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Approved For Release 2007/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A004800020007-3 CENTRAL INTELMENCE AGENC'Y OEPORT I N F4RNATION RiEPORT V 4D NO. Proposed Changes in the 1954 import and Export Plan ,of the East German State Secretariat for Chemistry I THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE I& SECTIONS 793 ND 794. OF THE U. S. CODE. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVEL- ATIOILDF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON 13 PROHIEiTED Irf LAW THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION The following list shows the proposed changes in the 1954 import-export plan for the East German State Secretariat for Chemistry. The quanti#ez-are -in- Proposed ew antitz Potash ,// Increase approved. ikifilorinTblue Th p increase depends on whether the sales department of DIA Chemietbanaebtalbeavd-K products,similar for export. VED Kali- themie.and either Farbenfabrik, Nerchau or Farbenfabrik, Ohrdruff are to make this product. The increase depends on whether the sales department of DIA Chemiechan obtain priw, duces similar for export.. VEB.Kalichemie and either Farbenfabrik, Nerchau or Far- benfaibrik, Ohrdruff are to make this pro- duct. Iron oxide yellow Chromium yellow Ochre, brown Lead pyapaMide Alumintm chloride This is to be exported under plan position "various .exports.-" ? A new plan position 41miber should be crepted for this positiOn. _ Approved For Release 2007/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A004800020007-3 Approved For Release 2007/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A004800020007-3 - . . --tarQ4 tea 13'otasts1 siarate D ttiotiait tr tin* Chrotdo told hroine alum PhOSpherue vianganitip Ataft- pure gas; te.,/ ? tfaeae Isaia eIetraid- GeV anett,u,e, golva acetate 3ttet caoiitti 2,400 aantol eitaagegnLIgatIgnatt-' *3;4'411' Vila 1101411de 500 :140024 tOtlit tbaHitiar$OnittAt 65 1361Villt Xi SU. 1:1)0,441404br40(1)- itiett.o.; Unit, Zilpplierg are to be* raibentilett ;WW1 A*14 Aatmatzeonverk guentiTarits4, ltr&tioile exportist ) terfel4k Fottaisbetratlat Timm rutt* Vier 1**Mot: U ea at 2,1500 metriol tons Izarused: be4413.0 500 not-at term or pottts: elm bleautatt axe reolrad proftie ? / ;/( t;,!,-, - I, /I .; :14./rottaz I.tialtu144 atttiit Iiaterfolit Zitt0,1104 s- -64140.40144 tile *MI:Ott .g.tut4, Ral_a04 ercia 350 ta 500 ntetri Bittetteuto, abiepteila. Ser4itirt Ztlektr4entareA, Vieizterlytei? Tribr Sun SVO VOISOUI---T-4,7t#010* ?bOaliti* flIA Chad. assenet *it tore* $inO M. roe notarial a Mit with Leuner4kork, tins post- Urns. a's: eria tow OM* 1)4 the 3400--T;ifArli4 ton* Iriol,w14# , PXPOr 141717.4) 1 T. ) Thc..140alefa 1.110`tiet.*10 to ? 'Slipplter: ),/V,Z CbOritit?Roxical, :kaKI liattixt tOr * *Vogl ?setsu,Teemk.9..., Approved For Release 2007/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A004800020007-3 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A004800020007-3 _ -SM.= CtiefAid.) ? ? 25X1 Ernmsaa tItit fAINWAYs 94. 25X1 en. 4-000 200 Eillit2==asatligigag Reuse boda. uoe inoisowd &Was Mae Vaud; ritait sxterusiolit, Initici4'44,000.