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Approved For Release 2007/06/25: CIA-RDP80-00810A004900250007-7 CLASS IFICATIOl _ :`VRR;I, Fist O r s COUNTRY.. Qiartarir Area of th(i 12th Gds Tank PLACE, ORTA111ED ".)ATE O.? CONT - REPORT DATE OB AU\ ED ? . PREPARED. 24 August 1954 `'E ERE1NlCE_:'S . a~AGES__?m._. 6..N(:l_OSl1R S (NO. & TYPE) REMAR S) _o_ 'etwee as 23 June and 2 'u` *L954,, 30 SU x 0 RUMS I zac?. 124, T-34/85 tang, w rre ;een with Unit Dronc?v in the Fr'idericu. Kaserne 2205 1.1 Ne? r p a a. Eight aP u ms pens daily to ta.e Gentzrode training area,. Bs-,ween 12 and M7 Ji31 r 39 Fy 34 5 tom;:. 131 SUU100 gizm and truck n in the garages of wait K ova!.e ovo J _ guns eon in another shed. On 30 Ju"lyp Unit L ftnov, which rJ re Cei were i xa d Lea`. or -July,, returned to the installation,. Soldiers of the unit lore re d hcrdered black epaulets with teak.. artillery, sigma1 and motor transport irzsl,_ ai.a Meals for persona w of 650 ;gin : Ee gran 1. and .23 July, the Frider''ious K a.serne was herivily o.ccu.. ied? AWL t, 90 psrcent of the windows of the iaasta 11 .tion were lit on ae3vez-al evenings of observation. On 6 Julry, 20 s,..decar motorcycles emd 4 si c= .:a e 9 arraoa e psrsom..o1 carriers ere saeara en route to Netrupp ,. The coluaa, eue from a northeasterly direc tiono 1 3 Cu 1`~ iiir& 6 F =13 rocket 1eunchora- w er s e err. in the yard o. F riedr'? ch=_a anz Kaserne 2 ctr l Lai ~aeu pu; p3xa,, P. school :so ? o?v.et children was being established in the main building o tht' for := telegraph construction bur?eaau located. In the barracks a).ree, garages there were still occupied 0y Unit E 1ayev. On 29 Julys 3. 'pas detarmia?med that the quarters' of Un-J.t Dahurcyrole were occupied ?:r' Unite ii holae y-ev and Zultanov, Accor3.3 .ag to r?esvde:nte of Fuer tenwraalien Unit L"31=01sk ? ?saae no longor stationed in 1 ei:jirnpinQ 4 Be 6::je e?_? I aid 23 July;, the Fr?iedrie hhFrazz Kaserne in Neuruppin was oca,.pi,3d as previously,. About 80 percent of the windows of, the ir.stal,la?iion werre. ii?;q on several evenings of oheerva3t .any Soldiers wearing red-box-de:.-ad black epaulets repeated -17 practicec wit ..2 _ 37a.a rl? A9. guns,, 2 3: 122--mm x""i,=,-1d howitzers, and I a: 577m1 LT kun in. , a barrack3 yard, On 10 Ju' y 5 uc s ors: a ng AA ,'whi.ne r rnd a w?= PJ+ gun entered tka f rastal 1-y6ic> ,, Motor vellicl was On 13 J:alyo 5 stc th el a r:.zA?ed p :ova 1, caa s?_ryi.e s were ;:stored _fn c ne ce u,? of the : racks yex( Approved For Release 2007/06/25: CIA-RDP80-00810A004900250007-7 Approved For Release 2007/06/25: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900250067-7 o ti-r: eri 5 and 20 July thh 7: ?:l r, It ti irMx, , Raurappiz -ts cocc, pla b7 about )L,2.00 sold,iars wbaring z"eddh r ee, 'b1ac;k e3 a eto incl :gig s :t With e,rtii3,ery i* i. 5 The zoldiers were "nipped wit; l22-Ln s'i=,ls howit, ra and m-13 ro*et l wnehe ? After s ~a raa eo] nna with 22 ': la- 2_d howltza xgr_ semeral ocket launch-era and trucks had left on f!O Jza v the installation u c:oupie!i by about 700 soldiers until. t b ROM In an of 6 Au lsto F-2 Little training waa observed da io?g t o, p iod, xeka were seen en route to and from t?e :3,:tcotLl .4 6. On 26 J4a1y,, it 'as deter~ nd that Unit Z onov in the ca) ;ssr!,ass (a-203) in N?tu ppin. was a school. 8oidiern from Fridericus erra were ob r 'ed there. In addition to Unit Z onoo,, tho installation yes occupied by c. rear detail of 100 men on 29 July, 7o tweesn 5 J and 6 Aug .t9 the Sao Ka serne in IYeurappin was occupied prerlously by app s =iinte 1,,000 ooldiers weari g reddbor'dored b1z k epaulets including sow with tank and motor transport Insignia, Prior to mid-July,, as n a 8 $ 120ar mo. s uoere se at ,].lati on,, After .d.JulV, ''344/85 ta ? were observed. Groups Of 3 to 4 tanks fr equon? left for the post raLnirig area axad groups of up to 60 to sd soldiers fre u t Motor vehicle eritered and left the Installation, Ivtuoeuu .l ?d 23 July the former post hospital (2202) in Kom-uppla wag occupied, About ad 5 peg,-cent of the iirido we of the installation were lit on s vvra1 Ovanin of o" srvation0 ,troves I and, 10 Jullrv the fo.r jai sail for girls (22) in "Neea.r,xl7rrixt, s occupied diririrng soxnoi1 .its,, soldiers of which 'wore red-bordered black e ual? is includ mg goy ; with motor transport lnaig niaa , Driving school practice with 13 to 16 trail s were daily held In the town are . About 2..20. soldiers war a frequent swan .ching to Friedrich Oran tifs?