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Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 CLASSIFICATION S: C(z,:;T CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT I NFO MW AT[1O REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY East Germany DATE DISTR. 17 December 1951, SUBJECT The Order of Battle of the Soviet Ground Forces NO. OF PAGES 1Z 4- PLACE ACQUIRED 25X1 DATE OF INFO, in the Soviet Zone of Germany and Austria and the German Kasernierte Volkspolizei NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. ZtI,,reT'TS:,r3S* THIS 000UWEHT COIJTAIH9 11IFORUAT1OW AFPGCTI11A 7HE WATICHAJ. DEPUR9U OP THS UNITED STATES. WITHIN THB WQAfJif 11 OF TITL9 10. SECTIOOS 799 AHO 704. OP THE U. 8. CODS. AS AOQWDQO. ITS TIN39WIS8109 OR REVBL? ATIOH OP I78 COWTSHT$ TO OR OCCUIP7 RT AU UHAUnioRIZED PQR801 r 18 PROHI01TQ0 OV LA17 7119 QuPRODuc.710M OF THIS ?TI / ~YSJ' .li~_'....vfM~ b., yyr2' ~ `+,i ~_ 1 ^.~ } THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION The exorcises at reinforced regimcntal level of Soviet ..rmy ? its which started in early August 1954 were continued until late August. The final phase of the summer training period began on 20 September when some of the divisions started their fall maneuvers after a preparatory interval of two to 'three weeks. Up to the present time, the division' of the mechanized armies are generally, conducting their exercises separately, while those of the two rifle armies are presumably practicing at corps level. The tine and extent of the maneuvers observed so far correspond to those of the fall of 1953. It can be expected, therefore, that the return of the troops to the winter quarters will not be completed prior to mid-'October. The personnel exchange movement usually conducted in the fall started on 22 September when empty trains were dispatched to the east. First recruit shipments arrived in the zone after 25 September. The KVP fall maneuvers were considerably impeded by harvest employment and, in some instances, exercises had to be interrupted. In replacement for the troops expected to be discharged in October and November. major contingents of recruits were observed arriving in September. Extensive security measures on the occasion of Tag der Republik on 7 October and of the elections on 17 October were ordered by the HVDVP, GERM&NY Order of Battle. 1. No changes regarding commitment, combat efficiency and quartering of army units in the GDR were discernible during the period from 1 September to 1 October 1954. Training of Combat Divisions. 2, The training phase of exercises at reinforced regimental level. and of exercises by mixed combat groups of more.,than regimental strength, CLASSIFICATION SECT STATE ~ NAVY ARMY AIR sc DISTRIBUTION L Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 SECRr1 in some instances conducted in two groups, was completed in late A %,aat . Reports on this subject, which were received after 1 September only confirmed the time, identity of the troops participating and, in some cases, the course,of these exeercisess o Only from the area of the Third Shock Army were reports obtained on exercises by reinforced regimental groups of the 94th Gds Mt Rifle Div held in the area of JRITZIF i southwest of HAGEN'OW from 18 to 21 August, and of the 19th Ode Mecz Die in the area east of LETZLING HEATH from 17 to 22 August. The following is an example of the exercises conducted by the 19th Gds Macs Dive ' At 1000 on 17 August, a large troop column which came from LET ZLIRG HEATHaarrived at SCHERNEBECK, where it was divided into four groups. Twe groups, representing the bulk, with 17 35 tanks, 41 T.34/85e, 14 SP guns, 8 smphibious cars, 2 large assault boats, 40 trucks with pontoons, 6 x 122 mm field howitzers, 16 light and medium AT guns, 8 x 37-mm AA guns and 60 trucks with infantry advanced tonard SCHOENWALDE9 while the third and fourth groups as northern and southern flank protection, proceeded toward the Elbe River. The northern group consisted of about 80 tanks and 30 trucks occupied by soldiers; the southern group consisted of about 20 to 25 tanks, about 30 guns and 20 trucks with troops. The northern group covered the northern edge of Weisseewarthe Forest aped, together with other elements, advanced as far as BOEISDORF on the Elbe River; the southern group, proceeded toward the east and reached the area of JERCHEL, south of BU CH. The bulk marched from SCHERNEBECK to the area of BUCH via S BOUNWALDE. The columns, which did not move in dispersed formation in-depth; were apparently directed by radio. The Elbe River was crossed in the BUCH area in the evening of 17 August on tuo or four ferries. The crossing operation continued during the night. Throughout the day, the crossings. were protected by 6 Mi.G-15s. On 18 August, 20 TP34/85s, 5 SF guns, 12 x 122-mm field howitzers, 6 x 76-mm AT ,guns, 16 light and medium mortars and 20 trucks with soldiers and numerous vehicles arrived from deep in the training area and crossed the river. During the night of 19 August, the troops were again ferried to the western bank of the river and, from there marched toward the west in close column. The exercise was repeated on 21 August but the troops advanced only as far as the Elbe without crossing the river. The units returned to LTZLING HEATH during the night of 21 August. Since it is seldom that a large-scale exercise can be fully. covered by one source, the above exercise was given in detail. The fact that the maneuver was repeated. after a short time interval .shows the schooling system of Soviet Training. It may also be mentioned that, at least during this exercise, no observations indicating atomic warfare defense were made. The individual march groups did not even move in dispersed formation in depth. 3. During the first three weeks in September, the training of combat divisions was concentrated on the troop training grounds and in the vicinity of these training grounds. This training period probably served the preparation of the units for the coming fall maneuvers. SECRET/ Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 The units which remained at the posts also continued their training in the vicinity of the posts. Firing and combat practices there as well as at the troop training grounds were conducted at a low level. For information on the fall maneuvers, see paragraph 6 below. Trains of Social Units. According to the summer training program, firing practices at ALTENGRABOW, JUETk BOG, W TROW and LETZLING HEATH gradually terminated during the first half of September and were generally completed in mid-September. Apparently only at WiJSTROW Peninsula were firing practices by AAA units of the GSFG still conducted during the second half of the months This special training for artillery and tank units can goner ally be considered completed with the beginning of the fall maneuvers on 20 September. On the basis of information obtained during the preceding months, the occupation of the below-mentioned firing ranges was determined as followss a, AUPGR &T ?iris roams' Of the IV Arty Corps 34th Arty Div 1, and 2 September, return of elements of the division (2 shipments) . ?