- to4et. tout a -pus* taw* 14 Alathe 44.tport 15IrtAti. nonoolaorliciiiona Wet Wm. . suppliab; latterrell awl 74 14'brik Triliatet? ilyaroOritnone Mtol sltstitrino 100 retria tons ea*" indOsti To Us snat ? lacretwo frost 3, to 35 *MU tortsi astfrowd. Toesiste -cot 100 stitkie tom reftitspl* *al - thef Ofirtriott pixtum for tvlortitios morit-t,t 46 WA& ZekAt f tiit. 14414griFa11no erg ti\ln r;"-iar 4,4,14bilargallitt400/ t41111) tbls priAtoctiot -G\ *ifientizrther. rik-tiremods *es*. iriut raw ' taittftia; AtiMilik4 art6 4$1- CNievolet *worts not glut potiltiort * ft% t213.? moon aittee /frat, Trit- 5 perceitt VIO eXIV:r /or 111"44,?iIv f Inotegoo ' I rot atiottfid A Woratecc ft\ , Pr-innng bap ? tote* itcri tal * t000lved thiltrats **ported), , 7400 xstrio Unto ZA ctielt wilt the ? rtat: - insectictO plea in tile -elAitindot? - ? 7 47_ - ? ? , 1m:m*4s lossu n 'bait )i-0 *let,th, thio, ale* ItW11i isteritilst it tittOit ttiviro for tehlit irtfixti, 'The it** *Wit* t447,41040stt *61, oititeit . tog woo* nitv. - zoo, weWtt tont ArbIttor (HUG) VIM() *tittiCitAiko0oholtiv -040aaVil 7,*(XX) )setplo to Zoltan Oicr?DDTI 4settl:t unic A4, piezait olgo4ral Tomato fr_ 5?044441410.w --zwild Niuktow DIA ?Mode com tnmeste work -MAL - Approved For Release 2007/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A004800020007-3 Approved For Release 2007/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A004800020007-3 szp2D_OQAW tumults. paints vat' bases ZOO Agent 'efillasSvo )626a6el-- _ Vt ratoty obotioal xettat piettwo n114 ) lastrjette positive on Vitro base =Ito stilforissatio tio floe tali aolit -c 35 noneoettn 25X1 IgikaAfkbg 25X1 thw t gm positionii .-- orta? linitiotbUta 1Prses4 oil 1_0(0,r -noteboot It is tot possibie' to -proehro wkitable for IWO% F4.4.2Mg. t Ms tows the/trot* 1/.1 Wilma be'ense Bitter-re le =MA* to Maw* me eszt ttie 500sotris tote set VI the go* mass trow000000 to ,tAVO QOO meees , of ve b12 and WO-Wet 0 0,N12.04 , rub 1 e s . The yArektri,e 4t1OittiOtt Win titt to tut r,rificiutit tatt bo iltinAort.4 af- exilOt espitsliskie woe .-Putt toe plq .1t1Oireagt. or to0:000 reotodit tog yak* Wort. At inst.*** boon tiO. *sal positifet*, Alta inteebnieei MS* Invort 50,i000 *Oa* tretont? approlto4 jetoblit for Ikas able 0-61. -potilWon Watfirt *IV ft ftatetatt 104* 4P0Orti, 1:46P PI_ ,atth vb* StNatOrtporit Pioitteri duo* thIS 1.441, SU TO. 0! *vat laza. tble to Tim* strAosto- Approved For Release 2007/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A004800020007-3 Approved For Release 2007/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A004800020007-3 ftpossa *OM% fr.1444 ftlIivan) 40001000 Various soft rubber Wain)?Prollti_ets -tion-Ipt-Enprtft &NAM 14000 ? ? 25X1 25X1 ritUlLata. 4,04414jacijatij Neu plan Dosition, 400 Iiiivraine angovetla SuPas ArAinstaittelvailt Dresdette - - ? . tnerease.ttr ION000 Ithlow re6 egtp-gnee ItONVibli to ebtelX the 200 xistrio tosit-of tiist to** erciP tbr Pk* titration tie* 00W1t47146 Woo d.r. the PO PiVitiett 'Slat-We 2141)1)Ore ,y 1954 req'tdresients ei the aler euers State S?*te ?x Cliftitetry ale the,. 1:01W tot Light rodiltveYt -*Pt wowed irlthout Aft foes . The queartit ?tiFival* 1$'00a *lade taitt Sottiuptiyarc. Reflood., Catierette?V* 1-;iut with rub Abieilite (0) of the stAte narroitit ccon-tiiiem loset. *.ut 4.0enietr a- tiat ror Iteav Vh-getletrr ixot Ifeen attilt to vrive at tt, final tliture for the 604a affel or vregliAtionik Utiontse the itiWebeJobi *ow ter the ?evatieten Or ? eigetel-eg Sojk 1-4.4 blitnt apptolekte There otottisigt or 201'000 *040 Ube food4ut xi* tor q.9544. Th. Iktoe .lotrup- tone th* gout vee, toteitteive4 to IffintiteM -e.ect /POO attrit ton* or ciii101004 tag, is to tol litOttetio. kretrocUott It O. avti. pert or htetoexide Aigljt like= a .14101.0U04 in the Import or **lead ay. oPlorines The plan nail* fOr the imart of 2000 **trio tone heeiktisit this 10. set /a Ione ttVeide) ligii*Soent4 33000414 the liquid :00? 