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Approved For Release 2007/05/31 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004900270008-4 CLASSIFICATION CCN'1D'-*?TI1 L .~ East derma A.AV U t4lTRY School No 500 of the VDA at N!9menz ' .IPLUATSON I OF CONTENT_ :'E OBTAINED _...1 FERENCES REPORT ....PLACE OBTAINED DATE PREPARED. ;~tR~ES ENCLOSURES K MARKS 20 August 1954 2 v two sketches on ditto,, with legend (No. & 3YPE)_?~.. ~~ - -- -----~~~ 10 c}rgg,nixatic~n In early March 1954,, the VDA School No 500 was organized as follows: headquarters let En with 1st,, 2nd and 3rd'Cos 2nd Bn with 4th, 5th and 10th Cos meteorological section Ti and T2 Sections motor transport squadron This organization was newly established in mid-February 1954 The TI and T2 Sections were also newly activ ated in mid-February 1954 and consisted of newly drafted soldiers who were to be trained as aircraft mechanics o . Each of the five companies with the numerical designations 1 through 5 consisted of 3 platoons for military basic training. Each platoon was subdivided into 3 groups. For theoretical training, each company was divided into 5 instruction groups which were given numerical designations., such as Class No 33 for the 3rd instruction group. of the 3rd Co. No details were known on the organization of the 10th Cop the meteorological section or the motor transport squadron. 1 2. t,te ?ng Facilities The Lchool IIo 500 was quartered in the former Panzer Kaserne on I-Zacher Strasse in Kamenz,, referred to as Object I. The adjacent Object II housed a portion of the Bautzen Aeroclub and the 4th Tech Base in Kamenzo 2 3. Personn?1 Stre h In February 1954, the School No 500 had. an estimated strength of 1,300 officers, NCO: and-students. The individual units were believed to have the following personnel strengths: CLASSIFICATION CONFIDI94TIAp. Approved For Release 2007/05/31: CIA-RDP80-00810A004900270008-4 Approved For Release 2007/05/31: CIA-RDP80-00810A004900270008-4 25X1' CO"0tDENpIJAI headquarters training department of headquarters 1st, 2sd, loth and 5th Cos " 3rd Co (largest company) 10th Co meteorological section Ti and T2 sections motor transport squadron Total-. about off -I o f w chool. Igo ~0Q The following offices were Imam., Chief Deputy chief and political officer FdJ secretary chief of cultural department in charge of cadre matters in charge of basic training and athletics medical officQ.' chief of training department chief of 3rd Co political officer of 3rd Co platoon leader of 3rd Co in charge of technical instruction on aircraft about 20 officers and 18 NCO&a 120 officers end 30 NCOs 20 officers and a total of ,465 officer candidates 3 officers and 135 officar candidates 5 officers and 100 1 offic r and 30 6 officers and 210 2 30 NCO9 and 04 175 offic ?s and l,080 NC0 s and EM Colonel Leopold (fnu) Lieutenant Colonel Rauhbach (fru) Major Voigtiaaender (.fnu) Lieutenant 3'oelle (fnu) Sub-Lieutenant Zylanund (fnu) Lieutenant Hermann U nu) Captain Kraft (fnu) Captain Dr o Rosser (fnu) Trajor Buechel (fnu) Lieutenant 3auastian (f'nu) Lieutenant Jaoh ling (f uu) Senior Lieutenant Preil (fnu) sub Lieutenant Strege (fnu) As the position of a chief of staff .me not provided for according to the table of organizaations the chief of staff was called chief of the agency The company chiefs appointed 0: fa ?gruppen Aeltest,. " (speaker a of classes) and 't h ,~?uppcan PA"' (political functionaries of ciaoaes) from among the officer candidates . Some T3r.31i s of the latter group were selected as .ppoviai3io group loaders. Soviet advisers were Colonel Hera and Colonel Tannenberg (fnu) who probably had cover names., The following Jin;,truc't on Lerial was available is the class rocs of the school buildings Model M U !? 