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Approved For Release 2007/06/14 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005300750005-9 CENTRAI.INTEIIIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT ThL m-tsrtal eontafas Information sIIectinQ the Na- tbtlal netense of the IIalted States trithta the mean- Ini of the bpWaafs Lws, Tltls 18. II.B.C. secs. 703 and 7l/, tM tMnsmisston or re~elatlon of whloh 1n anlr manner b an twauthotlaed yenon L Drohlblted M Lw. SRCRET-U.S. OFFICIALS O1dLLY COUNTRY Poland REPORT NO. 25X1 SUBJECT Jelcz Automobile Plant in Jelez ~~ OISTR. 3 December 1g5~+ too. of rAt3~s 6 25X1 DATE OF INFO. ~~ Np, Rp THE fOI/RCE !VALUATIONS IN TNIf REIOAI ASE ~EfINIT1VE. THE AIIRA/fA/ Of CONTENT /f TENTATIVE. (ROR KEI~ SEE REV[Rft) The Jelczanskie Zaklady Samochodoxe (JZS-Jelcz Automobile Plant is an industrial enterprise consisting of a military truck assembly plant and a. civilian truck repair ahop~ and is controlled by the Automobile Production and Repair Center of the L[inistry of Transport. It is loce.ted approximately two kilometers from the railxay station of Jelcz. ~Jeltsch - P5Z~C71), a village of abut 1,000 inhabitants on the site of the furmer German Krupps Works. There war five.'s'tructurea canpleted and in operation by the German. Krupp Works at. the end of eorld Nfar II. The machinery and equipment were removed by the Soviets, and the buildings and some of the equipment not worth shipping to the USSR were turned over to the Polish Government. In 1952 the Polish authorities repaired three structures and adapted them Yor industrial use;' two are occupied by the JZS factory and the third by a chemical factory. Repairs on the other two structures were started in the middle of 1953? 2. The two sections of the JZS enterprise operate independently of each other but under a point administration, and are located in separate buildings. These two buildings are of concrete, and each is 12 meters high and covers an area 200 x 220 meters. One plant produces exclusively for the armed forces wh176 the other plant serves civilian needs. 3. The section working for the aimed forces is a plant for the assembly of the following mobile installations: _ a. Mobile mechanical workshops. ' b. Mobile installations for the repair and charging of automobile batteries. c. Fuel tankers. 4. The vehicles on which the above installations are mounted are-new Soviet ZIS three-ton, six-cylinder, six-wheel trucks, which arrive complete Frith engine and driver's cab directly from the Polish-Soviet frontier station of Przemysl., For the mobile mechanical workshops and the fuel tankers, the chassis oP the trucks is extended in SECRET~p.,3. OFFICIALS ONLL r eT.rr v ?~uv Z MaVV X AIR X fRt A[C ~ X (NOTE: Wod:7.pMn dldribrfioe isdieNd by "X" ~ fiel/ diMr~MisR by "~" J ~~ Approved For Release 2007/06/14 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005300750005-9 Approved For Release 2007/06/14 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005300750005-9 SECRET-U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY -2- the factory in order to accommodate the body which is larger than the original ZIS body. The consignments of new ZIS trucks arrive at the factory in flat railway cars, unescorted. The mobile mechanical workshops for the repair of tanks and other motor vehicles in the armed forces are equipped with the following: a. One 65-cm. lathe, with a built-in motor, of Polish or East German manufacture. b. One boring machine, with built-in motor, of Polish manufacture. c. One set of oxyacetylene welding equipment. d. One work table. e. Blacksmith's equipment and tools. f. Sets of various tools for automobile repair. g. One coal-burning stove for heating, complete with chimney. 6. `the mobile mechanical workshops have no generators of their own. They are dependent on power supFly from the outside, and are fitted to use 110220 v alternating current. 7. The ZIS trucks arriving at the factory are painted the color of Polish military vehicles. Serial numbers, license numbers, le~ctersnr signs which would reveal the identity of the recipient units are not painted on in the factory. Most of the mobile mechanical workshops are mounted on ZIS trucks,. but some are installed in old trucks brought by military drivers and later collected by them. Attempts have also been made to mount such mechanical shops on Polish Star three-ton, six-cylinder trucks (boxers), two or three having been .assembled in the middle of 1953? However, up to the end of 1953 the factory has continued to use the new ZIS trucks for this purpose. ~3. Approximately 170 to 180 mobile mechanical workshops are turned out by the factory each month. They are collected, in varying numbers, by military drivers, predominantly from armored units and artillery, but also from the infantry. None of the assembled mechanical workshops was collected by Soviet drivers or was sent by train from the factory between November 1953 and the end of 1953? 