#?,~the EiPnth Gds Ax zy' During the period from 1 to 16 September, 14 troop trains veto dispatched from ALTENGRABOW to the a ?ny area. Only some of these trains carried light AAA units. The shipments went back to the three troop training grounds in Thuringia and to the posts of GOTH, PLAUEN and GLAUCUO It can be assumed that artillery units of all four combat divisions and of the corps troops were . at ALTENGRABOIJ9 from the second half of August up to mid-September. Of the Third Shock Arr 10th Gds RL Regt from 5 to 10 August, from GUFSTROW (1 or 2 shipments) 4th Gds Arty Brig from 7 to 13 August, from SCI IN (2 shipments) AAA units/19th Gds Macs from 31 July to 4 September, from Meez'Arrar . HILLF,RSL EN (1 or 2 shipments). U/i. Arty Brig after A. August, from KOENIGSBRUECK (2 shipments) SECRET/I, Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 SEX.[Tj O ?_ he Sec and Cc s l~le~Z ; from 20 August to 9 September, from. DOE1 ERITZ (2 skripments with light AAA. and j ored personnel carriers) 12th Gd Tank Div from 12 August to 7 September, from NEIRUPPIN (1 shipment) 9K..,,, e aaa~ h Crcls A? ~ ;.~xtn~ ' 6th Gds 'Iecz Div from 7 August to 1, September, from BM, NAU (1 shipment) Presuvab1y of the 25ta Tank from 10 Augut t to 8 September, Div from TIMPLIN (I shipment) U/i unit up to 8 September, from FUFRSTENLJALDF (1 shipment) . ? The permanent occupaticin remained unchanged up to the first half of September. Units believed to be still stationed there at that time included about 5 brigades of the TV Arty Corps and 2 artillery brigades of the Third Shook ,ray. On 25 September, units of the IV Arty Corps began a ret.;ransf a to the posts of BOTSDAM and RATHENOW where advance parties had al eady arrived at the winter quarters several days before. An advance party was also observed pro-paring the -winter quarters rf the 20th Army AT Arty Brig of the Third Shock Army in BRANDEURG on 22 September. It is expected that elements of the seven artillery brigades which were permanently stationed at the firing range during the summer months have been continuoualy, or will be, involved in the fall maneuver:. No detalla are yet available. b? JU TF ! ire s . a. " 2f1paaepll$ra Gds r AMY 39th Gds Mtz Rifle Div 57th Gds Mtn, Rifle Div Of the Fret Gds 1v!eo z 8th Gds Mecz Diro; from -16 to 23 September, AA from OHRDRI " (1 ship lent ) KINMEL (1 s1 neetat) A rom l.6 to U. Sep 4ember, AAA from from 16 to 25 September, AAA from LEISNIG (1 shipment) u%i ALA units including some from 16 to 25 September, from 6 the 8th Gds feet Div KOENIGSBRUECK (2 shipments) Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 SECRE'r, Of the Second Gds Mecs Ar,?ny 2d Light Arty Brig up to 24 August (arrival and departure from and to D0EB ITZ by road) Of the Third Gda 4ecz Ar ty 9th Meez Div up to 27 August and 19 September, from PEITZ end COTTi3US (artillery and tanks) (2 and 1 ahipiaent) Of the Fourth . Gdsz MeCL. & % 7th Gda Hecz Div up to 3 September, from LIED1OSE (1 shipment) Up to the second half of September, the firing range was also continuously used for firing practices by units of the Third Gds Moos Army, predominantly by army troops, and by elements of the 14th Gds Macs Div and 6th Gds Tank Div. c. WUSTROW fax. inp raar e.; Of. the IV Arty Corgis 2d Gds AAA Div 6th Gds AAA Div 32 AA& Div Of the 1GUhth Gds A r Of the Third Shock Ag nx 3d Gds .A"i, Div AAA units/18th Mecs Div SE3CRET/ from 13/14 August up to 21 and 28 September, from WWUEVSDORF (2 shipments to W STROW and 3 shipments from WUSTROW were covered) from 16 July to 30 August (3 shipments) and from 15 to 28 September (about 5 shipments) k?.roma CHM-WITZ and AUE tap to 17 September, from M TRIM (1 shipment). from 7 July to 27 August, from LEIPZIG- SCHOENAU and WE1'Ii AR (i shipment each) from 8 July to 27 August and on 1.4 September,, from Y GDD'DURG (2 shipments) from 28 August to 20 September, from SCHWE T RICH (2 shipments) . Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 SFOR `T, the First Gdo 34eoz AM y ,4th Gds AiA Div from 27 June to 29 August and on 19 September, from DRESDEN-KLGTZ SCHE (2 shipments) Of the Second Gdg Me j .AEn 31st AAA Div up to 16 and 31 August and on 21 September, from SCHOENWALDE (1 shipment each) AAA units/lst I4eez Div from 17 July to 10 September, from DOFBERITZ (2 shipments) Of the Third CdD 14eoz 62d AAA Div from 15 July up to late August, from KOCHSTEDT (2 shipments) Of the th Gds Meer May 63d AAA Div up to 9 August, from EUFASTENWALDE ( 1 shipment) is?_forao pewits ( 1 shipment each) from WELZ0'! up to 23 August from WFI{NEUCHk 3 from U July to 20 Septcmiber from ELL ?OLZ from 12 July to 20 September d ~ LEZ ING HEATH f'i iz g r The following tank unite were engaged in firing practice: Elements of the tank SP artillery regiment/57th Gds 4tz Rifle Div Tank unit of the 20th. Gds Pfecz Div Tank details of the 10th Ode Tank Div Elements of the U/i tank training. battalion/25th Tank Div from 12 to 18 August, from KINDEL ( 1 ahinment ) up to 1 September,, from CRAUINKEL (1 shipment) from 30 August to 10 September, and from 14 to 21 September, from ERADMITT? (1 shipment each) from 20 to 27 September, from PRENZLAU ( 1 shipment) Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 SECRET/ -7 Training of Engineer Units. 5. The special training of engineer units at the water training sites of R03SLAU, DESSAU-AKIN, JERICHOW and, presumably, also in the BITTKAU area was interrupted in late July and early August, probably because of flood damage.% Most of the elements withdrew to their units, except for elements of the U/i engineer regiment of,the GSFG which remained in the DF SAU4AKEN area. The latter units, horrevere, are believed to have also been transferred from DESSAU.-AXEN to their winter quarters in BERNBURG in late August or early September. The water training site at MUEHLBERG on the Elbe River was used for special training up to the period under review; elements of the 286th Engr Bn of the 9th Tank Div from RIESA were Identified there from 14 to 17 September. The special training of the engineer troops of the GSFG on Hege Lake near SPERENBERG was also continued until .early September. It is thought that the troops there practiced With a new type USSR amphibious car with caterpillar drive after mid-June. This amphibious car, although called "amphibious tank" by one of the sources, does not seem to be a tank since it is not equipped with heavy armament, Because of heavy security measures in the training --.