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Document Release Date: 
June 4, 2007
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Publication Date: 
October 14, 1954
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Approved For Release 2007/06/04: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300330001-9 , CLASS, Fl CATI N SECRET COUNTRY. Ea Rt. Grmnv TOPIC Briesen Airfield REPORT EVALUATION DATE OF CONTENT DATE 0 BTAI N E REFERENCES PAGES 2 REMARKS PI are nanaver 125X1 25X1 DATE PREPARED 14 October 1954 25X1 25X1. ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) 25X1 25X1 25X1 1. Th 8 following air activity and aircraft were observed at Briesen airfield 25X1 between 15 and. 23 Septemiri- logAl 15 September. Two 11.2881 'took off about 12000 25X1 disappeared from view, and returned about 1300.? 16japtember. Between 0700 and 1300t two I1-28s or U-11-288 alternately made 25X1 individual flights of about 60 min4tes duration. 4fintembet& About 08009 an 11.281 took off. Shortly after the take-off, the aircraft was seen towing a sleeve target rig 25X1 pursued by a second 11-28. After 20 minutes, an /1.28 with I AItook bout off3I and broke out a sleeve Pet which was attacked by aircraft minutes later, aircraft I returned and dropped the torn sleeve target over 25X1 the field. laliatigmbzu. At 07000 an 11-289 oolort took off and broke out a sleeve target shortly afterward. The sleeve target was attacked by another 11-28. There was a 7/10 overcast and visibility25X1 of about 10 km. After about 1 hour, the towing aircraft returned and dropped the torn sleeve target over the field. After 10 minutest the two attacking 25X1 aircraft landed at the field. During the afternoon, when air activity was discontinued, 27 I1.28s and U.11-288 were parked along the southern taxiway. ?? 12.1gagmbgt, About 10000 two 11-28s1 hook off at 25X1 an interval of about 2,000 meters. The ceiling was 9/10 overcast and visibilit was limited to about 5 km. At an altitude of about 1,000 meters, aircraft broke out a sleeve target. StibsequentlY1 'did the same. One aircraft north and the other one headed south, disappearing from view. Subsequently, a third 1148 or U-I1.28 took offt climbed to a'high altitude, and crossed several times over the airfield within 60 minutes. About 70 minutes after the take-off of the first aircraft, the three aircraft returned to the field, dropped their sleeve targets and landed individually. The sound of aircraft weapons being 25X1 fired were not heard during the air activity. agjigagambata, No air activity was observed. Twenty-eight 1148s or 1J-I1-285 were parked on the dispersal areasq zusatestsiza At 0730, I1-28s1 took off in rapid 25X1 succession. Aircraft' 'broke out a sleeve target which was attacked but not fired on by the other two aircraft. After a flight time of 60 minutes, the two attacking aircraft landed and the third aircraft dropped its sleeve target. The latter aircraft landed about 30 minutes later. 25X1 gg September? There was air activity but no details could be observed. Upon completion of flight training, 29 I1-28s and U-I1-285 were parked on the dispersal areas. On. e " , cwopTTIT Approved For Release 2007/06/04: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300330001-9 Approved For Release 2007/06/04: CIA-RbP80-00810A005300330001-9 SECRET, - 2 - 25X1 a.gmagmhato..About 07009 an 11=281 I took off and made local flights for about 50 minutes. After the aircraft had landed, take-offs were made by II-284 and subsequently by se? ? 1 Ti 0311-1 On some aircraft kill the aircraft made individual flights mostiy disappearing rrom view. Toward the evening, 28 11-280 and IL..11-28s were counted on the dispersal area along the southern taxiway. 2,; During the air activity, $0viet sentries and German civilian guards accompanied by dogs were repeatedly observed patrolling the vicinity of the field. Truck' 'moved to the airfield. I.e3dGmlomgnt0; priesen airfiel?s still occupied by a bomber repiment equipped With about 30 11-28s0 I were observed for the first timeo 'SECRET, A/0?DeX Approved For Release 2007/06/04 :? CIA-RDP80-00810A005300330001-9 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1