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Document Creation Date: 
December 21, 2016
Document Release Date: 
June 17, 2008
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Publication Date: 
June 20, 1955
Content Type: 
Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006900900004-6 %0LAgoif r-4%1 tun ENTRAL REPORT I MA" 'T CD NO. COMM list 06rsaay DATE DISTR. 20 ssa* 1955 SUBJECT R'irn.ver in the Wl.1esale Trade in 19% NO. OF PAM 1 PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. ,US 90MMMM T 0M1Ui.s 110g111M11OM ARUCTM? TR^ MR116"L YIPEMfi N 61gp11p1 NM I$. WWVL 1 ml piarn M or >Ra 10. S*CYI0SS 703 PS!M.N it.!.Co50.MAM 0. IRS11p-Mm00S SNd*m it- NO. OF ENCLS. a.+easo rsuM SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. TWS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION r. easrrte& t of the the wi .esa1s tra&t. %e rwa Wing 6.7 psrerst are breAan dean es 0.9 pereest deepsseat&,"es stores, trade cooperatives 0.8 preeats, 0.3 percent and private whelesale enterpriaea 4.7 pereestit. CLASSIFICATION Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006900900004-6 25X1 25X1 4 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006900900004-6 CENTRAL IREPORT CD NO. SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO, Tu over in the Wholes ale Trade in / 1954 NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCtS. tusnro BQpvq SUPPLEMENT TO- REPORT NO. 1 TYff 00000tM1'fOMTAI! 1MFOog11AT10/1 .w,uC71Rf TMs aATIONAL OfPSRf! OP Tog! 1111710 OTATEU. MUM us 0111111110 OF TITLE Is. f11CTIO11s 70f sogf 711. OR TRS 0. s. COOL. Af AME~DEO. tT! TRAMS/I/37OM O! sE77L'.- AflOM OP ITf C011=170 70 09 BCIIPT IT AN OMASTMORIL80 PERSON THIS IS UNEVALUATED "NFORMATION Is PR011s17l0 IT 40 TMs REPRO0YCTIOI OF TMIg PORN Is PRON101TQ0. On 18 April 1955, thw nationalized wholesale trade represented 93.3 percen-: of the 1954 total-'- of th t h l d l 6 e w esa e o ra e. he remaining .7 percent are broken down as fo lotst 0.9 percent cooperatives stores, trade ooopeeatives Oo8 percent, other cooperatives 003 percent and private wholesale enterprises 4.7 percents , a 4 _ _,-* 4 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006900900004-6