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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
July 7, 1954
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Approved For Release 2007/10/19 : CIA-RDP80-00810A004600250005-2 CLASSIFICATION SUCK ,T/CCNTRr.,T.-T1-S ;(:UIdT?l Fast Germany Vietmannsdorf Airfield ':E AI.UP;JIJN__ ;;.tiiE OF CONirNT~ FE"R N C E V'.CES-.____ 9.-ENCLOSURES ?EMAR i(5 This is UNEVALUATED nformation Information- 2, Since mid-April, work has been under. way on concrete aprons and connecting lanes at the southeastern corner of the taxiway. The construction site extended about 120 meters in a N-S direction and about 500 meters in a E-W direction. The connecting lanes were scheduled to be about 18 meters wide and provided with a concrete cover of about 40 cm. Expansions with a 20-cm-thick concrete cover were planned to be built along the connecting lanes. 1 3, of the work in fuel dump No I was completed by mid-May. The 25X1 four f'usl containers were provided with a concrete protective wall about 1 meter from the other wall of the container. The space between was covered by concrete slabs leaving an inspection opening. In mid-fay, concreting work was being done on a road, about 8 meters wide and 15 cm thick, around the fuel dump. This road was 25X1 about 80 cm above the level of the surrounding terrain. According to talks heard at the field, a second fuel dwnp was scheduled to be b It at the northern edge of forest sub-district (Jagen) No 157. Ho preparatory work has been observed so far. 2 4. During.April and May, uprooting and grading work had advanced southward from the cleared lane at the southwestern corner of the taxiway toward Kurtschlag. Preparations for concreting work indicated that the lane was to be about 21 meters wide and covered with concrete 1,,0 cm thick. 3 Sinew late Art il, the Soviet construction staff has prepared its transfe:r,. Equipment, machines and narrow--gauge field tracks were loaded in mid--May. Rumors had it that the construction staff arould ba transferred to China. 4 63913. 6 7 My 1954 ,. i Approved For Release 2007/10/19 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600250005-2 b. The prird ng of joints on the runway was reared on 12 April. Defective spots on the runway and taxiway which had Jeep caused by clods of lime and clay were ro' aired during and :'ay. The construction staff alleged:,.~% had estimated such 3pets. the nurbs::? of which even increased while hoi:w. wern bored witn a raving-ramrers. Post of the 'defective sputa were on the taxiway. Each- worker was to rerair 5 holes per hour w idle he actually repaired approximately twice as nary 'rles, he defective spot; were torn up, cleaned and then filled with c,norete. A- lump of clay which was kept moist for some days was ".nally put cn ton of each repaired spot. lore on the ru:lway was completed ty raid-May. "hen it continued on the taxiway. Cz the runway the large holes resulting from the removal of large pieces of concrete for pressure tests were not yet repaired. 5 The four fuel containers in the fuel dmip were surrounded by a green concrete wall. The space between the individual containers and the walls was to be covered w th concrete slabs which were cast near the concrete silo. Cove:-ing work rxas not yet completed in April. Arrnatures and technical cquip.le:at were being installed in the pumping hcu^e and the filling stations. Concreting work was under wa?y on a eonnectin,; road from the taxiway to the fuel dump and on a circular road around the dump. Allegedly, the construction of an additional fuel dump as to '.e started a?; the end of flay or the beginning of June. The date; however, was delayed as no designs were available as ye-'I. 2 R., Uprooting work on the 120-Deter-wide lane irh:ch extended from the southwestern corner of the taxiway toward Kurtschlag iras stopped during the first hc.lf of April, During the second "half of April, g.?cading and excavation work was resumed and light polls were erected for the night shift, Concrete mixers were 'erected at the intersection of the wood path from Grossvaeter to the Klein-Doe._ln Settlement and the cleared lane. At the beginning of ray, the lane was extended southward to as far as Jagen No 72. Finishing leveling work was started on the lime on 3 Ma-j. and concreting work in the second half of Way. The lane was about 21 meters wife. There were run;ors that the lane was intended to be widened to 60 peters for usage as a second runway. Cons suction work was under way on both sides of the southern end of the lane apparently on connecting strips to the aircraft dispersal areas.3 Preparatory work for the departure of the Sc?riet coaustriietion staff has been observed sines late April. Concreting work 'aas stopped or, 22 April and some of the construction implements wer3 dismantlec . 