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Publication Date: 
March 4, 1955
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-"'4 Approved For Release 2008/08/20: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300600009-0 25X1 COUNTRY. CLASSIFICATION S-ErC-a-&-T REPORT TopiG__.. Bordor-Crossin(; Trsific at Fran!:furt/Odor _~.~. _._.. PLACE OBTAINED, ,.__..J EVALUATION DATE OF CONTEN DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES.. PAGES 2 REMARKS ..DATE PREPARED-. ,ENCLOSURES two. & TYPE) 4 Larch 1955 1. The following rail shipments wore doterrrined 5 February: 20 flatcars with 20 new trucks from 1 anl:furt/Odor toward Cottbus 1 6 February: !40 boxcars with undetermined load and 16 gondola cars with crash cars from Tram;furt/Oder toward Falkenborg 2 0 February: 2 boxcars and 24 flatcara with 24 tanl:a from Guben toward Eilenburg 3 19 February: 2 boxcars and 21 flatcars with 21 tanks from Frankfurt/Oder toward Falkenb?rg 3 2 February: 2 boxcars and 20 flatcars with 20 tanks -rlth covered gun barrels from Frankfurt/Odor toward Eilenburg. 3 4 boxcars, I gondola car, and 59 flatearc gent 25X1 mom Dull ow to Brent Litovsk on 11 February under train 3. The following rail shipments were determined 17 February: 12 RRym-type flatcars from Brent Litovsk to Brandenburcunder train 19 February: 21 RRym.-typo flatcars from Brost Litovsk to Sat:.korn under train 12 boxcars with am unition from Brest Litovsk to Toepchin under 25X1 25X1 1. Comment. Arrival of now, and departure of old, trucks under the motor 25X1 vehicle roplacerront action. 2. Comment. Composition of the train definitely indicate ammunition shipments from the US:"IR. Toopohin is known as GSFC arinitirn depot. S.E-0-1-&-T -1- Approved For Release 2008/08/20: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300600009-0 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/08/20: CIA-RDP80-00810A006300600009-0 25X1 On i9 February, the train toward Falkenbor. and Satzkorn ar, oaod in the present roport. Approved For Release 2008/08/20: CIA-RDP80-00810A006300600009-0 3. C~nt. The arrival of tenkc of the' type was provioualy roported a. On Q Fobruarj, train l bound for is oinedorf b. On 23 FebTn r, I traan boated for Uoinsdorf Approved For Release 2008/08/20: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300600009-0 SECRET 844 It we . Itt N t ............r. Tt Barrier-Ereeaing ft*0:L4 at 7*w1kftV r EVALU~A DATE OF CON TENT DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES PAGES 2 DATE PREPARED 4 March 1955 ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS This is UNEVALUATED Information 1. The following rail shipments were determined _5 February: 20 flatcars with 20 new trucks from Frankfurt/Oder toward Cottbus 6: boxcars with undetermined load and 16 gondola cars with crash *srs from Frankfurt/Oder toward Falkenberg 2 8 FebruarM: 2 boxcars and 24 flatcars with 24 tanks from Guben toward Eilenburg 3 19 Febra'i: 2 boxcars and 21 flatcars with 21 tanks from Frankfurt/Oder toward Falkenberg 3 23 Feb;uary: 2 boxcars and 20 flatcars with 20 tanks with covered gun barrels from Frankfurt/Oder toward Eilenburg. 3 2. 4 boxcars, 1 gondola car, and 59 flatcars went from Dallggw 17 February: 12 RF4m-type flataa from Brest Litovsk to Brandenburg under train 19 Februarys 21 t e flatcr s from Brest Litovsk to Satzkorn under train_____________ 12 boxcars with ampanition from Brest Litovsk to Toepchin under Litovsk on 11 February under train 3. The following rail shipments were determined omment. Arrival of new, and departure of old, trucks under the motor vshicle replacement action. The transper tation number series 90/42xxx is used for motor vehicle shipments to the USSR. [Comment. Osaposition of the train and train number definitely indicate ammunition shipments from the ULU. ?oepehin is known as OSFO smmanition depot. Approved For Release 2008/08/20: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300600009-0 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/08/20: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300600009-0 * rte" fit Comment. The arrival of tanks of the new type was previously reported a. on 8 February, train b. On 23 February, a train bound for Meinsdorf c. On 19 February, the trains toward Falkenberg and Satzkorn as meioned in the present report. Approved For Release 2008/08/20: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300600009-0 Approved For Release 2008/08/20: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300600009-0 ~UNCODED UNCODED DATE OF CANT DATE OBTAINED, REFERENCES PAGES I ENCLOSURES (NO. & rf PL7) REMARKS 1. During January 1955, construction work at Wolfsbehringen airfield, because of the weather was not resumed. Of the local workers, an 25X1 emergency detail had been organized at the construction site, while the non-local workers were gI*en here?les a with 60 percent pay until work could be resumed. It was not expected that work would begin until 14 days after the end of the frost period. 2. An initial investigation had been started against the bonstruction supervisor and the business manager who had recognized overtime work without being fully authorised. Overtime work was permitted only in emergency cases and with special permission. Some of the overtime hours worked during the unloading opsrqtions of incoming constriction material had not been approved so far by the pauuaion Sued. It appeared possible that the law proceedings would be started against the two men responsible. Approved For Release 2008/08/20: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300600009-0