9. The mobile plants fox automobile battery chaxging and repairs axe also mounted on ZIS trucks. Production is limited to between two and five such trucks per month. They are also supplied exclusively to Polish military units. 1(`o The fuel tankers axe assembled on new ZIS trucks with an extended chassis. The i'uel tanks, with a capacity of x+,000 liters, as well as two hand-operated pumps and fuel hoses, are supplied from East Germany. Approximately 120 to 130 fuel tankers are turned out each month, exclusively for the Polish Armed Forces. 11. Experiments have recently been started in the factory in assembling mobile military kitchens and larger mechanical workshops on trailers. Some prototypes have been turned out, copying models of similar trailers brought to the factory from East Cxermany. Production of any new models had not been started up to the end of 1953? 12. A regular staff of three officers, two lieutenants and one warrant officer, are stationed in the factory and supervise the production. They are experts detailed to the factory by the Technical Department of the Ministry of National Defense. In addition, groups of officers, up to the rank of c~lonel~visit the factory from time to time for control. ' SF~CRET-U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2007/06/14 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005300750005-9 Approved For Release 2007/06/14 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005300750005-9 SECRET-U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY -3- 13. The section of the factory which produces exclusively for the military employs approximately 4,000 workers iri three shifts, one-third of them inmates of the adjoining forced labor camp. Workers are recruited from the?nearuy villages from Brzeg, Olawa, and as far as Wroclaw. The .machinery and installation of the entire factory, including the civilian section, axe predominantly of post-war manufacture, imported from the USSR, Poland, East Germany and, to some extent, Great Britain and other Western countries. Few new machines were added in 1953? 14. The civilian section of the factory is a repair shop handling Polish Star trucks exclusively. The trucks are completely dismantled, individual parts repaired or discarded and replaced by new ones, engines overhauled etc., and the trucks reassembled and returned to the clients. The work is organized on the conveyor belt system. Approximately 200 Star trucks to be repaired arrive by rail at the factory every month. The number of workers employed is believed to be between 6000 and 8,000 operating in three shifts. About One-third of them are inmates of the adjoining forced labor camp. 15. :1E~. The work in both the military and civilian sections of the plant is conducted in an inefficient manner. This is partially due to the large number of prisoners employed. As internal regulations of ?the camp, the detailing of work, the employment inside the labor camp, disciplinary measures, etc., do not take into consideration the vocational requirements of the factory, the prisoners working at the factory are often interchanged or must stay away from their more or less permanent working place. Others substituted for them are unacquainted with the spegific work, pause damage, and hold up the work process. Another reason for the inefficient operation of the factory is the recurrent shortage of raw materials, especially metals and electric wires. Work interruptions for this reason recur every few weeks in .some parts of the plant, and the workers there are idle until the missing materials arrive. The water supply for the factory comes from '16 wellsi operating in groups of four, with automatic pumps. Due to its large iron content (3.2 mg. per liter), the water is purified in a specially constructed plant located in the vicinity of the water wells. Additional water conduits have been laid in such manner that in an emergency the water can reach the fire hydrants in the factory area without passing through the purification plant. Albin Bushel is the head of the water power supply department (Dual Glowny Energetyki) of the truck assembly plant: Though he is a Party member, he is a careerist and not a convinced Communist. An electrician 'rJ txacle~ he was a pilot in the Soviet Air Force during World War II. He lives a Soviet major in