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Publication Date: 
July 12, 1954
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Approved For Release 2007/08/06 : CIA-RDP80-00810A004600210008-3 CLASSIFICATION East Germany EVALUATION- ')ATE OF CONTEN DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES 3 ?AGES ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) - 25X1 1. Between 4 and 20 June 1954, AiG-15s and U-hiG-15s made individual flights and flights in formations of up to 4 aircraft at Neurup,pin airfield. Practice firing at towed sleeve targets and ground targets continued. Aircraft machine guns anc cannons fired at ground targets on the edge of the fi.:ld. On 3 days during the first third of June, parachute jumps were made from Li-2s. Occasionally at night, flying was practiced by } G-15sor U-MG-15s and Po-2s, the latter of which also made local flights during daytime. The following air activity and aircraft were observed at the field between 9 nd 21 June: 10 June. Air activity was oily heard and not seen, as source was not in the open. 11 June. About 2140, a MUG-15 or U-IdG-15 was observed taking off and landing after 50 minutes. Both during the take-off and landing, the landing lamp fitted at the upper section of the air intake aperture of the aircraft was switched on. Air activity continued after 2240. 12 June. During the morning, elements of I?iG-15s and U-i'zG-15s practiced firing at towed sleeve targets. Aircraft took off in' elements of two, practiced flying at altitudes between 7,000 and 3,0 0 meters, and then landed individually. Local individual #li,::hts 1i June. There was no air activity. June. There was a 910 overcast and int3rnittent rain showera. Air activity observed included flights in ele..ients of two at high altitudes, local individual fliE;hts, and firing at ground targets, The MiG-1.5s or U-MiG-15s took off ir. eler.;ants, climbed to an CLASSIFICATION 6330 DAT : PREPARED 12 Sulv 1954. altitude of 1,500 to 2,000 meters while flying a left bank, then passed south of the field while the second aircraft dropped out of formation, and subsequently the two aircraft approached the field from the southeast. Approximately in line with the southern field border, the aircraft individually dived over the left wing at an angle of 40 to 50 degrees while giving.a burst of fire, apparently with an aircraft cannon. The aircraft pulled out of dive at an altitude of 300 meters and then climbed again. Each aircraft made 6 attacks. 15 June Firing at ground targets continued in gusty and rainy weather. Flights in elements of two and local individual flights were also made. 16 June. There was air activity including air attack exercises by aircraft which took off in elements of two and subsequently climbed. The elements dispersed and the two'aireraft flew some sharp banks. Then, one aircraft attacked the other aircraft from the left or right front side. The attacked aircraft evaded to the right and left while banking and pushing down. The attacker pulled up in a steep bank and tried to follow the other aircraft which made avoiding movements in left and right curves and at the same time loosing altitude. 17 June. Some high-altitude flights were made by MiG-15s fitted with auxiliary fuel tanks. The highest altitude was estimated at 10,000 meters. aircraft rema ned aloft from 0700 to 0820, from 0918 to 1035, and from 1120 to 1241. The aircraft landed without circling over the field, but they were apparently not forced to land because of fuel shortage. 18 June. Air activity included flights in elements of two, dives and firing practices at ground targets, and local flights. 19 June. Between 0800 and 1400, some MiG-15s and U-MiG-15s apparently made approaches at a beacon. The aircraft took off toward the west, then flew into the area west-northwest of the field where it disappeared. In the meantime, the radar set near Klappgraben rotated. Shortly afterward, the aircraft returned in a straight course from the west- northwest, crossed over the temporary building near the radar set at an altitude of 1,800 to 2,300 meters, then headed east-southeast and disappeared, while the radar set apparently oriented its screen in the direction of the disappearing aircraft. 21 June. During the morning, the beacon were made by aircraft flying individually and in elements of two. During the afternoon, a Li-2 landed and took off again. On several days, while MiG-15s and U-MiG-15s practiced flying, some Po-2s made local flights. 4. Between 15 and 22 June, there was air activity including formation flights sometimes at high altitudes, and firing at airborne and ground targets. Po-2s were occasionally aloft. On 20 June, 20 to 22 MiG-15s and U-MiG15s, 4 alert MiG-15s, 1 Yak-11 and 1 Po-2 were observed at the field. 25X1 25X1 Oomment. e air 25X1 activity conducted by the fighter regiment at Neuruppin airfield indicates that the pilots have reached a good status of training. Noteworthy are the approach flights at the Kniferest-t pe radar set near Klappgraben. All of the aircrai belo to Neuru in airfield The number of M10-15s observed on 20 June 1954 agrees with the assumed aircraft strength of the fighter regiment at the field. 25X1