---. area A definite denti.fication of the new type amphibious care had not yet been made by early September. Aiterr 11 Septembc, numerous engineer units started transferring to the middle course of the Elbe River in the GUESEN-FERCHLAND section. The following troops and material arrived there: 1.1 Septembers From SPERENBERG to GUEESEN, 2 shipments including 36 new type amphibious cars with caterpillar drive and crews o Through MAGDEBURG toward STENDAL, 2 shipments with unidentified engineer unite. 13 September a From SCHWERIN to TANGERHUETTE, 1 shipment, presumably with engineer troops of the IX Mtz Rifle Corps. 15 Sawtember: From FRANKFURT/Oder to GUESEN, 1 shipment consisting of 13 flatcars with sideracks, cargo of which was covered with boards. The train presumably carried additional amphibious care with caterpillar drive from the USSR. , a''.2 Septembers From NEUBRANDENBURG to FERCHLAND, 2 shipments with major elements of the 83th Engre Regt of the Second Gds Neca & -my. g./25 Se'ptem .re From TUIPLIN to Ferchland, about 2 shipments including one which is believed to have carried an engineer unit, presumably of the Fourth Gds Mecs Army or the 25th Tank Div. In this connection, the following engineer units which moved to A 'ENGRABOW during the same period must be mentioned: 12 Seytembers From BERNBRG, 4 shipments, presumably with strong elements of the U/i Engr Regt of the GSFG. From ALTRUPPIN, 1 shipment, presumably with engineer troops of the 12th Gds Tank Div. September: From BERNAU, 1 shipment with elements of the engineer battalion of the 6th Gds Mscz Diva 1,2 Septearbar"o From NEUSTRELITZ, 1 shipment, presumably with engine troops of the 9th Gds Tank Div. GRrsa T, Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 SEGR&; I The units at the destinations mentioned were not observed at training. The new amphibious care were possibly transferred for training reasons This was indicated by the fact that, having practiced in the - stagnant water of the Hege Lake, the troops did not then practice on tho Elba River. A participation in these exercises of engineer troops of the Second and Fourth Gds Mecz Arries is possible but could not yet be confirmed. It appears also-possible that the massing of strong engineer elements in a limited area serves the following two purposes: first, special training on water and land and second, subsequent employment in the fall maneuvers in the areas mentioned. This early transfer of engineer troops to' scheduled fall maneuver areas as a tactical move is rather doubtful since this movement is entirely foreign to operations under wartime conditions. It is now safe to assume that the engineer units of the GSFG were employed during the fall maneuver of the reinforced IX 14tz Rifle Corps, since the exercise extended from the area of. WIESENBURG m BF.LZIG in a northwesterly direction as far as the area south of STEIJDAL.7", ring which the corps may have;crossed.the Elbe River in the BURG - GUESER section. It is also probable that units of the 36th ?%n Bridge Regt of the GSFG also participated in Wiese exercise's since elements, depaarted from the Seeokt Xaserne in MAGDEBURG on 14 September and because the kaserne was reported to be lightly occupied until late September. Individual components were presumably transferred to X04MISDORF for special exercises on one train the same day, while other elements may have also been transferred to the G SEW---FERCHLAND area. The whole subject can be clarified only after additional reports on the course of the present exercises in this area and information on return movements have been obtained. Fall A euvaa . 6. The fall maneuvers which represent the final phase of the summer training period began about the same time as in 1953. According to information obtained up to the present time, the exercises were still under way on 1 October, The termination of the final maneuvers ' i.s not yet discernible. lust year, the last fall maneuver of the Eighth Gds Army did not terminate before 15 October. So far as has been determined, the present fall maneuvers are being conducted at reinforced division level in the mechanized armies and at reinforced corps level in the rifle armies. The following is a first picture on exercises held so ?faar , broken down according to army areas: as o 3i hth Gda A=y Ar?eaa Individual information received from this area furnished only an incomplete picture on possible large-scale exercises. There were, at first, the following observations which were indicative of large-scale exercises in the area between OHRDRUF and the Seale River bend south of JENA about 26 September: individual troop trains with tanks and artillery units along the ERFURTaWEIMAR- JENA line in both directions on and after 20 September, the transfer of strong elements of the army artillery brigades from ALTENBURG after 2 September, the unconfirmed arrival of troops on SECRET/ Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 SECRET, 10 trains in the area of OHRDRUF troop training grounds from GOTHA on 25 September, and an incomplete report on a river crossing of tank units in the ERFURT area. The following observations, however, are contradictory to the above cited indicationag the unchanged occupation of KINDEL troop training grounds up to 29 September, the scheduled departure from KINDEL of troops not before 10 October, and the return of units to the kaserries in WETMAR during the night of 27 September. It is not clear that exorcises in this army area were conducted after about 25 September. There are no other indications whether the troops will return from KINDEL to the winter quarters or will transfer to ledge=scale exercises after 10 October. b, Third Shock Arm Area-, No definite picture has yet been obtained on large-scale maneuvers already conducted by units of the LXXIX Ntz Rifle Corps including the 7th Gds Tank Div which was stationed in the IMETTEN area during the sumier months. It appears that exercises with movements from.south to north were conducted in the area of LEETZLING HEATH and farther to the north from about 20 to 23 September, The return to HILLERSLEBER through MAGDEBURG of tank units of the 19th Gda Mecz Div on 7 trains from 23 to 27 September, the departure toward the east through MAGDEBURG of wheeled elements of the 7th Gds Tank Div in the evening of 25 September, and the return by rail to ROSSLAU of about 1,800 troops on 27 September indicate that joint practices by both divisions were conducted