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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
March 24, 1955
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Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700100007-3 C JUNTR t TOPIC CLASSIFICATION t Germany Rail Front Traffic, throw Frank urt/Odor E /ALUATIO DATE OF CONTENT TE OBTAINED r ; R FERENCES REPORT 11 25X1 DATE PREPARED _ , F AGES 3 ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) H MARKS 24 t?arch 1955 F G - T boxcar flatcar Gondola car rofriuerator car tan1: car 1. Tho followin, ahipmento vero obcorvod at Frankfurt/Odor botroon 9 and 16 tsarcli I U5: Date in ITunbor and I.:arch Typo of Load From Cc3rs - - 9 20 T undotormined 36 B undetermined 40 B 10 r 56 B undetermined canvas-covered track-leyini vahiclee undetermined undetermined empttiy coke iron tubes undotsrmined qty cola iron ors 40 T empty CLASSIFICATION S_''?CR'!'P PI ACE ORTAINEE Frankfurt/Odor Brett Litovolk 1 Brost Litovsk Pronzlau 2 Franatfttrt/Odor Brost Litovsk Brost Litovsk Frankfurt/Odor Brost Litovsk Brest Litovsk Frantdbrt/Oder Brest Litovsk Frankfurt/0der Brost Litovsk Brest Litovsk Frankfurt/Odor Brost Litovsk Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700100007-3 Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700100007-3 17 .10 35 B mndeternined frost Litovsk 20 F oanvas-oovassd . traok-lapriag vehicles 56 B u d 55 F OMPty and 0 56 0 coke iron we 14 25 T undetermined 30 B mdeteszeiaed 56 a cob. 56 a coal 1 train 16 radio trucks with tp-says trailers Fsavkfurt/Odor laraaidsd to Rails 2 Brest Litovsk Bit Litovsk Tr+anldU tbdar hss~lcll~ri/C~leer 25R new 16 56 B eapty 56 0 coke and iron ore 46 B uranium ore Brest Litovsk TZsoldttst/OdW Brest Litavek kttwt/Oder Brest Li to k Drsst Litov* sleet Litovsk F sz kfa't/Odor Fr etkfart/Odor Brost Litovsk ?rankfartt/od.r 10 a~ 18 ?Sarohi CB - oomvvertod bazaar Data in Number and LIarch Type of Care Load hCU 10 23 B undetermined Justsrbog.. 9 crashoars Altos Lager 15 1 C8, 50 F " Ko.nig uatsrr. hues 16 22 B ammumitioo` is- ff.kfWt/Odsr 11 craahcare 8 B military goods 18 1 CB, 18 F uadstsroiaed edort exceeded Srtakorn Ernst Litovsk 5 'set Litovsk Broot Litovsk 6 Alts. Lager Frw4kfu2t/Oder transit 0 on 18 Xaroh, 22 flatoars, the load of which standard m.asnre?en tors dismtdwd /Odor to 4. The following eupplearata 7 information is given to the last sit: Crates shinned oa 2 and T ffia~eh ~eaair~taI : Q c : 2 R on 15 arc j a .pest .of 25 llatoaare With 25 buck Nhausia with drivers cabins v ob ,e:~vvd eeding from the direction of P~d1~/Odsr in the direction of ?Cc hbue. 2 Si"CRr . Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700100007-3 Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700100007-3 5. The following ammmition shipmts dispetsh d free adell xk/0dsr ant coaai{ nd to the awnwxitias- despot Date Number of Dan"" 7 20, Psbruary 4 March 5 March 5 March Cacrlent. Deliveries fz'c But Neste visa" is we and: empr tank oars rstm nsd bred to EAR. Co?r~ent. Thew two add s .s~net be olor1y i*e Used 'J are poesib identical with the toss= 'r O 17 flatcars with T-54 te.ka to Prraslan ad 7 Marsh 20 flatcars with T-54 tasks to NeInd xt on 12 1 3? Ca!m ent. Probably rata asteFial delirerise to the Ni t Oat -~ry Coozbiao Eewt) at Pt~reterrbsr fOd r. Cam- Q. These radio trucks wore possibly ocasi Isd to the Tosntr-2ur h Air An W. The shiporaat was probably f s*4td fres t was kfuxt/Ader border statigt. Cornent. Deliveries from lhat'O.ta raitresd" ear fsotari s to th. USSR. total of t 10,000 tons of uramitU oar. per month. ~C ocren t . Dsliwrt fin the ursoivii erxchange 8t1. 9. Comment. Deliveries from the UM to the Soviet Mmition depots at Jueterbog and Toepchin. 25X1 COMMUt.-This shi nt tidal number of oars 25X1 and receiving station but on 17 2bA1 previously. The shi t canno i ? load exaesdiag ard meaaurameate in connection with this depot can, ho~rsver, not be ccoun,w^oounted for. r? 12. ICo.=:nnent. These chassis are provided with special ssp1 0162eialotea in the GDi. 21 1 9 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700100007-3