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Publication Date: 
July 21, 1954
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COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. East Germany Rail Freight Traffic through Guben CD NO. DATE DISTR. 2 gkwember 1954 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE-UNITED STATES. WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18. SECTIONS 793 AND 794. OF THE U. S. CODE. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVEL- ATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION July 1954: B - Boxcar; F - Flatcar; G - Gondola Car; Date Number and Load in July Type of Cars a. Westbound. 21 51 B grain 61 B~ 56 G 57 G hard coal It 1 B grain ) 4 G hard coal ) 55 hard coal 38,9 grain 59 G hard coal 53 B grain 52 G, hard coal 49 G 58 B grain 59 G hard "coal 27 B grain Guben._; `i. Katowice Fuerstenberg Katowice Fuerstenberg Guben Fuerstenberg Guben . Katowice Brest Litovsk NAVY NSRB Fuerstenberg Guben Fuerstenberg Guben - Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004900330005-0 Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900330005-0 CECBE T CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900330005-0 SECRET/,QQL RQ 59 G empty 59 G 13 B undetermined 25 T 59 G empty 29 59 G. 58 G 59 G tY -59 B empty for grain 51 G empty 6 B -g n Ie t! fl Kows*1 Poland 2and3 Comment. Compared to the last reported period, grain imports from the USSR increased from a daily average of 86 carloads to 137 carloads. In connection with the reorganization of Soviet transit traffic through Poland, most of the grain imports p t/0der arri yPd via Gtiben after 1 July 1954 Coal imports from Poland decreased from a daily average of 165- carloads to 147 carloads. Comment-The number of empty boxcars to be used for grain shipments increased from a daily average of 28 to 82 cars. The number of empty gondola cars for coal shipme decreased from 317 to 239 cars per day. Comment. Effective 1 each direction are scheduled to pass thro ing 9 trains for Soviet transit traffic, 7 trains for har and 3 trains for German-Polish freight and passenger traffic. paragraph 3. 25X1 25X1 SLCRET/CONTROI - Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900330005-0 Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900330005-0 3 B undetermined 11 B empty 24 55 G tt 59 B empty for grain 59 G empty 33G 57 B empty for grain 60 G empty 41G -t 3 G undetermined 25 51 G empty 51 G It, 59 G 54 B empty for grain 59 G empty 47 B empty for grain 59 G empty .59 G it 26 59 G it 54 B empty for grain 53 G empty 7 B undetermined Katowice Kowel Katowice tt Kowel Katowice it Kowel Katowice Kowel 43 B empty for grain 58 B 59 G empty 55 G 28 51 B empty for grain 59 G empty 56 G tt 59 G tt . 48 G r:. tt Kowel Katowice USSR Katowice n Kowel Katowice Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900330005-0 Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900330005-0 25X1 SECRET/CONTROL - 28 59 B grain 8 G hard coal 51 B grain 59 B tt 51 G hard coal 39 B grain 4 B empty 9 F iron Katowice Guben Fuerstenberg Guben Fuerstenberg 29 59 G hard coal Katowice Fuerstenberg 59 G tt tt tt 17 G tt tt > 47 G tt St It 29 B -grain Guben 22 B 22 F iron plates, sheet metal and rod iron b. Eastbound. 21 57 B empty for grain 53 G empty 31 B 29 G 58 G it 44 B empty for grain 32 G empty 54 B tt 22 59 G to 59 G 25 G 9B 56 B empty for grain 46 B empty 59 G tt 23 57 G tt 20 T undetermined ? it 53,B empty for grain 58 G empty- SECRET/CONTROL Guben tt tt Kowel Katowcie Poland Katowice Kowel Poland Kowel Katowice Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900330005-0 Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900330005-0 25X1 CONTRO SECRET/ '23 35B 55 G 12 B 4B 53 B 24 56 G 3B 3G 58 B 53 B 44 B 44 B 4 36 B 12 B 42 B 3B 5F 54 G 54 G 53 G 32 B 2 B 10 F 43 B 11 F 49 B 57 G 48 B 45 G 55 G 51 G 27 56 G 38 B 5F 5F 45 B 2 F 52 G 28 59 B 52 G grain hard coal grain empty grain hard coal grain _ hard coal grain tt rice grain empty grain empty iron -Katowice Katowice tt Brest Litovsk grain , tt iron and sheet me1-- grain hard coal grain hard coal. grain iron empty grain empty hard coal grain hard coal SECRET/C ,Katowice. 1 .~ Guben Fuerstenberg Gub en Fuerstenberg n Fuerstenberg ft it Guben it Fuerstenberg Guben Fuerstenberg Fuerstenberg Guben Fuerstenberg Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900330005-0