and completed in the area mentioned. A participation of units of the 207th Mtz Rifle Div appears possible but cannot yet be ascertained. The fact that army troops were transferred from the area southwest of STENDAL to the exerciser of the IX Mtz Rifle Corps supports the assumption that these units were also involved in the maneuvers in the area of LETZLING HEATH, The final exercises of the IX Mtz Rifle Corps became evident after 25 September when large-scale transport movements from the area of the two divisions (area SCHWERIN HAGENOW and SCHWEINRICH troop training grounds) to the assembly area of NIESE BURG, BELZIG and BRUECK more observed, and when major columns moved from the direction of LUDWIGSLUST through PFRLEBERG toward the south on the evenings of 25 and 26 September. The transport movements lasted un'til 27 September. During the same period, the following units arrived in the assembly area: army troops from the VINZELBERG area (southwest of STENDAL) in 5 shipments and presumably 6 other shipments from M?GDEBURG, elements of the 34th Arty Div from FOTSDAMI on 4 trains, and units of the 3d Gds AT Arty Brig from ROSTOCK and of the 4th AT Arty Brig from FRORA, the latter by road. Between 12 and 22 September, the army established a fuel supply point for this exercise in Stuelper Forest, Beast of JUETERBOG. Numerous traffic MPs and heavy vehicular traffic observed in the large BURG- TANGERMUENDE area on 27 September indicate that the reinforced corps advanced from the assembly area. toward the northwest, possibly with a crossing of the Elba River in the GUE EN FERCHLAND section, (Compare with information on the concentration of strong engineer elements in this area mentioned in paragraph 5). An unconfirmed SECRET/ Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 report on tank exercises in the area of BURG and STENDAL on 1 October supports this assumption .bout the direction ,f the attack. In case the 207th 1tz Rifle Div had not yet conducted a final exercise after 20 September, it is plausible that it was employed as the envoy group on the western bank of the Elba River during the-maneuver of the reinforced IX 1`tz Rifle Corps. c. First Gds Mecz Army Area: Two reports on possible fall maneuvers in this army area have been received so far. They cover the period from 25 to 27 September and indicate that large-scale exarcises with westward movements were started on 25 September in the area of KOENIGSBRU K (L ussuitz Heath). On the other hand, intensive movements of AAA units from the area of ZEITHAD toward GROSSMAN in the evening of 26 September and the arrival at ZEITHAIN of a major tank unit on 27 September which had possibly crossed the Elbe River nt*.er M ILBG and was subsequently entrained at WUELKNITZ railroad station indicated an exercise in this area. These observations lead to the conclusion that maneuvers were held in the KOENIGSBRUECK.ZEITHAIN area which terminated with the entra.nment of troops on 27 September and which, according to motor vehicle and tank involved components of all units. The above conclusion is contradicted by coinciding observations, for example from GRI?WAy according to which the engineer battalion of the 8th Gds Mecz Div and other units of the div lion and the division commander were still at the post. ,It is pcssible, therefore, that the First Gds Meez Array conducted an exe::?cise at army level but only with combat teams of the three divisions and army troops. do Second Gds Meez Armya The following informatior, on fall maneuvers in this area has been obtained: (1) 1st Mecz Div- In the evenings of 20 and 21 September, strong components of the 3ivision organized into several march groups transferred from #OEBERITZ toward NH 1ENy east of NEURUPPIN, to the southeaster n area of the SCHWEINRICH troop training grounds (NEUGLIE,N'ICNE sector). In the morning of 22 September, an exercise with an east-west course from the area of ZU1 III began there. It Involved about 1.00 "banks. A small tank unit of the division, presumably the enemy group, moved from DOEBERITZ to NETZEBAND (west sector of NEUGLIENICKE section) on 20 September. The exercise terminated about noon on 23 September. The track-laying elements returned from NETZEEAND to DOEBERITZ on 9 trains between 23 and 25 September, while the wheeled elements marched back to their post from the area north of NEITRUPPIN during the same period. The maneuver also involved elements of the 2d Light Arty Brig from DOEBERITZ and army troops from SCHOENWALDE SECRET, Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 25X1 (2) 12th Gds Tank Diva Major components of the division left NEURUPPIN during the night of 29 September o On 1 October, the post .was only lightly occupied. No detailed information on the exercise of the division is yet available. It can be assumed., however, that the division will use the FT STEt!BERG- SCHWEINRICH area, especially since no troop movements ware observed in the area south of NEURUPPIN on 1 October. Until 27SSeptember, the units of the 9th Gds Tank Div continued conducting individual small-scale exorcises including firing practices in the areas of NEtJBRANDENBURG - PENZLIN and WENBERG MIROL e o Third Gdar Mecz Ax?ai~ Areao On 28 and 29 September, 10 troop trains were dispatched from JUETIRBOG to the quartering area of the 9th Mecz Div (COTTBUS, . LUEBBEN, PEITZ and WUENSDORP). According to the composition of the trains, the units were predominantly tank elements. From this information, it was concluded that the division conducted an exercise from the FORST TAUER troop training grounds toward the northwest as far as the area east of JtTE'TERBOG during the time from about 24 to 28 September. No details are yet available. Up to about 25 September, the 14th Gds Mecz Div and the 6th Gds Tank Div were still at their quarters and in the WERDER-MARKENDORF summer camp respectively. f. Fourth Gds Metz Aar: After 20 September, the following large-scale exercises were conducted by the four combat divisions subordinate to the army: (1) 10th Gds Tank Div: On 21/22 September, major components of the division transferred from the quartering area to the PEITZ - FORST - KLINGE area on 19 trains. These units returned on 26 and 27 September to the posts of POTSDAM and MRAMPNITZ, having been dispatched from the railroad stations of GRUNOW and BEESKOW on 9 trains or having reached the posts by road from the direction of MICHENDORF. According to the troop movements by road and rail, it must be concluded that the exercise was directed from the assembly area northeast of COTTBUS toed the northwest as far as the area ,north of the LIEBEROSE troop training grounds. (2) 7th Gds Mecz Div: The fall maneuver of this division