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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
July 10, 1954
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Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900340005-9 TOPIC,., CLASS! FICATION.-. ' '. Fast Go-emaa REPORT Military A c tiv in they Area, of Mechanizer 1 i1,7 3. EVA L t1 AT l C VL__..: u. DATE OF CCNTEN1"_ Wf E REFERENCES., _ _- 2 (NO, & TYPE),.....: Ri_ ARKS n 26 A.~._:- 3t 25X1 25X1 1 In the of 21. Julyv 28 T,-34 vn qtr l a t ca to the Eggesin ?'ailroaC.d' station ra to ht 't e shipment was bound for a training unit in G ;t ?:`5 3enh ,O.n rind drivers reismainie with the tanks. It as said nJ.r L ::' of ty ;w ?.,.a. e r delivered to raolac ",hose t', rnned`. in- 2 On 22 and 2: July, re imenus.l exercises were conducted in the Ani. eck.. qnyy ip y ry t.,Vff f ?~ ya aq{ea~gns ~??~ Vn ,q (9?r~y, ~j ~ry ~ry y~ -~ S. i'~'t.LY W^bv`41.5 G..eil~' ette 25 4Jl VDr, a coo~4nd post et ereise .ly iczryal-lr sad DiVision Egg esin b c(;ano It was sclAeeiz2.. d `i, t f c1L "a The area south `~O'l4u C i and ~? T ar3l2fii2C:.t.s. of Bra' y o ,J Ll }T'?pj as far as the tuba :,n n ,af Penlmia was ;? L a A 1Ie I r .s s>r cy r~ c;~Ws 0J. t ho div:i.s:? (2}9 participated,. Tb~e first ptz:3sE; of t32' e.cerc7 r+ >c, .river crossing in pneumatic rafts ovfls+-; the 1';.a;dow 3Z!v.r an of a bridge head by an engineer unit , 2 3e Artilla,,?-r and AT artillery units from the ?nstallationf w hie Were temporarily stationnd in sui mer camps, were said to have r'eturne.:'i' to th i t b t J' e r pos a ou 10 uly u Captain Pietka,`assistant to the chief of staff of the 2d M~eoh YLc 'fi, a 5* On 24 clulyt Soldiers who served with the PVP 1 or five and more years i iey awarded a modal "For Meritorious Service" by the division com3T sndob or. 6. he rair brick buildings of officers v billets at the eastern tow: exit of ggesin were completed . Upon request by the KLTPJ enlar' ;ement rsari; o the track sy'atem at Eggesin rails ead station will be . started soon On the of 25 J,-1y, at least 400 K officers marched from the > :~ pin installation to Uggesin where they were ?rarded, medals for vier torious service,,, On 28 cif?. ,Y 4 T-34/85s were entrained in-Eggesino 9a 11107 ?: daily between 12 July and 30 i" ly3 snml l units with `'`.old egz113.p ii%3? , ?r ;re seen .lead 11g or enter. g the Karpin area. Tanks were seen nr ;Y in ;ha 1.-alt of f July. FL :Er' U "3E.-. Stfl"U.. ,! trJl +t. d..4 Sit C" G cGa fr llf-r With ? !J S ~g .... Vb' mac32:ins g: .-,,_' and dtIL32"'eS'rs '~ i":~ 3 from ? 4rtil l t~' :7.? eces w3 s -q C:JeSS': H t?:T.E.I V'..t Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900340005-9 'TINED _. Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900340005-9 VrSE1.?S45is.. 2O:, FF?orn 7 to 13 Augusta Subanized Division Wconduct a firing on BarsW in Ung3tc T n Cl t,?1 Ma z d reginents CO. fat,? Moor?ycle a ~4 ho i. Another :o1 , mentioned a v^ .o w, ,+~ c 2, or 3J0 ta.i s?+ c R ?.cv Oa"r.''s of t ho tanks way be he i..c.x' k officer scho1`qa-,r..., nf ;. esw. w~~'1.a,lds''~..~ p 7 W,in ~.~ in ..Fn ant, tho ' ?,r'I,j'SC. diF;tv~_3.?.~. iit~i..F: X`..P~J; .;. i^p'i i3.'?.' PUNK % ANN, It is r,"3: ?:.'rs1ed.. that the elcme is of Re 'z'1: nize Division g e. in ur ad i';'a`. T g f 6 tanks . ard,, i5': rt s.,u 7a., d T-34.4815 rays which L re also W2 ed as T-43 tanks '?:, '?`"'nE< ,n T ^ g a antQ exercise ; mentioned are believed to. have ' been Co y nL-po ,t e:. crci See; Si xnco 33o heavy iv ipons were e_ CO .'`.a.ed o iF.C u: oti the Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900340005-9 MOP EX