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January 28, 1955
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Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800430006-8 CENTRAL INTELUGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT Aus c-fa/USSR SUEJEC7 Danube Shipmenni',s of Pyrite. Ba xi-te F.nd Petroleum Produutrs PLACE. ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO CD NO. DATE DISTR NO OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. LISTED BELOW} SUPPLE1b4PNiT Tn REPORT MIS DOCDN[NT CONTAINS INFO[OA1ION A!T[CTINO TN[ RATIONAL D[f[NSE Of THE U,I!TED rtAT[S, WITHIN THE NEANINY OF TI7L[ I8, S[CTION[ 708 a AM' r9 e )T THE U. S. COD[. AS AHEND[D. ITS T[ANSNISSION OR NEV[L CLAS.`;IFICAT10N S AT_ NSRB IIA69 DISTRIBUTION THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION ]Turing October and Uovember 1954, the following amounts of kerosene were shipped by SiV from Lobau, Vienna, to Ren:., '..ASR, by the shipping companies indicated. idavromm2 Maha.?-t2 October 3?184 tons 1,590 tons :!Iovember 546 tons 2,999 tons 3,830 tons 1,590 tons 2,999 tons -w-r .ng October 1954, a total of 3,6132 tons of kerosene was unloaded at Reni, tRSSR, .i'ron Soviet DDSO? ITED.. DATE DISTR. 28 January 1955 NO.. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLE REPORT7 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. During October and November 1954, the following amounts of kerosene were shipped by SNV from Lobau, Vienna, to Reni, USSR, by the shipping companies indicated: Navroml October 3,184 tons November 646 tons Total 3,830 tons Mahart2 Soy DDSG 1,590 tons 2,999 tons 1,590 tons 2,999 tons During October 1954, a total of 3,642 tons of kerosene was unloaded at Reni, USSR, from Soviet DDS2, Navrom and Mahart bottoms. 3. During October and November, the foil Reiff, USSR, to the SMV at foobau, Vienna, October 1,973 tons November 646 tons 4. During October and November 1954, the following Danube shipments were handled by by'the Soviet DDSs: Loaded Unloaded Reni,USSR Ismail, USSR Ko October 6,325 tons 1,283 tons 1,359 tons November 531 tons 1,590 tons 2,258 tons Total 6,856 tons 2,873 tons 3,617 tone Loaded Bu pest October 2,089 tons November 3,982 tons low 1,534 tons S T A T E r a - w IX I I I DWNINM I I ARMY A-Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA065800430006-8 4,354 tone 5,251 tons Unloaded Reni, USSR Ismail, USSR 6,039 tons 1,021 tons Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800430006-8 Page 2 Comment. Prior to 7 October 19U the official title was Sovrom. 25X1 ,Comment. Formerly Meszhart. Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800430006-8