'hkriP Vet to rated *th. Xtzl3altz7 vf 1iMrai. Oonetrotio0 ale the meet or' hipod r 11deil'thtortritt. tors l 44000 *delis toe, 41 The eikpett sail* et the evo Mont towlit ror Itiehatet-a cootti:?- or 41- -A re-cluotion fro* 2/100 to 4800 ye* ,ap. prowiLs Urge sea. repairs arett. midei141054.14 the ladeetl Moo' ,or ieriaitimt .0ohte. win tot Wet,tAfilloit The _or 24000 Mtri0 to ot eXtioditot 31,600 CrIo its triuoriiI0 nektsf MIL Approved For Release 2007/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A004800020007-3 Approved For Release 2007/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A004800020007-3 _ -1\W gtant0 - SEM? dathittV a fail fluvride) (cont.) tergash solid &WM tarrild inoretme * * or oyote to; catiWUe coont.O106 011,0* tenor atiotnite tvarOtiviorie aeld. 25X1 25X1 Nem plan: Desition ratie.ined befalls* wagger- tem wows> afixogr. was to be amid dew irmum 19540 sievl Dithatt tale ilato eon sot preen. preditat4 suitabie tor6-3104t. DIA Clietie was constantly elating fttplaInts about quality. tilthoponc, 30 pereertt Ittnned export. of 500 *MI* tonewae *Aiwa" beeene. East Gemany OM but prochvise 021.1t 8Oq 3.1thopose; '11-11);;Irodoetten 10 ' the laelOrie 3-*Kuer ror the invietiom. actirketataitallt!fite ProeCuction !Vox. %50 tQO metes, tote approved bticaitee this product ie iwected , zatt cotilaty yigreator watt*. 1.11 1954 ror rait sorting Audit (newireelis), for the foci/dam Induirtrr tor useisirt ettlini4e* *ha Orryfte out the person- . A/ pass rtefopz.. moue aeid, obezioally go *bangs* lie that the Joupplo et einegai. 31,4,000 pare to the Zaet German people will be asourea, 1,700 cult, old 30 EtacelStb ZOO 2,400 A teditiMOT _?fV0k11.14#00 UP IMO ie liMitco egid lit itotisidiViatoft or the need* or leo Gin-tout. Ii1tterft44 _cannot increase prom* fr*Uoltt tileettiet* rektritteratTo we; 444 dt v, '--4,...L, : / , -'? "P ' Vi-'--- --'iiaagsVgfeet Plait, Amain. AV Y3 koUrodimigaleli, 300 -,0!60-11g + > , 114 pieened Avert et %X *strict tome *11"11111 101(thaVit il0.14te the at *et EWA rgermearid 'clAtinsfttit Are griater *an vtiredeetien. That 411111terseec le oar * seen t ?rprethertatoek Xellt tierrii* ***twat* a* ,4-71 Approved For Release 2007/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A004800020007-3 OftelArked. A tgiAtiVit Attic= to 100 Astra VA* vat e.preolowts The von 1y or the teirse tettai Tawas it' net Assures, Oteiter ) racjititottaita rot:Ontbitio taniii4e -oaDre/aotes., e0. ealt for sore #sonigs Approved For Release 2007/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A004800020007-3 motto-Lew 'bra tetraohlo Trloresy), aosphate a mutts 1 ed 1.0.1 4detio sad ester 25X1 25X1 BMW A rtinCtiOn of 400 xette tole vas op. rwovikt Tains into eactoitat the 600 mettle. tone to to proclOoed StimOietk a sippll of 51100 *Wee tone le on Una Ea4t restistor far a:ming plant! (eivilion midi) mot the swan* Indust:T. Pre.p1eon4 exporte of 2400 pstrie taw ograost oe? oonoriflothy grottS prow tititition of 414100 lestria tmte tott the, overtog or the East tionea tt,Itatetterit or 5tpa vietrie itose? No oho& in V* gamed *sport of 2400 metric Me. Dowels Meets will to coverect fro* the material ballot.