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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
May 5, 1955
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Approved For Release 2008/06/10 :CIA-RDP80-00810A006300270010-5 CLASSIFICATION C--O-N~~-II)-1i-H-T-I.~-L CENTRAL iNTELUGENCE AGENCY REPORT INf'ORMATION REPORT OOUI~Tt~1! SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. den High~~ 8ridss over Dorp! saver near Daepropstro~slc nns oocYec~rt cooTmoo ~srouAno~ ArrRen+n me pM10MAl osntsa o~ m= aonao siano. ~a no wwoo or mss w. rsaswos sos AiO 7lt. OR TN/ O. A COOT. A{ Y~tOtO. - 11Y 17Allfebfl0w OR MrLL? ATMM O/ 17i ODIIT~RTi 10 0! ~Ci1R fT M OIIA/fAOw~O ltM011 tf PlgNitl7[O q W /w{-~OOOC710N MTIM 1Ol11 ri 1MY141TCp. Attached is receivedo being torae.rded at STATE - - Z CLASSIFICATION c-p-~r-s-I-D-s-x-T-a-,s-L ~ AIR ~ ~ FBI co No. DAATE OISTR. NO.OF PAGES 5 l~hv 1;55 NO.OF ENCLS. ~usren Be~ow~ SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Approved For Release 2008/06/10 :CIA-RDP80-00810A006300270010-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/10 :CIA-RDP80-00810A006300270010-5 COUNTRY. TOPIC____ REPORT Construction of a New Road. Bridge over the Dnepr River near Dnerroretrovsk CLASS~I?ICATION DoT ~ iDY;?cl'Ilz:~ EVALUATION DATE GF CONTENT DATE 08TAI N ED REFERENCES.~.,.~ 1 -P__I.AGE 08TAINED__L~. l_.~DATE PREPARED PAGES ~ENC~.OSURES (NO. ~ ~nrp~ R'~h9ARKS This is UNEVALUATED Information 2~ Januaxy 1955 25X1 25X1 In February 1951, a reinforced condrete bridge, general7:y oall,ed "F.ew Highway Bridge" by the lOOal population, was under can8truction over the .Dnepr River near Dnepropetrovsk.l The arches of the strv eture were' completed. Concreting work for the rAa.d~ray of the bridge had been suspended because of the frost.' The bridge has an estimated aver-all length of 1,600 meters, is about 14 meters,~rde and has. three Yanes 25X1 in adc'ition to a t~+o~neter 'sidewalk on each side. The structure has 6 piers erected 200 meters apart except for the two middle ones which are 400 meters apart. The height of-the bridge over the river at mean water was about 12 meters in the middle arch. The southern banl: is stony Bnd.firm and slopes at an angle of about 30-degxees, and the northern bank is flp.t. The bridge was provided with ice breakers. In February 1951, the southern aprroach road of the bridle ~res~not ,yet under construction. Comment. Fo ?ocation and construct}on sketches of the brid:~e see kr;nexes 1 and 2. CLASSiFICATiON CONF'ID~;TIAI 25X1'. Approved For Release 2008/06/10 :CIA-RDP80-00810A006300270010-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/10 :CIA-RDP80-00810A006300270010-5 CQ?`T~'I73~`1Tx~> Looation of Highway T3.ridge near Dnepropetrovsk. !l U' ~' t0 SCQ~@ C CivFIDETTm I ^.l; Approved For Release 2008/06/10 :CIA-RDP80-00810A006300270010-5 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/06/10 :CIA-RDP80-00810A006300270010-5 CGiul' If)~1M1'tli.~ I~ __ ?A7 --~----.200 ~`__ . Cross Section of iirid~s Fier Di, ~~8rtic :ketch of Highway Hrid~e dear nneprot~etrovsk --- roo --~+--_..~--?- 400 --------~ ?'00----~'----- zoo ??--+~? G~~, ~IiTIAL~ Approved For Release 2008J06/10:CIA-RDP80-00810A006300270010-5