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Approved For Release 2007/06/04: CIA-RDP80-0081OA005300850003-0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT Poland U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY This material contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States within the mean- ing of the Espionage 1rws, Title 18, U.S.C. Sees. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. REPORTI I DATE DISTR. 3 December 1954 NO. OF PAGES 2 REQUIREMENT NO. RD 25X1 REFERENCES 1. The Coal Industry 2. Miscellaneous Economic Information THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) Coal Output and Distribution 1. Total output of Polish coal in 1954 is estimated at 87 million tons.-Out of this figure 14 million tons will be exported to the soviet Bloc countries, 10.million to the Wiest, and 63 million will be used for home consumption. 2. This last figure is strikingly wasteful. It'may be explained by the fact that: a. Nationalized industry has too many bosses and no one really considers himself responsible. b. It is now forbidden to use wood as fuel for domestic )urposes. SECRET - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY STATE X ARMY X NAVY X (NOTE: Washington distribution indicated by "X", Field distribution by "#".) Approved For Release 2007/06/04: CIA-RDP80-00810A005300850003-0 25X1 SECRET - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY The Position of Krupinski 5. Soleslaw Krupinski, until recently Vice-Minister for Mining, has-been dismissed from his post. However, he is not in disgrace, and?has been appointed president of the Scientific Research Commission of the Minfatry of Mining. He-is still official car and has an even higher sale 5X1 125X1 The Party as a very valuable specialist. Specialists versus the Party still rates him 25X1 25X1 6. There is now a general'tendency to disregard aman's attitude towards the 'regime when he is a specialist or expert. The government is less and less concerned whether-a man is-a Party member or-supports the regime actively, so long as he can-be'useful. '"he tendency is to put a specialist into a specialist job whether'or no he is a Communist. In some cases non-Party specialists are even given preference, since "they don't waste time on politics". 7. The recent dismissal' of-Gede-from the post of*Minister of Foreign Trade and the nomination of Dobrzaiiski in his place is a move in-the new line.-G6de--Wds purely's Party mans,'with little knowledge of trade, spending most of his time in-Party conferences. Dobrzansk i, though a Communist, is'intereated in trade and his work is influence&by trade considerations alone. The Position of Professor Roga 8. Professor Roga, who usually attends E.C.E. international coal conferences in Geneva as a Polish delegate to the Classification Committee, is not likely to be allowed to travel abroad appln in the immediate future. He was due to attend the E.C.E. conference in June, but at the last moment he was ggain crossed off the list of delegates, and his mission was entrusted to Wladyslaw Woleki, delegate of the Central Offices for the Coal Industry in Warsaw (main office in?Stalinogrod)-. There is nothing serious against Roga, but he, like Krupinski, is not a Party member and is equally careless in conversation, and does'not therefore enjoy the confidence of the Party. On the other hand, it is-normal practice to nn'ningte and obtain visas for twice the number of people needed for a delegation abroad, and thdn a day or two before actual departure to select the final team. Coniment. This so-called-new trend has not been noticed in the 25X1 higher fiovernmental circles. The emphasis still appears to be on the Party man rathet'thai'i on the specialist. Gede was not dismissed from his post but was advanced -to' the- position of a Vice-Chairman of the Praesidium of the Council of-Mifiisters.-He'was replaced in the Ministry of Foreign Trade by Konstanty Dabrowski, not Dobrzanaki. 25X1