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February 10, 1955
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50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release lease 2010/08/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200140006-5 CLASSIFICATION SECRET COUNTRY TOPIC Soviet Troops in Kosterneuburg and Vienna X EVALUATION DATE OF CONTEN DATE OBTAINED DATE PREPARED 10 February 1955 REFERENCES PAGES 2 ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS 1. On 15 January 1955, individual officers wearing red-bordered black epaulets and soldiers wearing black-bordered red epaulets with artillery insignia left the former Pionier Kaserne in Klosterneuburg (0 49/5 30). The main gate of the kaserne was guarded by a sentry who wore black-bordered red epaulets. Van-like'motor vehicle with a driver wearing red-bordered black epaulets, which 50X1-HUM came from the direction of Vienna, entered the installation. Truck with a driver wearing black-bordered black epaulets, which5OX1-H U M carried snow and a snow-sweeping detail left the northwestern gate of the installation which was guarded by a sentry who wore red- bordered black epaulets. The men of the sweeping detail wore black- bordered black and black-bordered red epaulets and were led by an officer wearing black-bordered red epaulets. All shedroofs in the area of the former Pionier l1useum which was guarded by a sentry wearing a fur coat were empty. There was no activity. An aiming device representing a moving air target was installed between two smokestacks. The troops were a,-,parently still absent from the station area as was observed in the summer of 1954? they had 50X1-HUM left for the training grounds at the beginning of the year. 1 with drivers wearing red-bordered black epaulets were observed at the installation. Almost 100 soldiers bump Jeep black-bordered red and red-bordered black epaulets was parked in front of the Trost Kaserne in Vienna. The kaserne was guarded by a sentry who Fore black-bordered red epaulets. After bein occupied by soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets who came from the 50X1-HUM installation, the truck left toward Favoriten Strasse. Two armored half -track vehicles drivers.of which wore red- bordered black epaulets, left the Trost Kaserne. The vehicles had 50X1-HUM armored side and back walls, canvas roofs and Projecting heavy 2. On 15 January 1955, truck occupied by soldiers wearing 50X1-HUM 0 50X1-HUM CLASSIFICATION SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200140006-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200140006-5 received infantry training on the training ground south of the Trost Kaserne. Two soldiers who were supervised by an instructor practiced the emplacing of an air-cooled heavy machine gun on a wheeler carriage which was presumably the 1943 model. Gun fire' was heard from the direction of the target range in the area of the training ground from where, after a while, an aarmored full- track vehicle emerged. Due to the ]:urge distance the vehicle could not be identified as a tank or SP gun. Two T-34/85 tanks 50X1-HUM and 3 trucks were observed in the area of the repair shop at 109 to 111 Trost Strasse. About 25 motor vehicles which were parked at the garage at 83 Pernerstorfer Gasse included trucks Other motor vehicles observes 50X1-HUM at the installation included truck with a driver wearing black-bordered red epaulets and jeep) and van-like motor vehicle with drivers wearing red-bordered black epaulets. 2 Conznent. The 46th Gds iu ech Regt and the 8th Gds En,r Bn are stationed at Klosterneuburg. The motor vehicles and the equipment of these units are stored in the former Pionier iiuseum. 50X1-HUM In view of previous information, it appears unusual that the entire regiment, possibly also the engineer battalion, have roved to the training grounds in January. A short move of the several component units of the regiment to the troop training grounds for firing practices in January, however, corresponds to the Soviet training policy observed made in East Germany. Co;unent. The 44th Gds Mech Regt is stationed at the 50X1-HUM Trost ~aserne. It is believed that the ar;,ored half-track vehicles mentioned in the present report are model US-M 3 half-track armored personnel carriers. The two T-34/85 tanks belong to the 127th Tank Bn which is subordinate to the 44th Gds Liech Regt. The motor-vehicle 0 observed at the garage 50X1-HUM at 83 Pernerstorfer Gasse belon ? to the 13th Gds Mech Div. The motor vehicles observed at The Trost kaserne belong to the Central Group of forces in Vienna and Baden. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200140006-5