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Document Release Date: 
November 2, 2007
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Publication Date: 
July 30, 1954
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00810A004600500016-2.pdf332.29 KB
This ra _at ..aWa. h tmuauw.WwlaN a. 1A.. am l a.NOW of M. Dan" NY.... .lala Y.S. tog of 71W IS.f..11ws7gW Mf.S5b Ol.O.M... a.11w. I10 a.ww" OF ftv@kW.h Of It. sassy. to or U...U. >f M arathnl..f rwa r P.S1..A by law. The "ONO".al? M "a f.m ft penha" r. This is UNEVALUATED Information 30 July 1954 8 DATE ma NO. OF -A@E 641231 THE SONNCS ZVAWAf10Nt NV 7*01 WON1 AN e0*117w0. 1110 AMA" OF CO~ JS fWATN0. (0Of NET ttt flU) 1. The "Borieva" mine of the Madan mining basin is located about six kilometers south of Madan village (N 41-30, E 24-57)j, about one kilometer south of the "Konaki Dols mine and about two kilometers north of the "Petrovitsa" mines. The Zlatograd. Borieva Madan-Chepelare road runs through the mine area. 2. The ^Borieva" mine has four shafts: a. "Borieva" shaft; be 0927" shaft; o. 81013" shaft; and d. "1044" shaft. 3. The numbers by which the last three of these shafts are identified are actually their heights above sea level. The last three shafts are located an the same hill. one right above the other" while the 'Borieva" shaft is approximately one kilometer farther north. 4. A sketch of the layout of the "Borieva" mine is enclosed herewith as an Appendix. page 8. The legend for the sketch is on page 7? STATE x ANW X NAVY I x AIR x NI AEC Approved For Release 2007/11/02 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600500016-2 CONFIDENTIAL -2- This is an old shaft, opened for exploitation by the Germans. The shaft has the following galleries: a. Gallery "0," on the level of the ground surface; this is the main gallery, one of the longest of the mine; it winds to and connects with the "Krushev Del" mine, and has a length of about two kilometers; and b. Galleries "50," 11100," 11150," "200," and "250," at a depth of 250 meters from gallery "C," at every 50 meters; these are parallel, one under the other, and 25X1 land named gallery their depth 25X1 galllery 1110011--exploited by the Germans--reaches and connects srl,,i7 the "Konski Dol" mine, over a length of about one kilometer. 6. Every one of these parallel galleries has many (longer or shorter) side shafts, which in turn are divided into shafts of their own for use in exploiting the various galleries. all of the galleries, with the exception25X1 of the ones connecting with the "Krushev Doll' and "Konski Dol" mines,i,as an average of about 20 horizontal side galleries, from which branch off about three or four exploitation areas (from each of the side galleries). In contrast with all the 25X1 other galleries, those of number "50" also have vertical shafts (number unknown) which used in exploitation and which connect with gallery "100." l ll " " on y ga ery 50 has both horizontal and vertical exploita -on. 25X1 7. The central galleries are about two meters high and two meters wide. The oti,ar galleries are about 1.5 meters high and about 1.2 meters wide. The branch galleries are even narrower, permitting the passage of only one mine car. 8. Ore is transported by the following means: a. In gallery "0," there is an electric tram line, receivin power from an over- 25X1 head line, taking the current from two large generators; the motor has an "unlimited" drairing capacity, since work is planned or the length of the line, which would be feasible only if the motor were not thus overloaded; the line in this gallery extends to the "Krushov Doll' mine; b. In gallery "100," there is a small electric tip-cart with a motor furnishing its electric current through about 20 batteries, alternating periodically., wearing out after one shift; the line has two of these tip-carts, which near.;, that if one is alternating, the other is going and returning; the electri. tip-cart has a pulling capacity of about 20 carter,': per trip.; the- line rea_':r and connects with that of the "Konski. DolP mi.rr; c. In the other central galleries, as well as in all the horizontal exploit.atiox] galleries, there are rail lines with hand-pushed _art_; d. All the little cars of the mine are identical, regardless cf whether ',la, on the tram line, the motor-dri-ren line, or the hand-pushed line; they .1,.,: capacity of about 0.80 cubic meters or, as irfc_ stated: 1,000 ki ;_., e. The ore is raised to the entrance of gallery 110" by means of a double to ()Iwhich has two sec'tions on each of the two elevator cars; when two c" " cC- ticns are at the entrance to gallery "0," the other two are lo-ated at ti.- cl:. end of the line, i.e., the bottom gallery; the tram cars of the correspor:din? galleric.s are pushed into the sections and thus sent upward and successi-~tJ; returned; the cars of one of the galleries are being trucked, others aia unable to use the elevator; f. Since the elevator shaft between galleries "200" and "250" had not been com- pleted as of 15 October 1952, the elevator could not be utilized in gallery "2500 (the lower level) and the ore was lifted out of this galls into gallery "200" by means. of a second-rate elevator, located about SO meters from the central elevator (toward the interior); this elevator connects only galleries "200" and "250;" it does not have oars, but the mine cars loaded with ore are fastened in the elevator on hooks and thus drawn upward; from galley "200" to the entrance of gallery 110," the central elevator described above is utilized; and g. The use of the elevator in gallery 1150" is limited, since this gallery is exploited primarily by the vertical means and it is easier and handier to drop the ore into gallery "100" and there load it into the mine care to be taken out along gallery 11100" into the elevator and thus to the entrance of gallery "0;" for the horizontal exploitation of gallery "50," however the central elevator is used directly. 9. The central elevator is located about 100 meters inside of the entrance to gallery "0." The central elevator, as well as the supplementary elevator, is powered by electric motors (capacity not known to informant). 10. From the elevator, the ore is taken by means of the tram line to the cable line station, located about 200 meters from the entrance to gallery 00," where it is emptied into the large bunkers. The bunkers are divided, to conform with the cre coma from the " v "n " "Petrovitq n n 1," and other mines. 25X1 The bunkers have a s ope floor, with a flume and a door with a lever opening; the cars of the cable line run under the bunkers to be loaded with ore for transporting it to the flotation plant at 1Cttrdzha3.i. 11. A steelyard in which every one of the cars is weighed and where samples are tak