0 27 April, however, concreting work ~,r3.s again started and two work shifts began on 3 Way. Daring icay, Soviet shipments left the site and it appeared that the entire Soviet construction staff would leave by the end of Nay, 1-oat of the Geriuar work r a omlployci by .ho Sovict staff arc ~l? L?_Lel: All of the workers were apparently taken over by the VEB TTiefbetu Brandenburg. Shubarov (phonetic spelling) (~'rna) of the Warder construction headquar-'Uvxs 4 became construction suuerintendont at the sito., S CRET,/CCAITROL - U.S, OFFICIJJS ONLY Approved For Release 2007/10/19 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600250005-2 with red Soviet star, 25X1 barc freouently observed parked it front c t v, 25X1 25X1 25X1 At for 'arth wc.Ti: were u:od t}.cre, : aher. on, %rigades of t?.rencn and scra' were Had for ._ work, a::tev a narrou-:crk norrl; ann competition. 5 During May, the Soviet co n;truction .tax'i' was .a'.ti drawe from t.'re airfield and, since riid?$ t;~, the cr:nstruct?on sntr one dlrewt_'y supervised by the Soviet :"nstruct ion hot_d,tns ter _r 'order.. Leading members of the eli cons oc?t;-on stag such ne ^.Cclnncl Khonotcv (phonetic cnaill (fnu'r Lieutena Ccloncl (Dhon3tlo welling) (Inn) and ; _er Kalinin ,!nu} %:e:re Si !11. , rena..t at the site on 19 Ths Gcrr::an I'ersonne). -evicusly r ploy=d .y the soviet construction s c.?'f were conVnu u=J 1e1nr rei:nced. A total of 35 Orions were -ven entice on .L5 :;Ry. :3 large portion of the ecesc.uct`J.on `l:ani 5res _ad n For :.}etc: of fu:.'_ dump 7, no; :Arrex 1. The pienuct 25X1 construction of a ti ccnd ' ' c - usiy reported ly anotr';er sc-..7 25X1 c Ali zoo cs rod aro....l f..e_ 6,,) 5 .,'FC u 12 'r .:.7 7 ie'.Ly 1;.1r. concrete "_'o','1, branching off .from 1Cacin rrxip, iC -Mrs tide and 12 on thick 3 Lori 7 n ; rarp 9 and 11 '.rater reservoirs, etch 3 meters deer and 3 r^ete : to die .:e c 10 Brick building,, about 12 meters long and 5 meters wi:s; front section 3,5 xeter; high, back section. 3 meters high, concrete roof 12 on thick; utilization undeterr?ined 12 Thick uTh, sr: i.1er than 10), is to serve a. laboratory 13 Concrete road to branch line 14 VietyM-nsdcrf-;.roee- Levin road 15 Branch railroad U ne. 16 Vogols:cng -- a.irfielr spur tract- 17 Crunctrrldh-Co11_.n Lake w>od patc 78 New coc.crei,s branch roal to building .-U) 19 New concrete tranTh road from road 7) to -load 6) Approved For Release 2007/10/19 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600250005-2 1-uno1n , house of fuel,d?,r>.p I 2--5 Gasoline containers each with concrete wall and 4 lightening role 5 tewly built concrete ro:xd aro::nd fuel dump. 5 a;cters vide ani 12 cu thick / 7 Newly built concrete road, br&.nching off,i'ro., lsading, 10 voters :aide and 12 an thick 3 Loading rasp 9 and 11 '.later reservoirs, each ', meters deep %ni ) ;revere, in diameter 10 Brick building, about 12 meters long and 5 meters wide; front section 3.5 meters high, back section: 3 meters high, concrete roof 12 on thick; utilization undeterrined 12 Brick building, smaller than 10), is to serve a: laboratory 13 Concrete road to branch line 14 Vietrannsdorf-Gross Doe?:Ln roar: 15 Branch railroad line 16 Vogalsang - airfield sp n: tract. 17 Gruneirald-Gollin Lake w:md patch 18 New concrete branch roai to budding `0) 19 New concrete branch road from road 7) to road 6) Approved For Release 2007/10/19 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600250005-2 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/10/19 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600250005-2 2 n.ncc 2 cor4cr@te rna