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Approved For Release 2008/06/24 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005800350002-1 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT IN~4F~#i~i4T l~P'?~fiT CD NO. COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. Poland/East Germany Decline of Polish Coal Exports to East Germany DATE DISTR. 17 March 1955 NO.OF PAGES 1 NO.OF Et~iC1.S. cusr~o sFCOVr~ SUPRaEMENT TO RE T N0. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 1. 4Se dsa32ae o~ lbRi'gh o! aae2 to E'a~rti !a s w ends in the opinion of tha Ministry o! Aeavy Industries in the Harks Soviet aeotor, vas due to increased Polish need for ooal. 2. It hea beoowe ]morn that Poland~a owa requireaenta of ooal~ the ssin oauas of the gradually ieorea~aing 3apao~t of coal thaw Po].and,~ vas the result of the eatablishsa~ of netr industrial plasta is Poland ss v~ell as aaasures tabaa in ooaseotios with the ourrest Polish six'lrear plan. Et the ta11u held as the supply of opal f row Pbland~ it vas repeatedly isdioated that the n~-lblti],sast of coal deliveries Craw Poland, vhioh to a certain awtent already oauaed serious difficulties to the general prodnatie? is East c3ersan,-~ vas due to abland~s owe increased seeds for coal. 3. ~bereaa the atorewentioned reasons for the decline were discussed at the general talka~ the decline of ~~""~blish coal exports vas sxplaissd at the atieetings ass the tultilasat of the prvinetios quota of the opal industry is Eaa! t3er^at4y. Hoch the IISSR g~overnsent sad the Polish gorsrra~enL recently Wade represestatioss to the East tisrsan goverawaat oowplaisiog of East t3ee~aaayr a not sestisg her obligatiena for exports of iadnatrial products which hays fcroed Poland to withhold her coal deliveries as a cawpensatiea for such clsliveries. STATE ARMY Ct!!,~'~el~l!!i! NAW X NSRB ~~ FG ~~P Approved For Release 2008/06/24 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005800350002-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/24 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005800350002-1 c;UUNTp~ CEi~TRAL ENT~LlGENCE AGER~CY REPORT .~ 0-1-and. ~f':r:,s f Germazt~, ~~clire of i'oli~h l;oa-.1' ~xp~t?ts i?as : tier~ny DATE. DISl"R ~ ..,;LC?,? , NO.OF EftiCf S. (US?ED BELO+VI i~ATE ~?~' i~V~~U.. ~ y:~"T ~y~1?~? t f .Y ~+`:~ lNIS DJCUtlEN:~ .;G1:?:,1 :5 III iCRgAT{CA 4FiLC51p8 T8Y NATtOpP.I DCF$NSE ~'~1 O; itlE VNIT$D STATE;i. IfiT81N TMi lilAttlpt: t! SITLC iD. SEZiIGF.S 799 77 ~C6 ~"~ OF ii16 U 5. CODb. %.3 AEf $NDED. I:S TRARSAI5&ION OD NiVE4 ~`'? a7iD11 O ~T6 C0:7T$NSS TO Oq gEtE1Pi CY Ap DpAYTpOg12$D FIRSOp t;' 18 PIIONIEYtED iii LAN 786 R6PSODOC11ON '~%TNIS iOp41S FRON18172D. ~ ~''k.....-~.-.~..... ~..-..~.~.~.~...~,...~... ~......~..~..~r.-~s. supPl`EMEl~T ra REPORT N0. . .... THiS !S UNEVALUATED lNFvRMA~IOi~ 25X1 ~. ~... ~ ~; I .?~.~. ~r Dt,'i ~iw n? ~ .,..Fey .. F' rV.yer~ 7 ?~1 F 'P I~Jev mn..yr 4 4 n rrn .t "1 rr r> ?~n!'i -~. !1!' _ ~~ ?:h ~ ,;, ~~z+,3on a~: t.h~t }iit~.~ i:~?,y. o:: i'e~.w Trd+?,qtr :cs~s iT! ~?1e $^r'.i.n 8ovie~~; aAC: ~cx ? . :riB d`ue ~~.,a i.ncrer~sc;l:'. ~`'o~' co:z'.~ '_il,~ ~~;l:Oli'~ liY:triJ17 that l~'!.)~.(~:":1C~"5 rJir';' C '~ -~i e; ~ } ~ r ~ i i c _113.1Y'CL~:.T1 01. C.k3..., t;he I;:E.,~.ia c'~~i.,~t; J% '. ~c: ~>::?~.r?~zaa.1;~ r3ecre~sfzig inr*~cs~ri, or caal ~:ror~ i2o~..4nd ~.:~:~ Lrc rvsu~ ~ o.~:' ~; i_r~ co,mecticn S~~tth the cur~an~t Pali's~z ai~cmyoar t.len? A~~, tho ?t~~ lks holzi rn } iiv :~upp~.;r e' coal. Pram Po).end, it wras repeato~r ir.c~9.c:^i,;c~. t;h=1f, r-h~ r~c,r??-~t'~:lf ~_lacent oi' cord da2i~c~rics if oni ^oJdn~1.. w~iich to a e:Qx ~~a;n e:~::'.es?i alz'~F;-?;r ccru:>cad ~ ~~r.o~:,-> t'.x.g~ irult~i.~;s to the gei~era1. ~ roductio~ i?ri'~;asfi Co`rm' ~ 9s F ~-, ' ad's cztte 'ba Poland ~~,~.r: ~..c~c~-e~sed rseds #`or coal., -, . ?.; ? . '~heraas t;h~ aforementioned ra~t~dn~ for~~he "cioeliz~L w~ax~ dSeei~ss9~d ~ a-~ ti.e gencz~ra? t31ks~ t;~e decline c.f'~ Ah?.ieili !QO>alr export: wa?~ :lAined at: thta ~~ r~eet:ia~gg oa 'the fulFil.ment of the ~I:aEoduct3~~ quota of"the"cvefl indestry ,~ yin.^asZ f4c~nq- Bath `~h~s 1~SSf;~ {~veri~2c:.n1~'tinc~CYss'Pol#1~f cr~rc;x~r;-ent re~ce:r~io~g r~:ar+~seatr~ti.ona to T.he ~~,as^~ i~~~'.~za.i~ ~ov~~r.1*~cnt; ,:+~~1p1.~.izziti~Y o ~a3~t, Germrir~v':s z,c?~ ~:~~,~~~ci..-~~ her obliarativns f'cr ~xno~:ts of iz:dl;st,r:i.~i._ pro~:ac-'r: which ~~av~: .f~~:;:ec. Poland to wit~iholc~ ac,~l _de~"i~e~~i~s"~l.s` a .cot~pet~.s~dl4t~z: ?fc~~-?`~i+.;:ch d~li~~er. ies _ __ _.~ Y~~ ~ ~ ; , +r ~ ; ~ ~ .:: r SSG ~ISYRl3Ci1'tQP~ :,>n T ~ a~R -- (gxr Fey ~_ -_ _~_ - !. i ~_ 1 .t .. e.r. ~ .. w .._~.:...... ' ~ 1 . .~ . .a ! , K Approved For Release 2008/06/24 :CIA-RDP80-00810A005800350002-1