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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
October 22, 1954
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Approved For Release 2007/06/28: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300570012-1 COUNTRY- ;TOPIC Rai]-&innly Traffi.e of Unit EMALUAa DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES PAGES 2 -ENCLOSURES (NO. &TYPE)______ REMARKS 125X1 '25X1 25X1 TINS -DATE PREPARED 22 October 1954 CLASSIFICAT'ON57i~. i' Fast GArmanv The following is a complete list of 'Soviet shipments of Unit which arrived at, or were dispatched from, Satzkorn railroad September 1954: 1 to 31 September 1954: Incoming shipments: ,ber. of Cars Cargo 2 SSy 2T34/85s SSA 1,T-34/85 5 B -tank engines and, spare parts 3 B ammunition REPORT Iduensdorf, Unidentifiedg Eberswa.lde, Eberswalde, boxes with new submachine Fuerstenwalde guns and carbines 3 B articles of clothes and boots 1 F 4 field kitchens 4 T Diesel oil 1 B Diesel oil ' 2 B motor oil 4 T gagp1ine 3 B gasoline 2 F small.-gage rails 2 B suitcases and PX goods CLASSIFICATION SECRET, Eberswalde, Finowfurt Troeglitz2 Biesenthal Grosskorbetha 2 Vel.ten Eberswalde Kranz , depot Approved For Release 2007/06/28: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300570012-1 25X' 25X' 3 25X 1 G briquettes SECRET, 22 G hard coal Outgoing shipn ntsa NLmb-r of Cars Ca 3 SS 3 Tm34/85s 25X1 1 I MY Approved For Release 2007/06/28: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300570012-1 tank engines X2 Eberswalde Eberswalde Wuensdorf l Comm?n?i, o The volume of supply traffic of the 10th Gds Tank Div rem?,,zned unchanged in Septenbero 25X1 2 p Comment. Fuel SrPP517r f?:r^,- at German production directly to the Ta,p tan3 t a 25X1 S CRET Approved For Release 2007/06/28: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300570012-1 Approved For Release 2007/06/28: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300570012-1 COUNTRY. REPORT TOPIC Hail lv ? affie of Heit 25X1 25X1 25X1 -I 25X1 EVAL DATE OF CONTEN DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES PAGES 2 REMARKS.. 3B 1 to 31 SeTtember 1954: Incoming shipments: Nu er of Care Cargo The following is a complete list of Soviet shipments of Unit which arrived at, or were dispatched from, Satakorn railroad September 1954: 2 SSy 2 T-34/85e u Spy 1 T-34/85 5 B tank engines CLASSI FI CAT4O East Gdrman- w ara OBTMNEnJ ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) DATE PREPARED 22 October 1954 parts asmamition 5 B boxes with new submachine guns and combines 3 B articles of clothes and boo 1 F 4 field kitchens 4 T Diesel oil 3B Diesel oil 2 B motor oil 4 T gasoline NlM= small-gage rails 2 B suitcases and P1 goods CLASSIFICATION SECRET) Approved For Release 2007/06/28: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005300570012-1 gasoline bm Wuensdorf, Unidentified, Eberawal.de, Eberswalde, Eberswalde, Finowfurt Troeglits2 Biesenthal Groaskorbetha 2 Velten 25X1 25X1 `25X1 1. Approved For Release 2007/06/28: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300570012-1 SRCRETT 18 G briquettes 22 G hard coal Outgoing shipments: limber of Cars Gareo TR 3 SS 3 T-34/858 Eberswalde 3 8 tank engines Iberewlde 1 say X T-34 Wnenedorf 1 LqSMMLt.L The volume of supply traffic of the 10th Gde Tank Div rsra Ied unehan8ed in September. Fuel4upply from l0ast German production directly to the ope units. Approved For Release 2007/06/28: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300570012-1