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Approved For Release 2007/06/04: CIA-RDP80-0081OA005300850005-8 s hip INFORMATION REPORT and the transmission Laws. Title 18. U.S.O. Bros. 793 n and 794, the e trans nlssion or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorised person Is prohibited by law. SECRET - U.S. OFFIC IAIS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Poland 7 December 1951+ NO. OF PAGES 2 REQUIREMENT NO. RD REFERENCES THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT 15 TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 1. All dentists, dental clinics and dental units are under the control of the Stomatological Department of the Joivodship Health Department (Vojewodski YJydzial Zdrowia), which, in turn, is subordinate to tle Ministry of Health (Ministerstwo Zdrowia). fey' dentists are still practising in Koszalin (Koeslin) Voivodship,but, r iLli Lhc high taxes i.'i;posed on them, they are gradually being forced to transfer V :i1.L.tu clinics. ,;:i.; cc three state clinics (Spoldzielnia Lekarsko-Lentrot jczna) h(>.V(, 4:?((11 )Cr1cd Ti ccrit.or Il the torus C", :%oszalin, lups~~ ',St oh)) .tnd a (:) , l,ilc i'C :L kecli co llpe Lit!-( n, trout:,,e'-it at these cli nic:U b(.in r.(lasid:x,.bi;! c ie (per. th-n that obtained fru,i private dentists. :Tcr:ly qualified dentists (their training takes only three years) are directed to their places of work, and are obliged to remain in their posts for three years. They are usually directed to mobile dental vans and start giving treatments immediately, often without having had any practical experience. or at the most two months' practice during vacations while they were students. 4. Every dentist has to fulfill daily norms. In a nine-hour working day he has to receive 70 patients, and carry out 54 treatments (six per hour). In actual fact, on the average he can only achieve a fifth of these norms, though in his reports he naturally always states he has fulfilled them. In one locality of 170 inhabitants, for example, the dentist stated that 70 patients per day had been treated, when in fact only eight had been to see him. The Voivodship Health Department was aware of this situation, but,in its report to the iilinistry of Health, stated thLt the entire voivodship had fulfilled the norms. 5. The State Health Service does not permit bridging work. This may only be done by a private dentist. Dentures are only allowed if eight teeth in each of the up2er and lover jaws are missing. In this case, the patient has to make an application to the Ministry of Health. It usually takes a year to obtain a denture, owing to the shortage of dental mechanics. SECRET - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY STATE X ARMY NAVY x AIR I _A FSI AEC This material contains Information erecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States within the mean- REPORT Dental Treatment in Koszalin Voivod- DATE DISTR. (NOTE: Wosbington distribution indicated by "X", Field dislribwHse by "#".) Approved For Release 2007/06/04: CIA-RDP80-00810A00533660005-8 SECRET - U. S. OFF IC IALS ONLY - 2 - 6. There is a great shortage of dental clinics in the province of Koszalin and the budget provided for no further expenditure on dental equipment. It has been ascertained in monthly conferences tt:at in every voivodship town at least one more clinic would have to be set up. 7. Equipment of the clinics is very primitive, and no dental surgical instru- ments a,re available. There is a very small selection of drills and not even the most necessary medicaments are obtainable. Pedal-operated drills are used in most clinics. 8. There is 'o resident dentist in the town of Sianow (Zanow), Bobolice (Bublitz), and Mielno (Grossmoellen). The shortage of dentists is frequently mentioned in the monthly reports. Even in the towns the lack of dentists is very acute. The health service in many cases is employing dental technicians instead of dentists. 9. Mobile dental vans visit localities where there is no resident dentist, once a year at the most. There are places, however, which have not been visited for as long as two years, e.g. Tychowo Wielkie (Bialogard district). 10. Koszalin Voivodship has two mobile dental vans of Czech origin, but only one is in operation due to lack of spare parts. In addition to the dentist employed with the van, five other dentists with dental chairs and very primitive instruments are dropped off at the smaller localities. The six dentists, in this case, have to report to the voivodship health center office in Slupsk at the beginning of each month. After giving an account of their work, the dentists are handed their salaries, plans for the following month's work are discussed, shortages reported, and the necessary material, when available, is taken in. 11. Mobile dental vans are also used for propaganda purposes. The most senior dentist during this period in a certain locality, is obliged to announce to the inhabitants that dental aid is one of the tasks of the People's Democracy. 12. Dental unit dentists have to make out a monthly report in duplicate, stating the number of patients, private or insured; number of treatments given; and number of extractions. 13. Treatment at mobile dental vans is mainly limited to extractions, longer treatment being impossible due to the shortness of the visit in the locality (as prescribed by the Labor Direction Commission). 14. Salaries of dentists in state employ are paid according to rates for Groups III, IV, and V, viz.: Group III: 890 zlotys per month Group IV: 760 " If u Group V: 620 it If It nnrrw rl Fnr Rala^ca )007rnainA - r1A InDQn nn4