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rI AcciPIrATInu Approved For Release 2007/07/18: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300340010-8 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT FO AT O - REPORT CD NO. Ee,st Ga ar r DATE DISTR. 26 November 1954 SUBJECT Ox eani.sation and Personnel Policies NC. OF PAGES of the UP PLAW. ACQUuRED DATE OF wo. NO. OF ENCL.S. (USTED RELO SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 4,173 Gti::000OVCOl7~.".1CU 1278:30A4:0U3 Aa33C4iUO4HU UA41011ALDUPQUSU p7 4GQ Ci c3 V D C Ai3O. L76S$I0 4GU UQAWIi:O OP 1T .3 40. bUCTIOU0 7061 13i".D VC . 07 t33 0. O. COIDQ. A3 AOQC]D00. 140 SUAMMISS100 0fl UUVUL? A4iO.7 CV 1W Cy:17204J VO 00 C.Z'ti C31P4 OV AC] UUAU7110318UD PUUSOCI 1'J P.3 r :c3 3D C7 LACJ 4rJU r3P:.DDUC41OU OP 4010 COCU ID PUOi1WITU0. THIS IS UNEVALLATED INFORMATION I- The MWP is organized into two tactical command areas o The northern portion of the GDR belorlrge to the command area of Territorial Ven.1altung (TV) 12 (ter torj ,1 administration), while the southern portion of the G. includes the coamand area of TV 24., Major General Rentzsch is cnding general of TV 12, 1 2. By 31 December 19549 the KVP will be increased by 140000 mend By order of the Ministry of Interior and the FDGB (trade union), the nationalized enterprises have to pay a banus of 50 to 150 DW East to each member who volunteers for the ISVPO Specialists, however were not allowed to volunteer. 2 RODS and men who had served for three years will be discharged in the near future and registered in a reserve a 2 The KVP maneuvers in October were called off by the Ministry of Interior because of the elections on 17 October. 3 10 ~ oaa o The designations TV 12 and TV 24 are known. A third wand area, that of Mechanized Division Potsdamn9 is located in the central region of the GDRO 2, LE .egaigo Special efforts for recruiting volunteers have been Made f oT about three months. In September 19549 an increased number of recruits was inducted by several XVP units which, apparently, had aoaxici gn resulting from discharges o It is believed improbable that, following the present methods of roc sting v an increase by .140000 men wili iota reached by 31 Decomberr 19540 T?hh figure possibly indicates that 14,000 replacements will be inducted for the ewkz number of dischargees o gmoaept, It is believed that the KVP fall maneuvers were called off 3. E::~G( oily foe s ei ou , political reasons. It cannot be determined that this decision was made in connection with the elections. The present political situation, however, makes it plausible that the KVP is trying to remain in the background. STATE ARRSV Approved For Release 2007/07/18: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300340010-8 L,LASSIFICATION SECIiIT NAVY 97 NSRB ?ISTRISUYIOR Approved For Release 2007/07/18: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300340010-8 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2007/07/18: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300340010-8