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Publication Date: 
December 22, 1954
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Approved For Release 2008/06/13: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800050001-5 CLASSIFICATION SECRET COUNTRY Austria REPORT TOPIC Military Activity at Klosterneuburz and Aainbure EVALUATION P1 ACE OBTAINED DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES bDATE PREPARED 22 December 1954 PAGES 1 ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE), REMARKS i_ On A Tecember 1954. trucks driven by soldiers witn blaCK-ooraereu reu Cpuu-La uzi auu ---1--- -V - - with with red-bordered black epaulets were observed at the main gate of the former Pionier Kaserne at Klosterneuburg. The installation was guarded by a sentry with black-bordered red epaulets. Truc driven 25X1 by a soldier with black-bordered black epaulets was seen at the north- -western gate which was guarded by a sentry with black-bordered black epaulets. Personnel traffic was observed between the former Pionier Kaserne and the former Pioniermuseum, previously called Pionierzeugamt. Nineteen trucks and two jeeps stood in the yard of the installation which 25X1 was guarded by a sentry. All soldiers observed wore red-bordered black epaulets; some had tank and artillery insignia. Vehicles observed at the formar niermuseum included driver school truck 0 and trrucks driven by soldiers with redebrodered black epaule25X1 and ambulant driven by a soldiers with black-bordered red epaulets. 1 Hainburg. 2. On 3 December,. 3?rocket launchers, 4 trucks and 1 tank truck were observed at the former Pionier Kaserne at Hainburg. A major wearing red-bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia and a captain with black-bordered black epaulets were observed at the kaserne which was guarded by a sentry 25X1 with red-bordered black epaulets. Sedan driven by soldiers with red-bordered black epaulets were seen at the ins a ation. A group of 18 soldiers was engaged in maintenance work on parked vehicles, and 11 soldiers with red-bordered black epaulets supervised by a sergean-25X1 with artillery insignia cleaned the entrance to the former Pionier Kaserne. 25X1 1. F---]Comment. The 46th Gds Mecz Regt and the 8th Gds Eng Bn are stationed X1 at Klosterneuburg. 2. Comment. The information confirms the 15th Gds Rh Bn of the 13th - - .-1A ~v%A +.n?e25X1 belong to the battalion. ti op g x T)F X 25X1 25X1 rl A_SSIFICATION SECRET Approved For Release 2008/06/13: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800050001-5