began on 19 September when elements of the 24th Gds Mecz Regt from BERLIN-SCHOENEWEIDE were shipped to N tEUHAUSEN, south of COTTBUS on 2 trains, and when elements of the 25th Gds Mace Regt stationed in FRANKFURT/Oder moved to the south. No movements of the exercise, which probably began about 20 September, have so far-been reported. After dusk on 23 September, the first elements of the division returned to FIWT FURT/Oder. Up to 27 September, additional strong elements returned to FR FURT/Oiler and FUERSTENWALDE by road and rail from COTTBUS, PEITZ and LIEBEROSEO On the basis of these SECRET/ Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 SFCRET1 shipments and an unconfirmed report, the exercise may have commenced in the HO7 SWERDA CO TBUS-SPREOPRG area and may have extended from there toward the north. Since the exercise of the 7th Gds %Recz Div began prior to that of the 10th Gds Tank Div, it appears improbable that the two divisions engaged In joint exercises although they practiced in the'same area. The detachment of GSFFG signal units or GSFG command echelons from WUEPNSDORF to COTTBUS on 18 September underlines the importance of the above two exercises. The two other divisions of the army had not yet started large. scale exercises prior to late September. Elements of the 25th Tank Div were transferred from TEMPLIN to FFRCHLAND on 24/25 September and components of the U/i tank training battalion from PRENZLiU conducted combat firing in LEETZLING'HEATH from 20 to 27 September, In the morning of 2 October, a large officersq meeting was held in the army headquarters building in EBERSWALDE. The briefing may have been the introduction of further exercises. Personnel Eirchapm 7. The present personnel exchange movement began on 22 September when the first empty trains were assembled and dispatched toward the east via the railroad stations of KU TRIM, GUBEN and FRANI{FURT/ Oder. Similar to the practice of nrecedina years., the trains had The first train with soldiers was observed in the zone on 25 Septembw . It probably carried recruits, since. corresponding information on the arrival of unusually young soldiers was also received from WEIMAR. The departure of d:iechargees is expected any time, since several of the army units had completed their fall maneuvers in late September. The date of the beginning of the present exchange movement is about 3 weeks earlier than that of 1953. The following may be the reason for this measures ao From Soviet press dispatches and documents from the USSR, it was inferred that the Soviets are making efforts to settle a large percentage of the dischargees In areas newly opened to agriculture. The early discharge would make it possible for the personnel concerned to arrive in these areas before harvest of the potato and beet crop. bo According to the compulsory service law, the 1931 and 1932 class.. must be discharged this fall, since the two classes were inducted in 1951. If the Soviets have actually decided to follow this law and if, at the same time, they intend to keep the present manpower potential, the rotation of personnel would take twice as much tips as in the preceding years. It is therefore possible that, in order to have the exchange program terminate prior to the middle of the winter, it was started earlier-than usual and with an increased number of trains employed , . SECRET/ Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 SECRET/ 4.13 'T'T ata, Lion. 9. During the reported period, the traffic situation of the GDR railroads was influer.ccd by the following three outstanding features: ao Etnploymert of 619 special trains in connection with the Leipzig Fall Fair: bo beginning of harvest shipments which inaugurated the fall peak traffic; C 0 beginning of the Soviet fall maneuvers on 29 September 1954. Complete information on the handling of these special transportation operations had not yet been received by the end of the month. While it is believed that traffic to and from Leipzig during the fall fair was smooth, there was an acute shortage of boxcars after mid-September. 10. On 13 September 1954, railroad coal stocks amounted to 54 days requirements. This represents an improvement over the situation in the preceding month when only 4.4 days' requirements of coal were available. In view of the peak traffic usually occurring during the fall months, the coal situation must, however, still be considered critical. This situation may explain the tendency of increasing the consumption of raw brown coal for locomotives, although the use of such coal is uneconomical. During the reported period, the proportion of hard coal in the total consumption of coal for the first time exceeded 50 percent. The monthly coal consumption of the GDR railroads is at present about 625,000 tons of briquette units. SECRE'T', Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 14 11. Compared to the preceding month,, rail border traffic increased by 216 westbound and 116 eastbound wwa per day. A noteworthy feature in this bards ? traffic a the continuous arrival of trucks for Soviet arm units in Germany and the return of deaactivrate8 trucks to the USSR within the framework of the motor vehicle replacement program. For details s see paragraph 13 below. Mi scellana ous . 12, a. The G01 2LIT'Z railroad station is schad,49 1 to b enlarged it will have a daily capacity of 5 pairs of trains during 1954. b. The KCETH RALLE section of the MALLE ,GDEBURG railroad line uaw double..traoked, c. On 1 August 19549 a total of 59729 locomotivos were available; of these, 39821 units were serviceable. 13. The information on the arrival in Germanyy of military supply goods from the USSR .i8 incomplete. From the day when the last monthly report too completed until 15 September aappror tely 39000 Was of cm sition and an additional 300 trucks arrived in the GDR9 while about 850 trucks were returned to the USSR. Definite conclusions about the implications of these shi nts cannot be made at this time because no information on the total volume of this type of supply traffic is available. No special features were noticed in the intra- zonal military supply traffic o Haa aaearnierte Volkspoli.zei. Order of 13attle 14.. No changes in the O13 of the KVP were determined during the reported peiod ` wain kW _0d owitment fore Ha rvestxx Work 15. Field training and advanced combat practice firing which proceeded according to schedule until mid-August were affected to an increasing degree by the employment of major IMP el nts for harvasting work after that date,, Until late Augusts exercises at regimental level ,continued although with greatly reduced parsonnol strengths. After early Sep'tember9 various units discontinued