressed air turbine but with a high-frequency electric motor
was started at the laboratory for electric engineering. Prior to February
1-953, this development work was directed b y engineer Lotz (f Q .
16, After 1952, the development of aerial photo grammetric equipment was con is ted
at the designs bureau headed by engineer ihdIdAranson, In March 1953,. the sets
were not yet in eduction.
17 ,, work.o n the development and manufacture of sights for sporting guns and
infantry- rifles was started in 1.952 with first deliveries scheduled to be
made about !,larch 19530 All the sights were to be delivered to Suhl in Thuringia
where various firms were engaged in the manufacture of infantry rifles for
the VP..
13, The fow' er chief of the 'astro-department of the 7eiss Works in Jena, Dro
Hartwig (fnu), is the man boat informed on the development of Astro-equipment,
Dr. Hartwig is at present employed at the Askania Works in Berlin. No information
' was available on the manufacture of phototheodolites in Jena, No bomb sights
were manufactured at the Zeiss Works in 1953.
19+, Zeiss laboratories were equipped with shall low-temperature chambers capable
of tr i a~ ~rattlres of down to 60? C. The chambers were used for the testing
of airborne equipment,
Approved For Release 2007/08/13: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004501130006-4
Approved For Release 2007/08/13: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004501130006-4
20o In early ipril 1954, the leading personnel of tt ZeissVorks were
apparently reshuffled, This reshuffle was possibly connected with the
intended large-scalp production of nilitary equipment,; Dr, Iortum9 one
of the most Important specialists in the field of gyroscopes and the
inventor of 'the ~EKorturn principle"s was to become, by order cf the
:3ovietsa chief of all designs bureaus working in the military sector,
In this capacity he was to be assisted by U1pl, Ingo Pulz, The two
experts should make an excellent team,. It appears that Dr, Kortum, Who
receives a vc;ry high salary, now shows great willingness to cooperate
with the Soviets. In 1954, Dip1, Ing, 08car. 9ihiinaier, who returned from
the U.1SR in 1952, played an Lriportant role at Jena,, He was previously in
charge of the manufacture of optical equipment, In early 1954, he was
deputy works rt ana rer and attached to the department headed by Rudolf Ifueller,
Bihlmaier recc lved a monthly salarycf 2,500 DME.9 while Rudolf Mueller ?s
monthly scary amounted to 8,000 WE. In the course eE' t.ime, P hlmaier~ who
is an expert in the optical fieldehas adopted a pronounced Soviet attitude,
Dr Schrada hes sup, ?ested to the Gertyaai authorities that Bihlmaler give
lectures at Jena University or at the Dresden Institute o4' Technology?
Approved For Release 2007/08/13: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004501130006-4