3 aircref engines for Yak--1.8;, model ASH 21 aircraft engines for Y?k-1.1 nio`dtV)j ASH S: 17M a#>cS'ra,". for ;~" v~ .y,.l. n4~ rz? ` .:ash camper ererag and otherr demonstration i.netr ument,e, inatr a tion . s3pi ts, y (yX of t chni ca I l', uetra tioa, and ~+ '&sAa & tion of Soviet r, 5'u .ie A wind tunnel, about 4, m i s a va ii_ali13 in one class room o One codal each of 'I hc,, Yak--!.8,, Yak- 1.1 and l =- 9 r a't .a_thoift outer skin wereel sracted r, haen loo `s i, j t t 1 ~ P.ddition ids L ,ar and ua kohop equipment wa e a v-dilaablo ha ..ugar Not : aerz i ^a?.La 1.d V VACl' 1D o"TAAL Approved For Release 2007/05/31: CIA-RDP80-00810A004900270008-4 Approved For Release 2007/05/31: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004900270008-4 CO ?FIDMMIAL, 6. ft k c~:~ per There was a duty roster for school training as wset.l Ss fo:- technical trai.ning0 .D? t`x for Scholl training; 06;00 reveille 0800 to 1200 instruction 14' 0 to 1900 pr vate %tudy o: college training 2000 to 2200 political indoctrmnat.~ Duty roster f'or technical training, in force since January 1954: a) 0500 0600 to 1400 afternoon 2100 b) 0600 forenoon 1400 to 2200 2300 7. Train3fl. weveille technical training on the airfield off duty tames reveille off duty technical training on the airfield taps After the b;g-?nning of the s econd year of training in the fall of 1953, the following topics wore dealt with in school training: Construction of model. Yak--18, Yak-11 anc? La-9. aircraf t, construction of r&zadel M 11 F3, ASH 82 F1 and ASH 21 engines, oparating, of aircraft engines, map reading and use of march political ircioctr inat:? on, one double period evory second day. Technical training: Maintenance work on Yak-l8? assembly and disassembly of aircraft engines, assembly and disaasso ta1y of landing gears, functioning of =in: tr?waenats and equipment sources of ?c'._efcts on airframe refueling and lubricating hydraulic ee ui;:srzent extending apd retracting of landing flaps extending and retracting of landing gears of propped-up aircraft ws . : up of engines and test runs During the second year of training, no military basic training or callisthenics were conducted but only athletics during the off-duty hours. 8. Political Indoctrination Topicss History of the Communist Party in the USSR. History of the working class movement in Germany. The peoples' struggle for peace. The USSR' a bulwark against Western Imperialism. The Four-Power Conference. The 4th SED Congress. Approved For Release 2007/05/31: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900270008-4 Approved For Release 2007/05/31: CIA-RDP80-00810,004900270008-4 The political. officers of the classes did not give political instructions, but tried to,raise the political reliability of the students? They helped students in making the best use of their study hours and instructed the political functionaries and agitators of the individual classes. Most of the students were faithful followers of the SED line, 90 YCamenz? Airfield The landing field extended from north to south.and from east to west for a length of about 600 meters and about 500 meters respectively. Its firm grass cover, though in poor condition, dried quickly, even after heavy rain,, except for the northern and northeastern sections which were marshy and under cultivation.. After 1952, an auxiliary runway extending from south-soi?thwest to north-northeast was covered with runway mats but which, in the spring of 1953, were removed again as the ground was not solid enough in the northern section. Mving the spring of 1953aa two concrete hangars, each 70 x 30 x 15 meters, were constructed,, Hangar No 1 housed 3 La.