these exercises. In mid- September, same KVP units had more than 50 percent of their personnel detached for harvest work. It appear a that infantry units and mechanized regiments to affected by harvesting activities, while the artillery and tank units generally continued their training program without major distrubences. In detail, the following may be said about KVP training activities, aa Corr Nar.n Corps and division artillery unite except for AAA units were continuou31y rotated to the Jaaegert uec',e firing range until late S WR-F.7i/ Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 SECRET/ September She regimental exercises of Divisions Eggesin and PrKaslaau took place almost exclusively in the vicinity of ani: ita ry posts. The only snaane:wer hold in the area of GROSS Sd OE ECG; north of BERLIN wa that of Division Prensinu in wfib.ah the headquarters of the artillery and tank regiment and tl bulk o the let and 2d Inf Regts participated with the di?riaion headquarters. By 25 September, the fall inspections of Divimi.>na Prrenxlau and Eggesin were essentially completed. 041 Divisaun Schwarin, the let Inf Regt, the signal battalion a.!ad the t:ugineer battalion had left their military posts between '? and 22 September. It is unknown in what areas these unite held their exercises. bo Cor , oath Until .ia rly September, the bulk of Hoch Div Dresden was at the WEISSI:ASSER training grounds. Of Infantry Divisions Halle and Erfurt, only elements of their tank regiments were observed at this troop training grounds. From 14 to 19 August, elements of Division r rfurt including units from GOTHA held an exercise in the TANBACH/DIEViARZ area in the Thuringian Forest. In late Av? nxaat, the ZUELISDORF firing range was heavily occupied by artillery units of Corps South. On 19 August, the bulk of the tank regiments from S?R.I > .G was still in the WEISSWASSER. area, chile the 3d Mech Regt and the mortar regiment appeared to be in LOOEBAU at the same time. Specific information on the handling of the fall inspections have not been received from the area of Corps South. c. Mechanized Division Potsdam In spite of the detachment of units to harvesting work and in spite of the fall inspections, the medium tank regiment from CRANIENBU1G continued Its field training at the troop training grounds neap' I(LIETZ until. early October. The last rotation of units between the military post and the training area took place between 26 and 28 September. The 2d Mech Regt returned from the troop training grounds to POTSDA11 on 2 September. On 3 September, the heavy tank regiment moved from BURG into the KLIETZ area. About 18 September, Division Potsdam held a command poet exercise in which all regiments and independent units participated with their headquarters and cadres. Between 17 and 21 September, the Preinnitz Mortar Reg, was not observed at its military post; it probably practiced at the troop training grounds in the FERCHELS- M,AHLITZ area east of XLIEY?Z. In ISDZ, the fall. Inspections were carried out about 15 September. d. Firin.kactices of Units During the reported period, the AAA firing range near ZINGST on the ;arse Peninsula seta; continually occupied by training AAA units. Firing at toured-sleeve targets was practiced there. In early September, the Altr p AAA Regt of t1ochaanized Division Eggesin returned from ZINGST to its military post. The AAA SECRET/ Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 SECRZT, 16 battalions of Divisions Erfurt and Halle moved to ZINGST on 5 September. Elements of these units returned to HALLE on 17 September and 29 September. It cannot be determined that KVP units will hold further exercises in the course of October possibly at a level exceeding that of a reinforced regiment. If the ATP personnel detached for harvesting work return to their units in time, fall maneuvers could still be held between 7 October, the so-called "Day of the Republic", and 17 October, the date of the general elections. Recruiting. 16. By the application of rather ruthless pressure in the recruiting cempeign conducted, inductions into the KVP increased after late August. At some regiments of Corps North and Mech Div Potsdam, 120 to 150 recruits arrived in the first half of September. Since a portion of the IMP personnel which signed up to a 3 -year term of service is due to be discharged in the second half of October and then is to be transferred into the reserve, it is absolutely necessary to recruit new personnel in order to keep KVP units at their authorized strength. From the 2d Inf Regt in PRENZLAU, about 200 men or about 15 percent of its actual strength are due to be discharged in Octobero Between 1 and 14 September, the same regiment received about 150 recruits. This indicates that the number of discharged and newly recruited personnel is about even. anera Police. 17. According to Order No 98/54 by the Chief of the German Volkepolizel dated 9 August 1954 now green uniforms and some new insignia of rank are scheduled to be used by the HVDVP after 1 October. The fire brigade units and factory police, will not, however, be affected by this order. The new uniforms are to be issued by 31 December 1955 in the following crder: Police headquarters Berlin, HVDVP Berlin, Bezirk headhuarters in Potsdam, Frankfurt, Cottbus, Neulaandenburg, Schwerin, Rostock, Magdeburg, Halle, Leipzig, Dresden, Karl N,arx.Stadt, Erfurt, Gotha, and Suhl. 18. Extensive security measures, such as were observed during the last plebiscite and during the Berlin Four-Power Conference, were taken by the HVDVP or. occasion of the "Day of the Republic" on 7 October and scheduled for the general elections on 17 October. The entire police force of the GDR, was to be placed on an alert status from 1800 on 6 October to 0600 on 8 October and from 0000 on 16 October to 1200 on 18 October, There is a possibility that police forces in East Berlin will be reinforced by personnel. from the zone. There are no indications that KVP units will also be employed on these days. An alerting of elements of the KVP would, however, not be an unusual measure. SECRET, Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 SECRET, AUSTRIA and Trams 190 Until about 20 September, major elements of the 95th Gds ?4tz Rifle Div, the 13th Ode Mach Div and the units directly subordinate to the Central Group of Forces continued to practice at the DOELLERSHEIM troop training grounds. Elements of the 44th Ode Mech Regt of the 13th Gde Mach Div including elements of the 127th Tank En and of the artillery battalion of this regiment were again observed in VIENNA in the first 10 days of September d The units were employed for guard and security missions. The bulk of the 23d AAA Div continued to practice at the APETLON Af4A range until mid-September. Firing at towed-sleeve air targets was observed. AAA units of the Soviet Air Force and presumably also Soviet AAA units from Hungary also practiced at APETLON. Personnel. 