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Approved For Release 2008/06/09: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800030006-2 INFORMATION REPORT CD NO CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT CLASSIFICAI'I{NN ;oU;; V E.:isi: Germany 'LACE `CQI.IIRED )ATE OF No ~HI6 ONC 0RoR1' :;ORTAIRY IRfol1ATN0 A/BETH TRL RATIOOAL OdOMp 1718 1(11)110 111110 11CMI* TRY 41A11R0 Of 10111 /0. 30111001 7011 *111 744 Of T4% A. i. :"S. AA A011010. III 130010Mlg0 OR MVBL- AT10L 01' 111 >i0011R13 TO 00 10 1P? 111 AN 00-YT0000010 001100 is I" 121TRD FT LAO 00! *1P000RCT100 or"" O to r0DN101110. NO.OF ENCLS. cuiTW SEL.OWe SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 20 August 1954, Minister Fritz Selbmann directed that Max DATE DISTR 28 January 1.55 fa ff:1..e:lent Production in the Production Areae NO. OF PAGES o: the ministry for Heavy Industry Friedemann, director of the Main Administration of Iron Induetsy, take over the duties of Rudolf Steinwand, Deputy Minister for Productior.25X1 Area Metallurgy, who was in Moscow for a one-year training course. Sclb..ann fur `er directed th t Dro Dieter 3auleck, director of the Main Administration of the No rNir "G:. q- Metal Industry, should tale over Friede- mann's duties in the Main ministration of Steel Industry and that Pichtner (fnu), Plant Director of VEB Leichtmetallwerk Rackwitz, shculd take over 3auleck's duties as director of the Main Administration of the25X1 tie~frrr~us. ~etal Industry. the East German heavy industry had co pietely fulfilled its production plan up to 31 July 1954, according to "measurement valuesTM (Meeswerte). Percentages cf fulfillment varied, however, the various Production Areas; the coal industry's ful- fillment pe-centage was 97.1 ,that of the electric power industry was 98.45', of the metallurgical industry 101.9% and of the ch"mical industry 100.3?`. The Lain Aidministr tion of Luxiliary P1?etallurgical Plants hrld the poorest showing-according to "measurement values"-in the Ministry- it was only 87%0. 3. Linister Selbmann pointed out that the electric power industry had pro- duced 350 million kilowatts of power less than were called for by the production plan for the first seven months of 1954 and stated that tbn.t industry must add 220 megawatts (UN) to the electric power net dui!ng. the third quarter of 1954 q~ Sell mann stated that the primary talk in the coal industry as to ensure that screened coal (Siebkohle), lump coal and lignite briquettes were orauuoed according to the plan. Likewise, the failure to produce suffi- cient industrial coke was to be corrected and arrears in production made up s:s of 2:: August, arrears in the production of lignite briquettes Ziouiited to 900-On') ~' tATF. ~~ iy ,xy My f_} NSRB X FBI DISTRIBUTION Approved For Release 2008/06/09: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800030006-2 25X1 CLASSIFICATION SECRET Approved For Release 2008/06/09: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800030006-2 :o proc.uction of ,,rude lignite, ore wining, putius;, i;;lr~i#xg and ani to l~^' .._e -...ning were all unsat:isf !ctory; the :'ol.itbuero of the rzi_stry ha recLently conferred concerning the situationand the :t osu tt4 ..f ies discussions h; -d been the subject of a conference held by 'el!'+naau L,114 the 5ec:tiona1 heads (Rev:i.ea leitungen) and plant directorate on 10 ugo t 1 ,--,4 3elbmann now oiled for a ~+idespread campaign to hr :r,g :o:.', the achievement of the lignite ?roduction plei:s ^ the ;;cctional heads were to receive specific directives concerning this (:.nn pait,-n, SelbDann stated that in the metallurgical i?.dustrr overfulfiliment of the p:l n had been achieved only inthearea of semi-finished products 128 percent of the plan = and in the rca of forgings and drop f oreinr; 108 per cent of the plan till other portions of the steel and norifc rOud mom industries had failed to produce as much as 100 percent of the p!aii In the chemical industry, Selbmann stated, the artificial fiber inciez.strj t;.~;d 1't,ged behind the yearly an in the items of viscous artificial s l?. ? ~'J:f .=;,ose-Frans tse::clc,), M 5 (Zellwol_e) on. ; e, lop cord silk Cord seide) 4 and the same was '.rue of a number *cf construction materia la (Baus~..cffcn) and products of tie fireproofing, industry, ae.1.bmann announced that the investment plan of U e }'.inistrd was fulfi l b o," b~ 0.:5% as of 31 July 19549 but that it should be noted tha' the voluz-e of i n es1,:ae nts had been increased in rune and that the former ; were a; month behin. in `.heir reporting because the,,- were still rollowi nfr the old reporting metkhodn Fulfillment of the plan in- the principal ins {,;,:t? tioiis eras 51 2'~ but in the. auxiliary installations it as only 4` He went to point out that existing construction capahilities did riotM su ' ire to carry out ,a,1 the :Manned investment ; ro~ectso in thin core nett i vin he issued the following instructions: a Triarasfers of i.nv s .ent funds ::ore forbidden. c, . ro,iects not yet otarted ;:ere not tobe begun during 13 .4 `': ;e:prises with investment ; rojects assigned to theca were em:'owercd to concentrate on the insc-,allati,ors under constructioro elbmann also announced that s e.=iai "GO ~etltior)a" were ptannei? to