* sod vita the rsesraT Mon that Sittortald stin Atrotrel, eufrialsol *applies of Cresol DA11, sifts two req4rimmati a the plate stdr the MinieWy of Camera Madan Construe- tiot bast 33Wimet t?tily earsreds) Qs plan poeitit* ut be ceoleted over 200 metric tots. A reftaation of .20 . tong was ap._?? provw); hiestuoi tiorctirstiont ot setric Utsi and prethootiort of otay 240 /aerie tone le OtbtokilifeVt &me* A redotion or 70 ustrItt tons vas ttp. proved botateto dote-title ileede 1111010141 to 210 Itietrie tone (for boottit6-70t the foodituff Iliftittly mod *rvaiyi irt the 'rubber indult te7Bittetrold toovict clay Troduoto 26o meet itridei7 4011IsriE ase tto elaAge gittrt tt iambi** bt ? 10:441 49,4ountirqg 41000 xe)giti* The even got matt be recloseettre 3! 030 totit tosetee the rattutrostetts rat the *op incluetrrt earettUily tor private rims 1411 be Invoh great owaiiln 1954v In order to eo-wor tv Matz betty* fo 195n talec 50 weislie tots 1.11 the 430- PoVt AR4 Ala remin Visaaeled, in this socoeptioisa owl &nit. (no fact that otintattAit irrir Ismael for the mauc. tion_Ais)-isitfiti tasetwArePtii, tot enthiv_e_se essols 4 %MO I%5r 414,8VerKakgrS?iiiiTZ Approved For Release 2007/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A004800020007-3 Approved For Release 2007/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A004800020007-3 )k) 4/4' *Plank ioriVaftror; rejsi'fis 6)octrnez eere eT5 1,15 4r-rouie? tattle*. Cabal taiga ,(11a5mmrge a )50 10 St.et4 SO ? (anent% cobalt 4460 Solid ratIZI eel& Sisal 25X1 A rettixithim 51000 Thlit 25X1 A:00o teal mete*. iies ?;PQId ssthismile* hr Ira jtsgint vonerrieXadittcs the 144 ghosts *ft ft0 OW* X~1caar*C100 *CAW-1E04 *iit Mit *la In* *Aga IIIIPP1404 *IA (7,-.04411 *41.14 *it* -ttiViettlir ao-et4i* 3.0 $0 *ow vas eliggreliet beam preeepticet Ohleitie4 Tar* liarissu4hdelbeex 04, not -N411111 V* :ref ii1414litieg. -41960-0** -25.000 *Art. *dew le* ebeediptey **Mee ti44 -Staint Opodie1o4 tilibood 'Joined qtt0 tsAK 1P96*** mow A *nano Aim. wit mama, ISflcm next* %AA tat ammo in; 11)%.' peedieed ler wt.* ? ogateek mit ether dienetie yegesurang 141.10 Iseevere47 Amettenemet "414.1). Imiitt444 reInioit miveyolt Tome. *At Sew& Delotion beisuee 4.40-?41-4 tide* 1?01:1 1100 44, 2* /*trio tute Um teen eppreireCbeemese, et LY Approved For Release 2007/11/19: CIA-RDP80:00810A004800020007-3 Approved For Release 2007/11/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A004800020007-3 25X1 Saute 25X1 '$or, ":"atty- -olesfacat.) ViiitorIon and latoreamo In &tattle prai. Melva. oaacliit t1t-441M* A 1:~101 :or :300 vatic tont, Artois ,?. V0,4to, _Alettlfa tete, war argattidi, tbla,5011 aatlitla tona 430.041oils ci ratil acidat 114110.1,04 a Pa VAC '(fta" TAW ises;/00` te011.1 we* apiktairal-., - 40;* Wilt 1* at-lat. ea lib or tiegp?rratto 14014_ tratItaane era Povaered slue ratnaeax? cola ed, '7 plibirphates ard apatite concentrates calalrard olay Catm Nom to urug SIM? AV\ lams Iwo laitott yiler. AN* tio* *Tamar otetiable tor th*tOr )0* to MOO ? tp $14001i* Mud* Sol t ttoo par. .? talkoet ' etiVagt. bovidas it 300 liVtaid. *It bassuat inept tM bit'osi hand at US' lesisilligst 1954 aid 44aoo Amu tas0 low audit SiTgejthe Fectaitaawaat apt that iminal tifOorfai1. Ifro4tiati *vie *040 04_ No- *law *ivattmaat ft tot .- 000 laittlattAia* l*Ott. gay 1600 aaVria taxa that th*