20, Since 12 September 1954, several rail shipments of recruits have arrived in Austria from the USSR. Annexes Tabulation of activities and billeting areas of the Soviet divisions and independent units in the Gl SECRET/ Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 SECRET, Loggtion of Divisions and Independent nits in the gDR Group or U oration GSFG 6th Arty Div 21/22 September, return to RATHETIOW from ALTENGRABOW of advance parties; 25 >- 29 September, arrival at RATHENOW from ALTENGRABOW of major elements 65th Mort Brig and small elements 18th How Arty ig (6 or 7 shipments). 34th Arty Div 1/2 September, retransfer of elements to BOTSDAM from ALTENGRABOW (2 shipments); 25 September, more components returned to the post. m 26 September, elements transferred from POTSDAM to the WIESENBURG area to participate in exercises of the reinforced IX Mtz Rifle Corps. 25th Gds RL Brig 2 September, return of units which departed RATHENOW on 31 August. a 26 Septembers departure from RATHr'T'd0W of a unit with 24 rocket launchers, presumably for.exercises of the reinforced IX Iftz Rifle Corps. 124th Hv How Arty 29 September, still at BRANDENBURG Brig post. 2d Gds .AAA Div Elements from WUENSDORF in WUSTROW from 13/14 August up to 21 and 23 September (2 shipments were observed moving to the training grounds and 3 shipments moving from the training grounds back to WUENSDORF). 6th Gds AAA Div Elements from CHITZ and the JOHANNGEORG 5TADT area in KO.ENIGSI3RUECK up to 25 August (2 shipments). _- Other elements from CHEINITZ and the AUE area in W?LISTROW from 16 July to 30 August (3 shipments) and from 15 to 28 September (about 5 shipments). 32d AAA Div Elements from KUTR1N in ITROW. up to 17 September (1 shipment). 25 September. - 1 light regiment departed KUESTRIN toward the vast, presumably to participate in exercise of reinforced IX Mtz Rifle Corps. 36th Pon Bridge Regt 14 September, departure of strong elements from the Seeckt Kaserne (5287) in MAGDEBURQ. Elements presumably transferred to KIRSDORp (1 shipment); other components presumably shipped to engineer exercises on the Elba River in the GUF.SEN area. 25 September, the Seeckt Kaserne was leas occupied than before. SECRET, Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 SECRET/ Group o GSFG Eighth Gds Ar Unit Location U/i Engr Regt Late August/ early September, presumably return to the post from DESSAU AKEN area. 12 September, presumably transfer of major elements from BFI?,NBURG to ALTENGRABOW (4 shipments); after 28 September, probably participated in exercises of the reinforced IX Mtz Rifle Corps. 13th AAA Div 220th Hv Tank SP Regt 43th Gds Army Arty Brig and 38th Army AT Arty Brig Elements from WETMAR and LEIPZIG-SCHOENAU in WUSTROW from 7 July to 27 August (1 shipment each). Light AAA of the regiment from GLAUCHAU presumably at ALTENGRABOW until 1 September (1 shipment). The bulk of the two brigades absent from the post from about 22 to 25 September, presumably for exercises. XX9ITT Gds Mtz Rifle Cor 308th Arty Brig Up to 25 September at GERA post. In September, exercises near the post and in ZEITZ FORST, 497th AAA Regi'. Up to 25 September, the bulk presumably at RUDOLSTADT post. 316th Gds RL Regt Up to 27 September, the bulk presumably at OHRDRUF; major rear detail at SAALFELD post. 880th Engr Bn Presumably up to late September, elements in OHRDRUF and elements in RUDOLSTADT post. 39th Gds Mtz Rifle Div Prom 16 to 23 September,, light AAA from OHRDRUF in JUETER?BOG (1 shipment); Artillery from PLAUEN in ALTENGRABOW4 up to 16 September (1 shipment). - MEININGEN post not occupied to capacity prior to 20 September; PLAUEN post still occupied to capacity up to 30 September. No exercises of the division observed. 20th Gds Mecz Div Tank details from CRAWINKEL in LE'PZLING HEATH until 1 September; light AAA of the division from CRAWINKEL at ALTENGRABOW until 12 September (1 shipment each); 28/29 September, return by road of units permanently stationed in WEIMAR. SECRn1 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 SECRET/ cu c~t? Ar, Unit rL Gds Mt z Rifle Corps Locoation 76th Arty Brig Until 26 September, still at Y SEEUtG post. 498th AAA Regt Until mid.-September, still at NAYIMB G 94th.Gds RL Regt post. The bulk presumably at the training grounds of the corps in Septembe . f,7th Gds Mtz Rifle 12 to 18 August, elements tank SP Div arty refit from KINDEL at LETMLING 14EATH (1 shipment). a.. 16 to 24 September, artillery from KINDEL in J1JEPER (1 shipment). .. The bulk of the division at KINDEL up to late September,. 21st Gds Mscz Div The bulk presumably in LOSSA up to mid- September. Artillery units of the four divisions of the army and the corps troops were probably at t ,LTE GRAD0W during the period from the noeond half of August up to mid-September. They_ came from the uhrev traini.n+g grounds and the posts of GOTRAy PLAiThI and G1 UCH U. Betdtreeba I and 16 So,-ember, a total of 14 trains r a .rued :ao the :my arres, frog All S GRABOWO After 20 Septamber, unidentified transport movements in both direction: were observed along the '' 'URT- Ef4faR.$ENA line. It is pa3+ssible that exercises were conducted north and south of . the 1 FURTM?4JEIMR line during the period from 20 to 28 September. ward pa ck Ari 3d Gds AAA Div 20th y AT Arty Brig 136th Ode Her Tank SP Regt tIX Mz Rifle Crary Hq units Flements from ! ACDEBURG at WTJSTROW from 8 July to 27 August and on 14 September (2 shiprents) The bulk probably at ALTENGRADOW until about 20 September. After 22 S eptwnber,, advance parties arrived at BRANDENBURG poet The bulk presumably at LE;TZLING HEATH up to 20 September. Probably involved in exercises of the corps in the area of LET,LING . HEATH after 20 September. Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 25X1 SECRET/ -21- Groin Unit 207th Peitz Rifle Div Late September, probably fall maneuver in the area of LETZLING HEATH and/or on the Elbe River south of STENDALU JAEVENITZ summer camp of the division occupied only bay rear details on 30 September.. 