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Document Creation Date: 
December 20, 2016
Document Release Date: 
August 7, 2007
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Publication Date: 
September 2, 1954
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Approved For Release 2007/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600640010-3 . CLA SIFH:AIIUN 0.a,:ua CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. 'E3.IEC i 1, 7i ssalut:.on of the Railroad Brigades to Brost-NO. OF PAGES Atovsk 2, Arre:sts ;n tho Ministry of Railroads ACE CURED TE OF FC IIS no:u`JZi:1 `:o TA, W, ,nvon-TION ArnCn:m TI NAT104AL OETKU-n! V Tfl loofas anrz, 111`4111 I: a -9m., or *^\G ro. SIcTIONI 70! pt U.!. Or CMS 1. 5 COOS AS : M SRO!O ITS T AN3 I13SION OR RIVAL 901 Or ITS CVNILJT O on "LCOYT NY AN CNPNTNOPRao VIRSON - ------- ---- NO.OF ENCL.S. cusTEO eELre, SUP;'LEPIENT `0 REPORT NO 640913 The r.....1' :u1 uau 0:t1L;aees in Frankfurt, 7:' ?'t to k' di35o.lved p.s It ".0 June `54.. At that time9i2O l0002Ut"LVee '?.e'. .0 tt. Z'r'td over to tt,e Polish ra,'.r'oai r: L!thorities,,ari,i nc:y... !: r f_ia t^ .. _..:'rs,:;.fu!?trC.ter nrr! Breit Lito`rsk iter 30 Juie t;, b? .,an'.1 "ci by .ailroad rows, using the .oco.iol.ives which were tt:rnei rca- Apf.ar'nt'r the yarJ:r of Frerkfu.?t/,aer an:; west of the Ode: i?i' e1 hrid;re t"+c-ra- to be used as the rein Lunt ng n:?dgin the c.est Fobs? ?r *_, cre.a c?,erc: to cross ;he border into Ce-re,.rq to pick up the t --ins i:,tendi:; for :;rest-Litovsk. !.=ter 3(: Just, only 30 railroad triga&es wera to be kept .r- Fr anlrfurt;'Cd!r for trcfff.c Ivi.hin rr.st Germary_ A: of I. ni,:v. to ..rest"=i,itovse: tram Franki ~;rC':.er amounted to c to j5 per de.y in both c i r.-ction50 The tr-:: f i a to nr:st- r-?o.:,i zo:ai.: ;.?u o: -aachlr.e parts as Ae1. a.5 large to-.ions of St-e1 ccratrLcticn,, uc1: a)anes, etc, Tr,?re was -nn average: onr: troc,) train c"aid.;! Thr, trs,i:i:.c from Tres?.., Li ',ova ao,.e'....-.d prioari.ly :if aoc1, _a-e an;: gray.. Ervin :raver, ,: the aclt Cr:-._.an h:i.n.tstry of R.ail.roads, was oceervrd a,. Bret;-, !i'ovsk on 22 i,Fril 1954 an his way to a maeting in in concec'ion xith the tuzrrovar of *he rai.-.read Irlg:ue3, ',riCnV ?,.::.e.crompanie,! by %..u wank: (*_Tu') 4. AE - he tine :)_' cbs,rrvatioa, t,irre '.!td been no .in the or>a:r_zr:tion of th-: East Ge.:mor. railroad bri(;al.as a.10ept for serail- -ale purginzs., aril nev. er:;lic. +a ei being hired; 5 Membe,:c of the taot German bri.gac.z3 'rliete that the transfer of t:'te resno.,=zbxlity for the Frenk urt/0der Brest?Litovsk run to the Poles took p)ncr. tee:, ,.:z' .>,, the desire of the So'tiets to have betto control over ti-.e 1r,: o:,,-; Aac3 aind to protect them against scbot,^ge or :taer damane, far In oe%: )1E, - The 100 to 120 locomotives t,sed for this run orb ,,art of a , :?c i. c_? iJi) Gorman i.c.corotives which the S(1,L"iet:: :C ;fieoated, ..re rert :)' the 3" mostly of type 50, are being carefuyly cc-nse-rved. They k:'?; t : t?:icn5 l; en, CGtt`J C#, ~`tOT'Ate nt:tilde, Anvermuende., l';';-3t n n. and 117 nl:iy 3. r',ke ., }. Ot 'FP.-:Ur.-J l,~ run_ in Approved For Release 2007/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600640010-3 if 0 1 t t Lc , :c ;' cbcrren Va l;ci as > u; ; t..c ht-c: unn 47aMrlwirtschai`t L 2lsni A r.u? .. tE:....., :~ env;j rtncy..ot icsl f fn bi.e tun; e. urt h ~.Tisa Ube.'? (fn } ':tniC E' rE.lL W .