-9s, 4 Yak-18s and 1 Yak-11 for training activity by the students of the School No 500, Hangar No 2 was occupied by 8 Yak-18s of the Aeroclub in Hautzen. A dilapidated wooden hangar, located along the. wall at the northern edge of the landing field,, was not used. In February 1954, construction, work was under way on three brick buildings in the southern section of the field. Hangar No 1 housed tool cupboards, boring machines, milling machines and lathes for the students. At the end of the spur track was a fuel dump with 3 containers which was not yet in use at the beginning of 1954. At that time, the aircraft were refueled from tank trucks. A camp with 7 barracks buildings was located south of the fuel dump. The flight control station with a control tower vas located between hangars Nos 1 and 2. The aprons in front of these hangars were concreted for a width.of about 50` . me veers to the beginning of the fuel dump. No taxiways, aircraft dispersal area or other concrete hardstands were available. e t. According to previous information, aircraft Co M sec nice were also trained in the 6th, 7th and 8th Cos and radio and weapon mechanics in the 9th Co of the School No 500. It is assumed that the personnel of these companies have meanwhile terminated their training and were detached to the Aeroelubs,' The training course for this personnel in Kamenz was to last only 1 year, New arrivals were probably assigned to the Ti and T2 sections. The meaning of the abbreviations Ti and T2 is not known, The 10th Co comprises an officers training course for radio and signal coirmunications. This training course had been stationed in Augustusbad near Radeberg prior to late April 1953. The meteorologists were formerly trained in Pirna. 2,I CS For sketch of billeting area in the former mazer Kaserne in i eng, see Annex 1. 3 [:::jComanen For sketch of Kamenz airfield, see Annex 2. Approved For Release 2007/05/31: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900270008-4 Approved For Release 2007/05/31: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004900270008-4 CONFIDENTIAL Annex 1 School 173o 500 of Lit j.:ui.,onz CCt'FIDENTIAI Approved For Release 2007/05/31: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900270008-4 Approved For Release 2007/05/31: CIA-RDP8O-0081OA004900270008-4 c0NrIDENTIAL school. No 500 of V33~ at Kaxnenz I School 2 New headquarters building with guardhouse 3 Officers club and HO store 4 Building housing billets for meteorological section and central weapons stockroom 5 Quartering building 6 Old headquarters building, officers billets 7 and 8 Hospital 9 Gy naeium and culture house 10 Hall No 1+7 11 Hall. No 47a housing workshops 12 Garage 13 Warehouse 14 Heating plant 15 Quartering building 16 Firing range for small-caliber arms 17 Filling station 18 Garage 19 Ilotor vehicle repair shop 20 Temporarybuilding housing headquarters 21 Quartering building 22 Fire pond 23 Quartering building 2.4 Kitchen and messhalii 25 Building housing administrative officesg switchboard and teletype station 26 Temporary building housing rotor transport squadron 27 Quartering building for 3rd and 4th Cos 28 Shed 29 Seven aunition bunkera 30 Wall 31 Entrance and guardhouse 32 Entrance to Object li 33 Tennis court 34 Drill ground 35 Building occupied by chief of school 36 4ID headquarters X High lookout posts CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2007/05/31: CIA-RDP8O-0081OA004900270008-4 Approved For Release 2007/05/31: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004900270008-4 25X1 CONFIDENT'IAl cor. 1c: red 2 '3uildin~ construction 3 Fuel du p 4 ?oven loc: i..,ooven_ quart ring uil iin',s 5 wilding under construction 6 T:c^shrll 7 Ilan ; : r . To 1 3 -ii'l ht control station 9 Han;r ~ o 2 13 3action under cultivation 10 oodan ha ?':rr 14 Conc:.'c; te a,Prons 11 Piring ran e 15 ?o_^.ier ?2Znzer Kaserne, Object I 12 ~)ur track 1,0 r ',-mzer I,aseine fl Object II Diu l Bye *~, rte tq +r , Approved For Release 2007/05/31: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004900270008-4 Approved For Release 2007/05/31: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004900270008-4