19th Gde P1ecz Div AAA unite from HILLIIRSLEBEN at AT.iCENGRAB0t4 from 31 July until 4 September (2 shipments), .o After 20 September, the bulk of the division participated in fall maneuvers in corps area IX _Mtz Rifle Cora 4th Gds Arty Brig From 7 to ' 13 August,, from SCHkIN at ALTENGRABOW (2 shipments). - The bulk probably participated in exercises of the corps in the WIliSENi BURG LETZLING HEATH area after '25 September. Location It 10th Gds RL Regt From 5 to 10 August from GUESTROW at ALTENGRABOW (1 or 2 shipments). After 25 September, the bulk probably engaged in exercises of the corps in the WIE :ENBti?G -LETZLING HEATH area. U/i Engr 'Bn 13 September 9 elements from SCHWERIN shipped to TANGERIIUJZJTE (1 shipment). After 25 September, the bulk probably engaged in exercises of the corps in the WIESENBURG.LI'fZLING HEATH area. 94th Gds .Ptz Rifle Div The bulk of the units from SCHGIN and HAGENOW transferred to corps exercises in the WIESENBURG-LETZLING HEATH area after 25 September (by rail and road) 18th Flece Div AAA units from SCHWEINRICH at WLSTROW from 28 August to 20 September (2 shipments). - After 25 September the bulk of the division transferred to corps exercises in the WIISENBURG. LFTZLING HEATH area on 18 trains and by road. First Gc a P aoz Art~r 4th Gds AAA Div SECRET/ From 27 June to 29 August and on 19 September, from IXt DENKLOTZSCHE in WU:STROW (2 shipments). Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 Grog or A yr First Gds Moos Army SECRE T/ Unit Lgeation U/i Arty Brig Elements from KOENIGSBRUECIc at ALTENGRABOW after 4 August (2 shipments) U/i RI, Regt The bulk presumably still at NEISSER post in September. 8th Gds Macs Div AAA units from LEISNIG and KOENIGSBRUECK in JUE'TF tBOG from 16 to 25 September (2 shipments). 9th Tank Div Up to the second half of September, the bulk in the ZETTHAIN area the bulk in the KOENIGSBRUECK ar 11th Gds Tank Div Up to the second half of September, Components of all three divisions and army troops were probably engaged in exercises in the KOENIGSBRUECK and ZEITHAIN area after 25 September. Second Mec 31st AAA Div Elements from SCPC)ENWALDE at W' GTROW ' up to 16 and 31 August and on 21 September (1 shipment each) 2d Light Arty' Brig Up to 24 Augusts from DOEBERITZ for short-term firing practices in JUET3BOG (to and from the training grounds by road). m Elements engaged in fall maneuvers of the let Mecz Div from 20 to 26 September, reaching the training area by rail and road. 90th Gds RL Regt Elements presumably involved in the fall maneuver of the 1st Macs Div from 21 to 25 September. The bulk transferred from NEUBRANDENBURG to FERCHLAND on the Elbe River on 22 September (2 shipments), let Macs Div Up to 20 September, continuous exercises and firing practices at DOEF3ERITZ training grounds e A units from DOEBERITZ at WUSTROW from 17 July to 10 September (2 shipments). m Other light AAA.',mite and armored personnel carriers from DOEB1 tITZ at A.LT '' '.GRABO $ from 20 August to 9 September (2 shipments). From 20 to 26 September,, division exercise in the area of DOEBERITZ and 88th (c) Engr Regt SECRET/ Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 SECRET/ X233 Group or Acv unit Third Gds Mecz Army ovation the southeastern sector of SCHWEIi1RICH troop training grounds (movement to the training grounds by road and from the training grounds by road and rail, since the track-laying elements were dispatched from IETZEBAND on 9 trains and the wheeled elements departed by road). 9th Gds Tank Div 19 September., 1 shipment, from NEUSTRELITZ to ALTENGRABOW, presumably with elements of the 90th Gds Engr Bn. - Up to late September, continuous small exercises and firing practices in the area of PENZLIN and west of NEUSTR1LITZ. 12th Ode Tank Div 12 August to 7 September, elements (AAA) from NEURUPPIN at ALTENGRAB0 (1 shipment). 12 September, a shipment from NEURUPPIN to ALTENGRABOW, presumably with elements of the 205th Engr Bn. Up to mid-September, continuous exercises and firing practices in the southeastern sector of SCHWEINRICH training grounds (NEUGLIENICKE section).- The bulk of the division left for a large-scale exercise during the night of 29 September. 62d AAA Div From 15 July until late August from KOCFLSTEDT in WUSTROW (2 shipments). 20 September, elements from KCCHSTEDT? moved to south sector of LETZLING HEATH by rail, probably for fall maneuvers of the 7th Gds Tank Div, Other Hq units 14th Gds Mecz Div 9th Mecz Div Presumably at the posts until the second half of September. Up to the second half of September in the JU,ETERBOG area. Artillery and tanks from PEITZ and COTTBUS in JUETERBOG until 27 August and 19 September (2 and 1 shipment). 28/29 September, 10 trains, mainly with tank units, from JUETG to the quartering area. Probably fall exercise of the bulk of the division in the --PEITZ -JUETERBOG area from about 2.4 to '28 September. 6th Gde Tank Div Up to the second half of September. presumably still in Camp WERDER- MARKENDORF SECRET/ Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 G, du _! :r Arm Unit ovation 7th Gdt Tank Div Presumably fail maneuver in LaZL1NG HEATH area from about 20 to 23 September; involving rear details from. RO.',,,%,AU which arrived by rail on 19 September o First elements observed to return to ROSSLAU between 25 and 27 September. Fourth Gds 11221.ray 63d AAA Div Elemeuts from FUERSTENWALDE at I USTROVI up to 9 August (1 shipment). Additional components from EMERSWALDE presumably still at WUSTROW in September. 71st Gds Light Arty The bulk still at TEMPLIN until late Brig September. 6th Gds Mecz Div Artillery from BFRNAU at ALTENGRAB0W from 7 August to 4 September (1 shipment) ~- After 13 September., elements of the 22d Gds Engr Bn from BERNAU at ALTENGRABOW .(1 shipment). The bulk of the division was at the posts until late September and engaged in continuous exercises in the vicinity of the poets; small elements were rotated to TEMPLIN up to mi.d-September. 7th Gdu Mecz Div Up to 3 September, elements (artillery ?) from LIEBEROSE at JUETERBOG (1 shipment). u After 19 September., transfer of units from FRANIF tJ T/Oder and East-BERLIV to the area southeast of COTTBU'S by the bulk of the division pr esuably reached the training grounds by road from the LIEBE-ROSE training grounds Subsequently divisiion exercise.which roo abl`%- t s.~:^Jyti i ;: C'd vn Z.4 _.zxP v'.'.z O Sheri the troops returned to the posts. 10th Gds Tank Div Tank details from i.ANPNNITZ in LETZLING HEATH from 30 August to 10 September and from 14 to 21 September (1 shipment each). - 21/22 September, transfer of the bulk of the division on 19 trains of the COTTBUS-PEITZ-FORST assembly area for fall maneuvers which terminated on 25 September in the area northeast of BEST{0W. From there., retransfer to the billeting area on 1.0 trains and by rdad 25th Tank Div From 10 August until w September, elements (artillery ?) from, TMPLIN in ALTENGRAB0W; elements of the tank training battalion from FRENZLAU at LETZ; ING HEATH from 20 to 27 September (1 shipment each). - The bulk of pg, ar:sa~+ ,fit: T~P]Glkyrsxop4 , Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300290007-8