Brzeg~ Krotka 7. Bushel is between 35 and 40 years of age, of medium height, slim, and has black hair. l~/~ There are railway sidings to the factory area from the nearby railway station of Jelcz village. Both the JZS factory and the chemical factory receive their power through a transformer station which serves these two factories exclusively. Its capacity of 40,000 KW is believed to be only partly utilized. Two workers operate the transformer station. '1p3~ Source heard that a large automobile factory was planned, to be accommodated in the two structures occupied bytes JZS, the twp structures now under repairs and two structures to be built on the two additional foundations that were laid by the Germans. A site located west of the factory, now used for military exercises of the guards, would be adapted as a testing ground for the automobiles to be produced. Plans have been drawn up for the construction of several workeret housing projects in the vicinity, to provide housing for 20000 workers. Four apartment houses were built northwest of the factory area in 1953? SECRET-U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2007/06/14 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005300750005-9 Approved For Release 2007/06/14 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005300750005-9 SECRET-U.S. OFFICIALS OATLY 25X1 -4- 19. Southeast of the JZ5 factory area is a forced labor camp, the, inmates of which are employed at the JZS factory. Both the camp area, which is~upproximately 500 x 500 meters and the factory area axe surrounded by a brick wall five meters high and 55 cm. thick, on top of which are five lines of barbed wire approximately g0 cm. high. There i~ a similar type of fence dividing the two areas. There is a second fence of barbed wire inside the area approximately two meters from the brick wall. Along thQ entire length of the brick wall there are observation towers approximately 50 meters apart, each manned by a KBW (Internal Security Corps) soldier armed with a rifle. Each tower is equipped with a searchlight, and powerful electric lights illuminate the area during the night, The camp itself is guarded by personnel of the prisons department of the UB (Securityy Police) numbering approximately 100. The camp commandant is a UB captain; there are 15 to 20 officers on the UB staff of the camp. ,There were approximately 4,500 prisoners in this camp in 1952 and 1953 20. With the exception of those working in the camp kitchen, on sanitary duties, etc., prisoners are employed in the JZS factory. They work in three shifts, the first utarting at ? a.m. They are escorted to and from their work by the UB guards, who also patrol the factory halls at all times. The wages of the prisoners range from l,,0 or 50 zlotys per month to 300 or 350 zlotys per month according to their ~ab:~ and vocational training. A number of prisoners are also employed in administrative and responsible Sobs. One prisoner filled the post of asuistant technical manager of the military truck assembly sectioi. for a certain period. SECRET-U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2007/06/14 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005300750005-9 Approved For Release 2007/06/14 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005300750005-9 SECRET-U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY -5- JZS Factory and Adjacent Forced Labor Camp at Jelcz Legend 1. Electric transformer station 2. Foundations of factory structure 3. Foundations of factory structure k. Dwellings of managerial staff of the chemical factory 5. Railway tracks 6. Fenced.-in area 7. Assembly plant for military mobile installations 8. Chemical factory 9. Civ3.lian truck repair plant L0. Gate between factory area, and forced labor camp 11. Camp courtyard 12. Central steam heating installatigns of the camp 13. Camp laundry 1~+. Mess and assembly hall 15. Camp administration building 16. Accommodation of prisongrs 17. Entrance gate to the camp 18. Damaged ie,ctory structure 19. Damaged factory structure 20. Water purification plant 21. Water wells 22. Central steam heating inetal~.ations 23. Sewerage, drainage installations 24. Dwellings of officers stationed at the camp SECRET-U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2007/06/14 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005300750005-9 Approved For Release 2007/06/14 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005300750005-9 SECRET-U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY -6- SECRET U,,S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2007/06/14 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005300750005-9