* where th 1r received ',hhe rzal . l0a tw en, early July and 6 Avrgn tr, the for mar high school for girls An Non ruppi.n 'w s occupied as pre ious]y y app atsaly 300 soldiers wearing red- =bordered ' 1 ack ee ulets n :inn: l uding sow with motor transport Insignia. Ta wait we.s Ad '.fii ad ai c P 'r } ?erz0 On 29 ~~:s two Soviet -oe -i ed detached bui ldi n at the intersection of ,x o 8tras; e and Karl i.f-is scht 8tra ase ware thought to quarter MVD wKe oficer&., 11's word nt;ra< Tcc % was observed on a paper issued by this office, : ~ eaut as a Colonel ,nin signed documents in those offices, In late special c o taxi sioe i p icted all apar nts In I ou ppiaQ In apa rtmwto n `c, ocaxw i,c d to city s one rte 'U s to be z ado available or dopxm dsato of 3ov.le cord ;a`3raa? OPaaiT',d n cider than 8 years wens not r ii.tfi d to :t wzrr the U60".. t c . 29 jzha, azi 9 Au waft:,. c eroisesa 'bank firing prarrx;tio a; and tank driving naetio s were frog? ntly field. at the Gsntsrode post trai..ng ak a 3V' uait,-e on ieMuupp:1ao FYIciia 8 to 10 Ju sr, a from 22 to Z3 July,, tare firing xa: aeti s held there :7=olvv,d up to 9 T'34 Mild 7 J-13 toss nt torcyelo and to tat , `X3.4 tank l at at dr3,9r;ing practicaso were seen Pin rout) to `a m the s o t i ' ?rl ,3t$}L?oo t ll .'~~s amen at ` hei try dnfmg o3`sC9Rin 3 -Ce z-Ts Approved For Release 2007/06/25: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900250007-7 Approved For Release 2007/06/25: CIA-RDP80-00810A004900250007-7 4. ft?,ve an 21 t and 28 Ja 7, a&ranced combat practice tiring and giat, firing of tm,, ,3. ? ere repeatedly observed in the Pion- Gl ies1.tcks area a a the acbattb ,aao t sect Lon of th 1-fitt'tato k troop training grow ads, 4 T Zoll i. 21. to ?h ju g., N 1 ght firing practice of 6 T=34 tanks s, Motor vehicle biri: i. g practices of 12 TT34 tan: _ u 1 fi xi, t? f -1 PJ 7, practice of 16 Tm34 tank~E 21 his` Might firing practice of 12 T=3/+ tans and 6 a red perao 1 c iera mountina heavy = 411 reled :machiac gune0 Escorting trs cki night firing practice Of 10 T-34 tanks and 8 armored perco l carriers r ount g heat/ twin-barreled machine , )1ve tr cke occupied Soldiers red- bordered black epaulets are also seems Firing o individual tanks and maces g ,, and individual firing of 4 T-34 tanks and 6 armored personnel carr;?i..ere were observed in. the Rheinsbargg -Zeohnow-Ba rg area from 20 June to 7 July and 28 to 30 July gpective 17. i5o Between 21 Juno and 9 July and between 4 and 6 August, the barracks instal-. lation in Droegen (2081) south of Fueretenbarg was occt iod to capacity by approximtely 39000 soldiers tearing rod-bordered blacl; epaulets. Bs Lween 12 and 23 Tu1yv the installation was loss full, Little -training was observ- ed in the barrack,, area? Work was performed in the tra:.ning ,,area north of the installation,, On 20 July, about 12 armored personnol carriers on block; were seen in the barracks yard. On 6 August, 2 x 57" m AT Vu 3 were towed into the installation ., During the night on 4 August,, 12 armored personnel carriers were soon on the N u Globs o r lens road,, ea repute to then: wood patches about 8 km eouthwvst of Fuarstenborg, where otbe;r camcu d vehicles had already been parked. At noon on 5 A tstq 1P':resh Imprints of vehicles were seen in this area,, No eoldiex were obeerv(d. 163 Between early July and 3 August, the barracks Installation in Droes a south of F1 wrstenbsrg,, was fully lighted on several days of observa.tiono Work In the training area north of the installation apparently oonttuued. A large part of the field fortif icationa : was covered by camouflage .ne s. Dur.i the period of observation, the troops revived instruction on light infantry weapo and two armored persons l carriers Motor vehicles soan en to and from tae insta i7 On 9 1'0j stm the barracks installation in Droegen was occupied to Casacityo tensive activity inciedf ng heavy vehicular traffic wan observed in and to the i nstall ation0 6 Z. Oasr Unit Dronov is, the 49th Gds Tank eg which is thus confirm d in Neuruppin until 30 July 1954. It appears improbable that the equipment of the regiment includes 30 si guns, Major elements of the regiment may hatoe been stationed at, i t? where "Ibey press rablp t: nferrted ca 10 Ju1.y,, The return of these units on 30 July 'has not yet been confirmed, The column with 20 sides motorcycles observed on 6 July probably bel ong d to the 18 h Odc Mtrel En,, which was located in I euruppin until that, date. 24 o nt , Tb,o ass=pt assumption that Unit Dzhurems is -Identical to the Arty R.egt may be incorrecto It Is,, on the other hundm possible that the onAri s rs of t1 v regim eesnt9 which E e Jueterboag for firing from 20 July ~ >