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Document Creation Date: 
December 21, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 30, 2008
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Publication Date: 
April 19, 1955
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Approved For Release 2008/05/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300480004-9 CLASSIFlCATION '--"" CiN11MI - REPOtw $ffi JJ N INFORMATION REPt' T CD NO. COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. Eas t Geraeny Rail Freight Traffic tlroaih East Gearmab Hord' Station DATE DISTR is, Ikpril Y55 NU. ( PA t" 25X1 NO, OF ENCLS. fUSTEU BELOY0 SUPPLEMENT REPORT NC. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION or an RMRp RtA:M $0111 Il MEA$*S M tflli sw1$iI$ 71a _ -- - _--- ... m 111 $ISSiOl1 os RAYRL? A7aS w to ao.n.i ,v w .w-?-? -- 0 rewim*O Or AS SII RL OCll0? K 153$ pw a 57 F 42 F 11 F 36 T 35 T 12 F 46 B 35 T 34 T 35 T 12 B 10 F 16 T 46 B 24 T 8 B 34 T 8 F 46 3 machinery parts N zcaffoidir,. s undetermined machinery parts uranium pre undetermined new tucks undetermined uranium ore undetermined CLASSIFICATION SECIRT B .. boxcar F - flatcar R - refrigerator cur ,i, .. express train coach shipments 1 and 16 February 1955: F1,01a To Februa Type of Cars Date in ?number and Load E3:: 'urt '1o 3kcx-'be tl-f, Gube.n 1b. bland Ce; ttbus Li. e Grosskorbetha Gu6e:n Forst 3 Ruh- land Cubc a Schwa-rzenberg Brent P.-aahl and Gubt'n Grooskorbetha Des: au &xe Approved For Release 2008/05/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300480004-9 Approved For Release 2008/05/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300480004-9 /j.6 B 34 P 46 :a 46 B 1 B 6 F 40 B 14 R 13 F 20 F 6F 4F 10 E 4F ore uridete-mined uranium ore 8 armed scout cars na'a machinery parts machinery parts new wheel sets 1;oward 4 Falkenbo g VW) n Poland 3 ;a'rt:; i n allin:'ornts r, ard Cars 0/11 o 5C) F 9tf C 46, 1 B, 21 F .oeni !S vu.ster- hau se n Frankfurt/Oder W ildpark laze Ruhland Schwarz: rib ;ue Gut,en GPO s skorbc , tha Dessau /Leipzig Chenirai. Leipzig Halle To Brew Satzkorn iildpagk Jue erhoC7 :ootherz Brest ^-,ii.:..2?'?::.?:t::ts F?', rr c':isoatched fro;n .. -O-mkfur`."/W}e : Cars 1 C /-a , L..~.. ~" 1` 49 cars J +_ud i ne; 10 cars 894 1310 Juei;erbog Luckenv"alde s:li-~)'ie^it bbz~ er~red passing through i.-,h- Muel-11:,ose railroad 1.-i and 11S,' '?:br'ua:'y: 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/05/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300480004-9 Approved For Release 2008/05/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300480004-9 Frankfk,rt/Cder 11 Brest 5 Fr.~ankfurt/Oder 11 direction of Cottbus 12 10 46 B uranium ore direction c Brost Cottbus 19 21 B ai wunition Frankfurt/Cdor. Toepchin 14 crash cars Date in Pe iu~ -''um'ber and lyga~ of Carte 14 2 B, 22 SSy 15 23 R, 8 F 17 2Q SSy .ory e h'::- Del erica:, iron East German byCxogenation plants t c, the J Sid and Polaand? Cor r.en.I; Deli-series from the uranium ore mining district in Sa.xony? 2? J In 1;'54, a total of 120,000 tons of uranium ore were :31,ip ed to the ?JSSRO In 1955# index fii;ur 97 is `;r s;~ ura mil. i!1 ore shipments. Index figure 69 was u -.ed ix.1 954 Ja LCo! ? -ob .bly ex9ort deliveries fron, East Gei':ic:r r:,c> t ~~ x, :iieie s'uipn ?t -__rom t:-e ',:iSS? rra_ co.~cer;?r d. Gu en has re.rely been u:red for the sAz a c.:F of weapons 'ind equ' p~,iE -it from the US R. 1rh v _'t .~ :on ? ~. ki_ pn nti o C J i,I E'.i1~ , 'It c =Ln: of determined Ci h? qer an 13 W O ,, e :-Wt Pelivevies by Fast German railroad car factories to the USSR, 1'h