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Publication Date: 
February 11, 1955
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IT CD NO. t COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005400100020-2 (;1 51f;IGA17ON SECRET/U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLMENCE AGENCY REPORT East Gcra~.ny Preliminary Work on the Development of the East German Aircraft Industry ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. ITM1S DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE ~OF?TN!'YNITfe STATES. WITHIN THE MEANING OF. TITLE IS. SECTIONS 799 1. On 15 May 1954, Herr Meister (fnu) visited t n Chemnitz. He ordered the formation of a special working g sting of returnees who up to that time were employed n' nt divisions of the plant. Ingenieur Schell (fnu) was made group leader. The group included the following persons: Ing Schiebeck (fnu) Ing Scheumann (fnu) Ing Karl Schenk Dipl Ing Helmut Stegbeck Ing Teuchert (fnu) Ing Steinaecker (fnu) (moved to Federal Republic ) The following persons are scheduled to be added to this group: Dipl Ing Max Lorentzen, formerly is designed to allow . An 50X1-HUM DATE DISTR. 11 February 1955 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION employed at theJ$nkers Works, an expert in propellers Two offices of the IFA plant were given to the group, Meister stated that they would work independent of the plant. 2. Meister Showed an order designated Project No 021 - 0001/TB, concerning the design and construction of a mobile propeller test stand for engines rated up to 700 h.p. The suspension arrangement of the test stand was designed to accomodate either a 7-cylinder radial engine or a 5-cylinder engine of 300 h.p. A 8-ton chassis of flat-bed trailer type with a double-cranked frame was which Ing Dubnak (fnu) Ing Enderlin (fnu) Ing Wandersleb (fnu) emergency. power gener. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005400100020-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005400100020-2 The chassis, les %nd VEB Schmiede k "$er --" Kraf tfahrz eugbau Viletrof f Mnism were to be delivered by the in Rosswein/Saxony and the VEB The following plants were involved in the supply of various instruments. FIMAG, Finsterwalde - Maschinenbau, Finsterwalde: VEB-Elektrowae No difficulties L-LUA16ed in placing the orders as the requested equipment appeared to be available. ,Procurement Center in Pirna 4. colleagues from Chemnitz j had an opportunity to visit the Procurement Center in his search for the necessary equipment to attach the 7-cylinder radial engine to the test stand. The second visit involved general procurement questions. In a parklike works area with irregularly distributed In this workshop, sever-al employeeswere working on the assembly of a crane. Except for some lathes and workbenches, no machinery was seen. A 7-cylinder. radial engine covered with a tarpaulin stood in the center of the workshop. The necessary equipment for the projected test stand taken from this engine. 6. in Pirna: Dipl Ing Theo Maedebach, expert in plastics Ing Hermann (fnu), statistician and stability expert Ing v.d. Fange,(fnu), engine specialist, formerly employed at BM4 Ing Banas,(fnu), technologist technician Wegener (fnu) Ing Kurt Vogel Ing Hundhausen Ing Harleib Of those who returned from the USSR on 3 July 1954, the following were scheduled to go to Firna: Dr Scheinost (fnu) Ing Jakob. Has already taken his residence in Pirna. Ing Trimbusch. Guenther Iange. Salaries of 3,000 to 16,000 DM per month were offered to the experts who rend on 3 July 1954. The Procurement of aviation ith difficulties. P-"the Central Depot o the Pirna Procurement Center located in Heidenau near Dresden. On the first floor of the main building which housed the VEB-Polygraph (construction of printing machines), a variety of aviation material was displayed on tables in two rooms 0 this is a collection point for captured war materiel search for adequate equipment for the test stand, such as a barometer and RPT-reading meter went without result. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM SECRET/U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005400100020-2 %